WesMaps - Fall 2012 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL108Sequels, Prequels, and Rewrites
ENGL111Shakespeare and Company
ENGL131Writing About Places
ENGL180Writing About Science
ENGL201AWays of Reading: Adapting Shakespeare
ENGL201BWays of Reading: Narrative Forms
ENGL201DWays of Reading: Reading for Genre: Form, History, Theory
ENGL201EWays of Reading: Reading Encounters: Text, Travel, and Perception
ENGL204American Literature, 1865-1945
ENGL206British Literature: Late Renaissance to Enlightenment
ENGL207Chaucer and the Critical Power of Medieval Literature
ENGL208Enlightenment to Modernism: British Literature, 1780-1914
ENGL209From Seduction to Civil War: The Early U.S. Novel
ENGL210The Rise of the Novel
ENGL211Ethics of Embodiment (FGSS Gateway)
ENGL214Introduction to Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory
ENGL225Outsiders in European Literature
ENGL227The Victorian Novel
ENGL234Scripts and Shows: Modern Drama as Literature and Performance
ENGL235Children's Literature
ENGL236The British Modernist Novel, 1900-1945
ENGL238Renaissance Literature
ENGL241Special Topics in Creative Writing: Merging Forms
ENGL242Literary Theory I: Plato to Pope
ENGL245American Modernisms: Time, Space, and Race
ENGL247Narrative and Ideology
ENGL248Imagining the American South
ENGL250Contemporary U.S. Poetry
ENGL251Epic Tradition
ENGL252Restoration and 18th-Century Theater
ENGL253Science and/as Literature in Early Modern England
ENGL256The British Novel in the Romantic Period
ENGL259Shakespeare and the Category of the Human
ENGL260Faulkner and the Thirties
ENGL261African American Women's Drama
ENGL264Renaissance Drama
ENGL269Aesthetics and/or Ideology
ENGL273South Asian Writing in Diaspora
ENGL274Oral Histories and the Portland Brownstone Quarry
ENGL277American Pastoral
ENGL285British Modernist Literature
ENGL288Poets, Radicals, and Reactionaries: Romantic Poetry in Conversation
ENGL293Introduction to Medieval Literature
ENGL294Diasporas, Transnationalism, and Globalization
ENGL295Reading Theories
ENGL305Shakespeare's Macbeth: From Saga to Screen
ENGL306Special Topics: The Beats and Their Discontents
ENGL308Stein and Woolf
ENGL313Poetry and Poetics
ENGL314Circulating Bodies: Commodities, Prostitutes, and Slaves in 18th-Century England
ENGL322Poetics of the Short-Short
ENGL326Advanced Nonfiction Workshop
ENGL327The Prose Poem and the Politics of Genre
ENGL329Postwar American Writers: Philip Roth and Don DeLillo
ENGL331Topics in African American Literature: Charles Chesnutt and Pauline Hopkins
ENGL332Romanticism, Criticism, Theory
ENGL337Advanced Poetry Workshop
ENGL342Advanced Fiction Workshop
ENGL343Contesting American History: Fiction After 1967
ENGL344Violence: Spoken and Unspeakable
ENGL345American Literature as American Studies
ENGL349Historicizing Early Modern Sexualities
ENGL352Love and Marriage in Modern Black Fiction
ENGL354Translation: Theory and Practice
ENGL357Toni Morrison
ENGL360Special Topics: Writing Lives
ENGL364Vietnam and the American Imagination
ENGL372Word and Image in Renaissance Literature
ENGL373Beyond the Grail: Medieval Romances

Spring 2013 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       ENGL
ENGL105Body and Text
ENGL110Poetry and Democracy
ENGL111Shakespeare and Company
ENGL112The Environmental Imagination: Green Writing and Ecocriticism
ENGL132Writing Medicine and the Doctor-Writer
ENGL133Graphic Narratives
ENGL180Writing About Science
ENGL195Readings in American Drama
ENGL199Introduction to Playwriting
ENGL201CWays of Reading: Texts and Territories
ENGL201EWays of Reading: Reading Encounters: Text, Travel, and Perception
ENGL201FWays of Reading: Literature about Literature
