WesMaps - Fall 2010 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       GRST
GRST102Elementary German
GRST214Practice in Speaking and Writing German
GRST231Reading Theories
GRST239Wagner and Modernism
GRST252From Caligari to Hitler: Weimar Cinema in Context
GRST253The New German Cinema
GRST257Art After Auschwitz? Literature, Painting, and Film in Postwar Germany
GRST260Giants of German Prose
GRST263The Goethe and the Kafka Effect
GRST264Kafka and Jesus
GRST273Sex and Text in Freud's Vienna
GRST276Inventing the Criminal: Literature and Criminality
GRST279Hansel and Gretel and Co.
GRST286Irony and Imagination: Romantic Revolutions in Literature, Music, Art, and Thought
GRST287German Aesthetic Theory
GRST290Poetry and Philosophy
GRST291Genius and Madness
GRST299Going Too Far: Transgressive Texts (Seminar in German Studies)
GRST301Advanced Seminar in German Literature
GRST317Once Upon a Time Is Now
GRST340Goethe, Poet of the Germans (Goethe und kein Ende)
GRST363Realism and Reality: German Prose, 1848-1898
GRST381Viennese Modernism
GRST383Kafka and Viennese Modernism
GRST384Lust and Disgust in Austrian Literature Since 1945
GRST385Kafka: Literature, Law, and Power

Spring 2011 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       GRST
GRST101Elementary German
GRST211Intermediate German
GRST217German Culture Today
GRST231Reading Theories
GRST239Wagner and Modernism
GRST252From Caligari to Hitler: Weimar Cinema in Context
GRST260Giants of German Prose
GRST263The Goethe and the Kafka Effect
GRST264Kafka and Jesus
GRST273Sex and Text in Freud's Vienna
GRST274Religious and Philosophical Readings in Kafka
GRST275Twilight of Modernity: Art and Culture in the Weimar Republic
GRST279Hansel and Gretel and Co.
GRST286Irony and Imagination: Romantic Revolutions in Literature, Music, Art, and Thought
GRST290Poetry and Philosophy
GRST291Genius and Madness
GRST292Ghostly Doubles: Romantic Storytelling and Early German Film
GRST299Going Too Far: Transgressive Texts (Seminar in German Studies)
GRST301Advanced Seminar in German Literature
GRST317Once Upon a Time Is Now
GRST345Heinrich von Kleist: Literature of Terror, Language of Destruction
GRST363Realism and Reality: German Prose, 1848-1898
GRST381Viennese Modernism
GRST383Kafka and Viennese Modernism
GRST390Weimar Modernism and the City of Berlin

Last Updated on FEB-17-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459