GRST230F The Simple Life (FYS)
GRST251 Kafka: Literature, Law, and Power
GRST252 From Caligari to Hitler: Weimar Cinema in Context
GRST253 The New German Cinema
GRST260 The Agony and the Ecstasy: The German Novel and Novella
GRST263 Inside Nazi Germany, 1933--1945
GRST266 Ethics After the Holocaust
GRST275 Creativity and Crisis: Germany 1918-1933
GRST279F Good, Evil, Human: German Fairy Tales and Their Cultural Impact (FYS)
GRST290 Nietzsche - Science, Psychology, Genealogy
GRST301 Advanced Seminar in German Literature: Poetry as a Way of Life
GRST310 Newest German Literature
GRST330 Nietzsche als Versucher (CLAC.50)
GRST379 German Fairy Tales: BrĂ¼der Grimm and Beyond
GRST390 Romanticism-Realism-Modernism
GRST213 German Culture Today
GRST228 Going Green, German-Style: The Relationship to Nature, 1800--Today
GRST230F The Simple Life (FYS)
GRST231 Reading Theories
GRST239 Modernism and the Total Work of Art
GRST241 Introduction to European Avant-Garde, 1880--1940
GRST251 Kafka: Literature, Law, and Power
GRST252 From Caligari to Hitler: Weimar Cinema in Context
GRST253 The New German Cinema
GRST254 Critical Theory: From Karl Marx to Angela Davis
GRST255 Newest German (and Austrian) Cinema
GRST260 The Agony and the Ecstasy: The German Novel and Novella
GRST261 Reading Nietzsche
GRST264 Crisis, Creativity, and Modernity in the Weimar Republic, 1918--1933
GRST266 Ethics After the Holocaust
GRST267 Losers of World War II
GRST272 Introduction to History: Germany from Napoleon to the Berlin Republic
GRST274 In the Moment of Great Destruction: German Literature from 1600 to Today
GRST275 Creativity and Crisis: Germany 1918-1933
GRST279F Good, Evil, Human: German Fairy Tales and Their Cultural Impact (FYS)
GRST288 The Human Condition: Arendt, Nietzsche, Marx
GRST302 Forward, Without Forgetting: The GDR in Literature and Film
GRST376 The Volksstueck Tradition
Last Updated on SEP-13-2024
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