ENGL201GWays of Reading: Contact Zones: Travel, Migration, and American Literature
ENGL201HWays of Reading: Call and Response
ENGL201JWays of Reading: Literary Form and Forms
ENGL207Chaucer and the Critical Power of Medieval Literature
ENGL208Enlightenment to Modernism: British Literature, 1780-1914
ENGL209From Seduction to Civil War: The Early U.S. Novel
ENGL211Ethics of Embodiment (FGSS Gateway)
ENGL213Contemporary British and American Fiction
ENGL217Harlots, Rakes, and Libertines
ENGL218Into the Wild
ENGL224Medieval Drama
ENGL225Outsiders in European Literature
ENGL226The 1790s: Poetry, Painting, and the Novel After the French Revolution
ENGL232Mystics and Militants: Medieval Women Writers
ENGL233History of Musical Theater
ENGL234Scripts and Shows: Modern Drama as Literature and Performance
ENGL236The British Modernist Novel, 1900-1945
ENGL240Introduction to African American Literature
ENGL242Literary Theory I: Plato to Pope
ENGL243Caribbean Literature
ENGL244Workshop in African American Poetry
ENGL247Narrative and Ideology
ENGL254Shakespeare on Film
ENGL256The British Novel in the Romantic Period
ENGL258New World Poetics
ENGL260Faulkner and the Thirties
ENGL263The "Modern" 18th Century: Science, Consumer Culture, Individuality, and Enlightenment
ENGL267Introduction to the Harlem Renaissance
ENGL269Aesthetics and/or Ideology
ENGL273South Asian Writing in Diaspora
ENGL276Space and Place in Fiction
ENGL288Poets, Radicals, and Reactionaries: Romantic Poetry in Conversation
ENGL290Place, Character, and Design: Techniques in Writing Nonfiction and Fiction
ENGL299A Playwright's Workshop: Intermediate
ENGL302American Revolutions and Counterrevolutions: A Short 18th Century
ENGL303Narrative Theory
ENGL308Stein and Woolf
ENGL310Reading Latinidad: Ethnicity and Strategies of Representation
ENGL311Modernist Writers: Virginia Woolf and Jean Rhys
ENGL313Poetry and Poetics
ENGL316Special Topics: The Poem as Document
ENGL317African American Literary Theory
ENGL319Crossing the Color Line: Racial Passing in American Literature
ENGL321Richard Wright and Company
ENGL323Trauma in Asian American Literature
ENGL324Black Power and the Modern Narrative of Slavery
ENGL325Intermediate Nonfiction Workshop
ENGL327The Prose Poem and the Politics of Genre
ENGL328Word Up! African American Literature, Theory, and Action
ENGL329Postwar American Writers: Philip Roth and Don DeLillo
ENGL331Topics in African American Literature: Charles Chesnutt and Pauline Hopkins
ENGL332Romanticism, Criticism, Theory
ENGL334Naipaul, Rushdie, and Cesaire
ENGL336Intermediate Poetry Workshop
ENGL343Contesting American History: Fiction After 1967
ENGL344Violence: Spoken and Unspeakable
ENGL348Latina/o Literary Cultures and Countercultures
ENGL349Historicizing Early Modern Sexualities
ENGL351Jews and Christians in Medieval England: Debate, Dialogue, and Destruction
ENGL352Love and Marriage in Modern Black Fiction
ENGL353Medieval Ethnicities and Ethnographies
ENGL358Special Topics: The Representation of Work in Fiction
ENGL359Southern Literature as Migration Studies
ENGL361Novel Forms
ENGL362The Body as Text in Latina/o Theater and Performance
ENGL363Multiethnic American Autobiography: Stories of the Self in Society
ENGL365Querying the Nation: American Literature and Ethnic Studies
ENGL366Medieval Disability Studies
ENGL367Modern American Poetry: High Modernists to Postmodernists
ENGL368Early American Literature, 1492-1800
ENGL369Performing Black Womanhood: Theorizing African American Women's Identity in 20thC Politics & Cultur
ENGL370The Graphic Novel
ENGL375British Poetry Between Milton and Wordsworth
ENGL378Queer Time: The Poetics and Politics of Temporality

Last Updated on FEB-13-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459