WesMaps - Fall 2006 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       EAST
EAST106Chinese Calligraphy
EAST112Introduction to East Asian Music
EAST154Elementary Korean II
EAST180Great Traditions of Asian Art
EAST187From Warring States to the Shogun's Realm: The Global Origins of the Early Modern Japanese State
EAST202From Nativism to Post/Colonialism: Japanese Literature, 1868-1945
EAST206Intermediate Japanese
EAST207The Dream of the Red Chamber
EAST208Politics and Society: Japanese Fiction Since 1945
EAST209Japan's "Others": cultural production of difference
EAST210The Classics Reconsidered
EAST211China Modern - An Introduction to the Literature and Film of 20th Century China
EAST212Mishima and Oe: Two Postwar Writers of Japan
EAST215Introduction to Classical Chinese
EAST222Fourth-Year Japanese
EAST223History of Traditional China
EAST224Modern China
EAST235Women Writers of Japan
EAST237The United States and Japan in World War II
EAST243Modern Chinese Cities in Literature and Film: Beijing and Beyond
EAST245Fourth Year Chinese
EAST247The High Culture of China
EAST250Introduction to Korean Literature
EAST263Introduction to Asian American Literature
EAST267Economies of East Asia
EAST268Music and Modernity in China, Japan and Korea
EAST270Human Rights Across Cultures
EAST271Political Economy of Developing Countries
EAST281The Traditional Arts of China
EAST282Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy
EAST284Buddhist Art from India to Japan
EAST287Traditions of East Asian Painting
EAST289Art and Culture in Premodern Korea
EAST296Politics in Japan
EAST297Politics and Political Development in the People's Republic of China
EAST312Politicizing the Lotus: State Patronage of Buddhism, its Rituals, and its Art
EAST323History and Poetry
EAST343Tibetan Buddhism
EAST350Women and Buddhism
EAST373Patterns of the Chinese Past: Culture, Politics, Ecology
EAST380Studies in Asian Art: Seminar on Japanese Narrative Scrolls
EAST381Relic and Image: The Archaeology and Social History of Indian Buddhism
EAST384Japan and the Atomic Bomb
EAST390Chinese and Comparative Historiography : The Quest for Historical Truth
EAST398East Asian Studies Senior Seminar
EAST419Student Forum
EAST460Introduction to Sumi-e Painting
EAST461Alternative Printmaking: Beginning Japanese Woodblock Technique

Spring 2007 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       EAST
EAST101Elementary Chinese
EAST105Chinese Character Writing
EAST106Chinese Calligraphy
EAST112Introduction to East Asian Music
EAST153Elementary Korean I
EAST202From Nativism to Post/Colonialism: Japanese Literature, 1868-1945
EAST205Intermediate Japanese
EAST207The Dream of the Red Chamber
EAST208Politics and Society: Japanese Fiction Since 1945
EAST209Japan's "Others": cultural production of difference
EAST210The Classics Reconsidered
EAST211China Modern - An Introduction to the Literature and Film of 20th Century China
EAST212Mishima and Oe: Two Postwar Writers of Japan
EAST216Stereotyped Japan: A Critical Investigation of "Geisha Girls" and "Samurai Spirit"
EAST219Fourth-Year Japanese
EAST223History of Traditional China
EAST224Modern China
EAST226The Asian American Female Subject
EAST231The Theater in China
EAST235Women Writers of Japan
EAST243Modern Chinese Cities in Literature and Film: Beijing and Beyond
EAST245Fourth-Year Chinese
EAST247The High Culture of China
EAST250Introduction to Korean Literature
EAST253Intermediate Korean I
EAST260From Archipelago to Nation State: An Introduction to Japanese History & Culture
EAST261Classical Chinese Philosophy
EAST262Neo-Confucian Chinese Philosophy
EAST268Music and Modernity in China, Japan and Korea
EAST270Human Rights Across Cultures
EAST283The Traditional Arts of Japan
EAST285Indian Sculpture and its Contexts: Harappan Seals to Chola Bronzes
EAST287Traditions of East Asian Painting
EAST288Temples and Shrines of Japan
EAST289Art and Culture in Premodern Korea
EAST297Politics and Political Development in the People's Republic of China
EAST308Women in Premodern East Asia
EAST312Politicizing the Lotus: State Patronage of Buddhism, its Rituals, and its Art
EAST323History and Poetry
EAST324New Truth History
EAST325Human Rights and Chinese Philosophy
EAST340Reading Theories
EAST341Culinary Scapes: Food and Race in Asian America
EAST350Women and Buddhism
EAST368Economy of Japan
EAST373Patterns of the Chinese Past: Culture, Politics, Ecology
EAST380Studies in Asian Art: Seminar on Japanese Narrative Scrolls
EAST381Relic and Image: The Archaeology and Social History of Indian Buddhism
EAST382Civil Society in Comparative Perspectives
EAST383East Asian and Latin American Development
EAST384Japan and the Atomic Bomb
EAST390Chinese and Comparative Historiography : The Quest for Historical Truth

Last Updated on FEB-17-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459