AMST201 | Junior Colloquium: Critical Queer Studies |
AMST208 | Junior Colloquium: Visual Culture Studies and Violence |
AMST260 | Bioethics and the Animal/Human Boundary |
AMST302 | Lyric Poetry and Music: The Color and Politics of Cry, Sound, and Voice |
AMST351 | Queer of Color Critique |
ANTH203 | Sex, Money, and Power: Anthropology of Intimacy and Exchange |
ANTH207 | Anthropology of Time |
ANTH295 | Theory 1: Beyond me, Me, ME: Reflexive Anthropology |
ANTH302 | Critical Perspectives on the State |
ANTH319 | Toxic Sovereignties: Life after Environmental Collapse |
CEAS395 | From Fascism to Fukushima: Navigating the Everyday in Modern Japan |
CHUM288 | Literary Perversions: Revolution, Democracy, Identity |
CHUM302 | Black Speculative Fictions and the Anthropocene |
CHUM306 | Techniques of the Liar: Performance, Artifice, Fraud |
CHUM355 | Social Movements Lab |
CHUM356 | Queer Necropolitics |
COL225 | 20th-Century Franco-Caribbean Literature and the Search for Identity |
COL238 | Animal Theories/Human Fictions |
COL249 | Narrative and Ideology |
COL290 | Nietzsche - Science, Psychology, Genealogy |
COL308 | Medievals on the Move: Pilgrimage, Jihad, Crusade, and Apocalypse |
COL336 | Theories of Translation |
CSS371 | Junior Colloquium: Social Theory |
ECON358 | History of Economic Thought |
ENGL222 | Slavery and the Literary Imagination |
ENGL312 | Special Topic: Girls: Character Development Across Genres |
ENGL328 | Brown, Black, and Queer Forms and Feelings |
ENGL355 | Scribes, Book Worms, and Bibliomaniacs: The Thrall of the Book |
ENGL370 | The Novel as History |
ENGL380 | Special Topics: Prosody and Poetic Forms |
ENGL382 | Reading Between Freedom and Necessity |
FGSS269 | Gender and History: Global Feminist Theories and Narratives of the Past (FGSS Gateway) |
GOVT337 | Virtue and Glory: Classical Political Theory |
GOVT339 | Contemporary Political Theory |
GOVT355 | Political Theory and Transitional Justice |
HIST141 | Theories and Models |
HIST189 | Introduction to History: History of the Present |
HIST214 | The Modern and the Postmodern |
HIST215 | European Intellectual History to the Renaissance |
HIST216 | European Intellectual History since the Renaissance |
HIST338 | History and Theory |
PHIL202 | Philosophical Classics II: Early Modern Philosophy from Descartes Through Kant |
PHIL212 | Introduction to Ethics |
PHIL258 | Post-Kantian European Philosophy |
PHIL267 | History and Limits of Aesthetic Theory |
PHIL277 | Feminist Philosophy and Moral Theory (FGSS Gateway) |
PHIL287 | Philosophy of Science |
PSYC259 | Discovering the Person |
PSYC314 | Theories in Psychology |
RELI213 | Refugees & Exiles: Religion in the Diaspora |
RELI220 | Modern Christian Thought |
RELI272 | Ethics After the Holocaust |
RELI292 | Reason and Revelation: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion |
RELI299 | Imagining Communities: National Religions and Political Rituals |
RELI307 | Ritual |
RUSS267 | Parody: Humor, Artistic Evolution, and Restoration of the Sacred |
SISP320 | Life and Death: Relations of Biopower and Necropower |
SOC234 | Media and Society |
SOC260 | Sound and Screen |
SOC269 | Bad Sex |
SOC299 | The Future Perfect |
SOC302 | Paternalism and Social Power |
THEA302 | Contemporary Theater: Theories and Aesthetics |
THEA316 | Advanced Topics in Performance Studies: Imagining Anticolonial Performance Practices |