WesMaps - Fall 2022 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CSCT
AMST176Critical Race Theory: An Introduction to American Studies
AMST177American Movies as American Studies: An Introduction to American Studies
AMST260Bioethics and the Animal/Human Boundary
AMST302Lyric Poetry and Music: The Color and Politics of Cry, Sound, and Voice
ANTH295BTheory in Anthropology: Anthropology of Affect
CHUM345Historicizing Early Modern Sexualities
COL22520th-Century Franco-Caribbean Literature and the Search for Identity
COL265Frankfurt School Critical Theory, Then and Now
COL337What is (a) Language?
ENGL201BWays of Reading: Unreliability
ENGL295Reading Theories
ENGL370The Novel as History
FGSS200Sex/Gender in Critical Perspective (FGSS Gateway)
FGSS234Queer Russia
FGSS244Feminist and Queer Theories of Social Reproduction
FILM360Philosophy and the Movies: The Past on Film
GOVT342Questioning Authority: On the Politics of the Teacher-Student Relationship
HIST318The Politics of Death: The Living, the Dead, and the State
HIST351Beyond 1619: Enslavement in the United States, 1619-1860
ITAL226The Cosmos of Dante's "Comedy"
MUSC291The Gendering of Music in Cross-Cultural Perspective
PHIL212Introduction to Ethics
PHIL273Latin American and Caribbean Political Philosophy
PHIL277Feminist Philosophy and Moral Theory (FGSS Gateway)
RELI272FEthics After the Holocaust (FYS)
RELI299Imagining Communities: National Religions and Political Rituals
RL&L234Cuneiform to Kindle: Fragments of a Material History of Literature
SOC299The Future Perfect

Spring 2023 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CSCT
AFAM287Psychology and the Law
AFAM315Black Literary Theory
AMST266New York City: Architecture and Urbanism
ANTH295ATheory in Anthropology: Anthropology and the Experience of Limits
ANTH398Queer/Anthropology: Ethnographic Approaches to Queer Studies
ARHA339Modernism and the Total Work of Art
CEAS395From Fascism to Fukushima: Navigating the Everyday in Modern Japan
COL239Rebels and Rebellions in Early Modern Spain
COL254Folly & Enlightenment: Madness Before and After the Mind/Body Split
COL274Outsiders in European Literature
COL294Soundscapes of Islam
COL336Theories of Translation
ENGL327Criticism and Psychoanalysis
ENGL359Criticism and Marxism
ENGL381The Gothic and the Sentimental
ENVS273Environmental Politics in East Asia
FGSS244Feminist and Queer Theories of Social Reproduction
GOVT159The Moral Basis of Politics
GRST250Cultural Criticism and Aesthetic Theory: Walter Benjamin and Theodor Adorno
HIST191Introduction to History: Pacific Worlds
HIST192Introduction to History: U.S. Political History, 1789-Present
HIST214The Modern and the Postmodern
HIST216European Intellectual History since the Renaissance
HIST261Enlightenment and Science
HIST338History and Theory
MUSC219I am the Loudest Sound in This Room // I am the Softest Sound in This Room
PHIL258Post-Kantian European Philosophy
PHIL273Latin American and Caribbean Political Philosophy
RELI213Refugees & Exiles: Religion in the Diaspora
RUSS267Parody: Humor, Artistic Evolution, and Restoration of the Sacred
SOC212Sociology and Social Theory
SOC269Bad Sex
SOC302Paternalism and Social Power
THEA316Advanced Topics in Performance Studies: Imagining Anticolonial Performance Practices

Last Updated on SEP-20-2024
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