COL104 | Baroque Rome |
COL108 | Language |
COL109 | A History of Civil Disobedience |
COL110 | What Does Art Mean? Studies in Aesthetics and Cultural Relevance |
COL112 | The European Novel from Cervantes to Calvino |
COL115 | How to Read a Literary Text |
COL117 | Writing Love: Myth-Making and Experience in the Literature of Amour |
COL118 | The Fall of Rome and Other Stories |
COL125 | Staging America: Modern American Drama |
COL128 | Constantinople: From Rome to Istanbul |
COL150 | Great Books Unbound |
COL201 | Writing Nonfiction |
COL202 | Poetry and Politics: Pound, Arendt, Lowell |
COL204 | British Literature in the Enlightenment: Individualism, Consumer Culture, and the Public Sphere |
COL206 | Remembering the Self: Forces and Forms of Autobiography |
COL208 | Rome Through the Ages |
COL213 | Writing Short Fiction |
COL215 | Theater of Anton Chekhov: Research, Analysis, and Performance |
COL216 | "Multikulti Germany": Expressions of Germany's Cultural Diversity |
COL217 | Love and Loss in Medieval and Early Modern French Literature and Culture |
COL219 | Modern Spain: Literature, Painting, and the Arts in Their Historical Context |
COL220 | Modern Christian Thought |
COL224 | The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Rethinking the Italian Renaissance |
COL228 | Virtue and Vice in History, Literature, and Philosophy |
COL229 | Heroes, Lovers, and Swindlers: Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature and History |
COL232 | Paris and Its Representations: Realities and Fantasies |
COL233 | Tales of Transcendental Homelessness: Journey, Adventure, and the Foreigner Before the Novel |
COL237 | The World of Federico García Lorca: Tradition and Modernity in the Spanish Avant-Garde |
COL238 | Animal Theories/Human Fictions |
COL239 | Paris, 19th Century |
COL240 | Modernism and Modernity in 19th-Century French Painting |
COL241 | Sophomore Colloquium |
COL243 | Junior Colloquium |
COL245 | Senior Colloquium |
COL248 | Urban Fantasies: The City, Sexuality, and National Identity in the Modern Spanish Novel |
COL249 | Narrative and Ideology |
COL254 | Folly & Enlightenment: Madness Before and After the Mind/Body Split |
COL256 | The Emergence of World Literature(s) |
COL262 | Tolstoy |
COL265 | Nabokov and Cultural Synthesis |
COL266 | History and Limits of Aesthetic Theory |
COL268 | Understanding Modernity: Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud |
COL271 | Performing Ethnicity: Gypsies and the Culture of Flamenco in Spain |
COL275 | Virtue Ethics: Traditional, Comparative, and Contemporary Approaches |
COL276 | Creativity and Crisis: Germany 1918-1933 |
COL277 | Language, Thought, and Politics |
COL280 | Work: Its History and Future |
COL284 | Rethinking the Baroque |
COL285 | Spanish Identity in the Early Modern World |
COL286 | French Cinema: An Introduction |
COL289 | Forbidden Love: From the Middle Ages to the French Revolution |
COL291 | Forward, Without Forgetting: The GDR in Literature and Film |
COL293 | Goethe, Schiller, and German Romanticism |
COL297 | Reading Nietzsche |
COL298 | Minorities in French Cinema |
COL299 | The Grumbling Hive: Ethics and British Literature, 1660--1800 |
COL304 | Negotiating Gender in the Maghreb |
COL307 | Negotiating French Identity: Migration and Identity in Contemporary France |
COL308 | Medievals on the Move: Pilgrimage, Jihad, Crusade, and Apocalypse |
COL311 | Spinoza's ETHICS |
COL314 | Crossing Borders on the Early Modern Stage |
COL316 | Reality and Escape: Four Contemporary German Novels |
COL320 | Modern Intellectual History in Global Perspectives |
COL324 | Interpreting the "New World": France and the Early Modern Americas |
COL327 | Cervantes |
COL330 | Plato's Moral Psychology |
COL332 | European Intellectual History since the Renaissance |
COL332L | European Intellectual History since the Renaissance- Service Learning |
COL336 | Theories of Translation |
COL340 | Observing Justice: Trials and Judgments in Arendt, Kleist, and Kafka |
COL341 | Plato's REPUBLIC |
COL346 | Digital Humanities: Intellectual Encounters in the 21st Century |
COL347 | Emperor, Caliph, King: Comparing the Byzantines, Abbasids, and Carolingians |
COL349 | Modernism and the Total Work of Art |
COL360 | Philosophical Classics II: Early Modern Philosophy from Descartes Through Kant |
COL370 | Digital History |