WesMaps - Fall 2017 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       COL
COL104Baroque Rome
COL109A History of Civil Disobedience
COL110What Does Art Mean? Studies in Aesthetics and Cultural Relevance
COL112The European Novel from Cervantes to Calvino
COL113The Language of Poetry
COL117Writing Love: Myth-Making and Experience in the Literature of Amour
COL118The Fall of Rome and Other Stories
COL120Muslims, Jews, and Christians: Getting Along in Medieval Spain
COL123Love, Sex, and Marriage in Renaissance Europe
COL128Constantinople: From Rome to Istanbul
COL129Writing the French Revolution
COL206Remembering the Self: Forces and Forms of Autobiography
COL208Rome Through the Ages
COL213Writing Short Fiction
COL214The Modern and the Postmodern
COL215Theater of Anton Chekhov: Research, Analysis, and Performance
COL219Modern Spain: Literature, Painting, and the Arts in Their Historical Context
COL220Modern Christian Thought
COL223The Picaresque Hero: Rogue (Picaro), Anti-Hero, Citizen
COL22520th-Century Franco-Caribbean Literature and the Search for Identity
COL227Life Writing: Writing About the Self and from Experience
COL230Introduction to European Avant-Garde, 1880--1940
COL231Orientalism: Spain and Africa
COL232Paris and Its Representations: Realities and Fantasies
COL233Tales of Transcendental Homelessness: Journey, Adventure, and the Foreigner Before the Novel
COL237The World of Federico García Lorca: Tradition and Modernity in the Spanish Avant-Garde
COL239Paris, 19th Century
COL240Modernism and Modernity in 19th-Century French Painting
COL244Junior Colloquium
COL246Senior Colloquium
COL248Urban Fantasies: The City, Sexuality, and National Identity in the Modern Spanish Novel
COL251Kafka: Literature, Law, and Power
COL254Folly & Enlightenment: Madness Before and After the Mind/Body Split
COL256The Emergence of World Literature(s)
COL265Nabokov and Cultural Synthesis
COL270Modernist City-Texts
COL271Performing Ethnicity: Gypsies and the Culture of Flamenco in Spain
COL273The Agony and the Ecstasy: The German Novel and Novella
COL276Creativity and Crisis: Germany 1918-1933
COL277Language, Thought, and Politics
COL280Work: Its History and Future
COL285Spanish Identity in the Early Modern World
COL286French Cinema: An Introduction
COL289Forbidden Love: From the Middle Ages to the French Revolution
COL293Goethe, Schiller, and German Romanticism
COL298Minorities in French Cinema
COL303Matter, Community, Environment
COL304Negotiating Gender in the Maghreb
COL307Negotiating French Identity: Migration and Identity in Contemporary France
COL308Medievals on the Move: Pilgrimage, Jihad, Crusade, and Apocalypse
COL309Truth and the Poet: Lyric Subjectivity from Dante to Dylan
COL311Spinoza's ETHICS
COL313Classic Spanish Plays: Love, Violence, and (Poetic) Justice on the Early Modern Stage
COL330Plato's Moral Psychology
COL332European Intellectual History since the Renaissance
COL334The History of Spanish Cinema
COL336Theories of Translation
COL339Reading Theories
COL340Observing Justice: Trials and Judgments in Arendt, Kleist, and Kafka
COL347Emperor, Caliph, King: Comparing the Byzantines, Abbasids, and Carolingians
COL349Modernism and the Total Work of Art
COL359Philosophical Classics I: Ancient Western Philosophy
COL360Philosophical Classics II: Early Modern Philosophy from Descartes Through Kant
COL370Digital History

Spring 2018 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       COL
COL104Baroque Rome
COL109A History of Civil Disobedience
COL110What Does Art Mean? Studies in Aesthetics and Cultural Relevance
COL112The European Novel from Cervantes to Calvino
COL115How to Read a Literary Text
COL117Writing Love: Myth-Making and Experience in the Literature of Amour
COL118The Fall of Rome and Other Stories
COL125Staging America: Modern American Drama
COL128Constantinople: From Rome to Istanbul
COL150Great Books Unbound
COL201Writing Nonfiction
COL202Poetry and Politics: Pound, Arendt, Lowell
COL204British Literature in the Enlightenment: Individualism, Consumer Culture, and the Public Sphere
COL206Remembering the Self: Forces and Forms of Autobiography
COL208Rome Through the Ages
COL213Writing Short Fiction
COL215Theater of Anton Chekhov: Research, Analysis, and Performance
COL216"Multikulti Germany": Expressions of Germany's Cultural Diversity
COL217Love and Loss in Medieval and Early Modern French Literature and Culture
COL219Modern Spain: Literature, Painting, and the Arts in Their Historical Context
COL220Modern Christian Thought
COL224The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Rethinking the Italian Renaissance
COL228Virtue and Vice in History, Literature, and Philosophy
COL229Heroes, Lovers, and Swindlers: Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature and History
COL232Paris and Its Representations: Realities and Fantasies
COL233Tales of Transcendental Homelessness: Journey, Adventure, and the Foreigner Before the Novel
COL237The World of Federico García Lorca: Tradition and Modernity in the Spanish Avant-Garde
COL238Animal Theories/Human Fictions
COL239Paris, 19th Century
COL240Modernism and Modernity in 19th-Century French Painting
COL241Sophomore Colloquium
COL243Junior Colloquium
COL245Senior Colloquium
COL248Urban Fantasies: The City, Sexuality, and National Identity in the Modern Spanish Novel
COL249Narrative and Ideology
COL254Folly & Enlightenment: Madness Before and After the Mind/Body Split
COL256The Emergence of World Literature(s)
COL265Nabokov and Cultural Synthesis
COL266History and Limits of Aesthetic Theory
COL268Understanding Modernity: Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud
COL271Performing Ethnicity: Gypsies and the Culture of Flamenco in Spain
COL275Virtue Ethics: Traditional, Comparative, and Contemporary Approaches
COL276Creativity and Crisis: Germany 1918-1933
COL277Language, Thought, and Politics
COL280Work: Its History and Future
COL284Rethinking the Baroque
COL285Spanish Identity in the Early Modern World
COL286French Cinema: An Introduction
COL289Forbidden Love: From the Middle Ages to the French Revolution
COL291Forward, Without Forgetting: The GDR in Literature and Film
COL293Goethe, Schiller, and German Romanticism
COL297Reading Nietzsche
COL298Minorities in French Cinema
COL299The Grumbling Hive: Ethics and British Literature, 1660--1800
COL304Negotiating Gender in the Maghreb
COL307Negotiating French Identity: Migration and Identity in Contemporary France
COL308Medievals on the Move: Pilgrimage, Jihad, Crusade, and Apocalypse
COL311Spinoza's ETHICS
COL314Crossing Borders on the Early Modern Stage
COL316Reality and Escape: Four Contemporary German Novels
COL320Modern Intellectual History in Global Perspectives
COL324Interpreting the "New World": France and the Early Modern Americas
COL330Plato's Moral Psychology
COL332European Intellectual History since the Renaissance
COL332LEuropean Intellectual History since the Renaissance- Service Learning
COL336Theories of Translation
COL340Observing Justice: Trials and Judgments in Arendt, Kleist, and Kafka
COL346Digital Humanities: Intellectual Encounters in the 21st Century
COL347Emperor, Caliph, King: Comparing the Byzantines, Abbasids, and Carolingians
COL349Modernism and the Total Work of Art
COL360Philosophical Classics II: Early Modern Philosophy from Descartes Through Kant
COL370Digital History

Last Updated on FEB-17-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459