EAST101 | Elementary Chinese |
EAST105 | Chinese Character Writing |
EAST106 | Chinese Calligraphy |
EAST112 | Introduction to East Asian Music |
EAST153 | Elementary Korean I |
EAST202 | From Nativism to Post/Colonialism: Japanese Literature, 1868-1945 |
EAST205 | Intermediate Japanese |
EAST207 | The Dream of the Red Chamber |
EAST208 | Politics and Society: Japanese Fiction Since 1945 |
EAST209 | Japan's "Others": cultural production of difference |
EAST210 | The Classics Reconsidered |
EAST211 | China Modern - An Introduction to the Literature and Film of 20th Century China |
EAST212 | Mishima and Oe: Two Postwar Writers of Japan |
EAST216 | Stereotyped Japan: A Critical Investigation of "Geisha Girls" and "Samurai Spirit" |
EAST219 | Fourth-Year Japanese |
EAST223 | History of Traditional China |
EAST224 | Modern China |
EAST226 | The Asian American Female Subject |
EAST231 | The Theater in China |
EAST235 | Women Writers of Japan |
EAST243 | Modern Chinese Cities in Literature and Film: Beijing and Beyond |
EAST245 | Fourth-Year Chinese |
EAST247 | The High Culture of China |
EAST250 | Introduction to Korean Literature |
EAST253 | Intermediate Korean I |
EAST260 | From Archipelago to Nation State: An Introduction to Japanese History & Culture |
EAST261 | Classical Chinese Philosophy |
EAST262 | Neo-Confucian Chinese Philosophy |
EAST268 | Music and Modernity in China, Japan and Korea |
EAST270 | Human Rights Across Cultures |
EAST283 | The Traditional Arts of Japan |
EAST285 | Indian Sculpture and its Contexts: Harappan Seals to Chola Bronzes |
EAST287 | Traditions of East Asian Painting |
EAST288 | Temples and Shrines of Japan |
EAST289 | Art and Culture in Premodern Korea |
EAST297 | Politics and Political Development in the People's Republic of China |
EAST308 | Women in Premodern East Asia |
EAST312 | Politicizing the Lotus: State Patronage of Buddhism, its Rituals, and its Art |
EAST323 | History and Poetry |
EAST324 | New Truth History |
EAST325 | Human Rights and Chinese Philosophy |
EAST327 | Sagehood |
EAST340 | Reading Theories |
EAST341 | Culinary Scapes: Food and Race in Asian America |
EAST350 | Women and Buddhism |
EAST368 | Economy of Japan |
EAST373 | Patterns of the Chinese Past: Culture, Politics, Ecology |
EAST380 | Studies in Asian Art: Seminar on Japanese Narrative Scrolls |
EAST381 | Relic and Image: The Archaeology and Social History of Indian Buddhism |
EAST382 | Civil Society in Comparative Perspectives |
EAST383 | East Asian and Latin American Development |
EAST384 | Japan and the Atomic Bomb |
EAST390 | Chinese and Comparative Historiography : The Quest for Historical Truth |