HIST101 | History and the Humanities |
HIST102 | History and the Humanities II |
HIST103 | Travel Narratives and African History |
HIST105 | Jewish Tradition, Its Texts and Contexts |
HIST114 | Text and Context: Readings in Modern Europe |
HIST116 | Education in Society: Universities as Agents of Change, Ivory Towers, or Knowledge Factories |
HIST118 | Baroque Rome |
HIST119 | Contemporary Europe |
HIST121 | The Italian Renaissance |
HIST124 | The Enlightenment and the Birth of the Modern World |
HIST134 | Magic and Witchcraft in Early Europe |
HIST136 | India at War |
HIST137 | The Time of the Caliphs: A Cultural History of Islam's Golden Age |
HIST142 | Poverty in the United States |
HIST143 | Interpreting Life on Mars: Scientific Data and Popular Knowledge |
HIST155 | Sophomore Seminar: The Intelligentsia and Power: The Struggle for Socialism in the Early Soviet Peri |
HIST156 | Sophomore Seminar: East European Jewish Experience |
HIST158 | Sophomore Seminar: Appeasement and the Origins of the Second World War |
HIST160 | Sophomore Seminar: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 |
HIST163 | Sophomore Seminar: The Origins of Global Capitalism--Economic History Since 1600 |
HIST164 | Sophomore Seminar: France at War, 1934-1944 |
HIST166 | Sophomore Seminar: Kings, Queens, and the Foundations of European Society |
HIST167 | Sophomore Seminar: The Reformation in Britain |
HIST175 | Sophomore Seminar: American Utopias in the 19th Century |
HIST177 | Sophomore Seminar: Life Science, Art, and Culture, Medieval to Present |
HIST188 | Sophomore Seminar: Subject Peoples |
HIST190 | Public Life in the Age of Theater: Madrid and London, 1580-1680 |
HIST203 | Modern Europe |
HIST206 | Classic Christian Texts |
HIST209 | Europe in the Age of Violence, 1914-1945 |
HIST210 | American Jewish History, 1492-2001 |
HIST211 | The Making of Britain, 400-1763 |
HIST215 | European Intellectual History to the Renaissance |
HIST219 | Russian and Soviet History, 1881 to the Present |
HIST221 | History of Ecology |
HIST225 | Histories of/History and the U.S.-Mexican Border |
HIST227 | Confidence and Panic in 19th-Century U.S. Economic Life |
HIST230 | History of Southern Africa |
HIST231 | Islamic Civilization: The Classical Age |
HIST233 | The Age of Augustus |
HIST234 | The Middle East in the 20th Century |
HIST235 | Topics in United States Intellectual History: Religion and National Culture |
HIST237 | Colonial America |
HIST239 | The Long 19th Century in the United States |
HIST241 | African American History, 1444-1877 |
HIST242 | Introduction to Modern African American History |
HIST243 | Who Owns Culture? A History of Cultural and Intellectual Property in the U.S. and Latin America |
HIST244 | Women in U.S. History |
HIST245 | Survey of Latin American History |
HIST246 | Culture and Society in Renaissance Italy |
HIST247 | Jewish History: From Biblical Israel to Diaspora Jews |
HIST248 | Jewish History: From Spanish Expulsion to Jon Stewart |
HIST250 | Romans and Christians: The World of Late Antiquity |
HIST251 | World History: A Psychohistory of the Modern World |
HIST252 | Industrializations |
HIST256 | The Descent of Reason: From Logos to Game Theory |
HIST258 | Mughal India |
HIST259 | 20th-Century Intellectual History |
HIST260 | From Archipelago to Nation State: An Introduction to Japanese History and Culture |
HIST261 | Protestantism: From the Reformation to the Religious Right |
HIST262 | Gender and Technology |
HIST263 | Inside Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 |
HIST264 | Waterways: Boats and Oceans in World History |
HIST265 | Global Christianity |
HIST266 | American Labor History from 1776 to Recent Times |
HIST267 | Out of the Shtetl: Jews in Eastern Europe |
HIST268 | The Origins of Global Capitalism: Economic History, 1400-1800. |
HIST275 | Histories of Race: Rethinking the Human in an Era of Enlightenment |
HIST276 | Constructing Hinduism and Islam |
HIST277 | Duty, Power, Pleasure, Release: Key Themes in Classical Indian Thought |
HIST280 | The Industrial Revolution in Global Context: Economic History Since 1800 |
HIST282 | Medicine and Health in Antiquity |
HIST285 | India and the West: South Asia's World History |
HIST288 | Feminism After 1968: France, the United States, and in Between |
HIST290 | Law and Order in Ancient Rome |
HIST292 | Native Americans as Slaves and Slaveholders |
HIST294 | Political Fiction |
HIST295 | History, Memory, and Tradition in Global Contemporary Art |
HIST297 | Death and the Limits of Representation |
HIST298 | The Sixties |
HIST299 | Portuguese Expansion to Africa and the Atlantic World, 1440-1640 |
HIST301 | Jews Under Christianity and Islam: Borders, Boundaries, and Coexistence |
HIST304 | Disease and Epidemics in Historical Perspective |
HIST309 | Black Political Thought |
HIST311 | Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in the Middle East and the Balkans |
HIST315 | Tracing Transcendence: Emmanuel Levinas's Talmudic Lectures |
HIST316 | Advanced Seminar in African History |
HIST317 | Ireland: Colonialism and Decolonialization |
HIST318 | Postmodern Theory with a Historical Intent |
HIST319 | Crisis, Creativity, and Modernity in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933 |
HIST320 | Power and Resistance in Latin America |
HIST324 | The Problem of Truth in Modern China |
HIST328 | The Immigrant City in the United States, 1880-1924 |
HIST329 | Talking About the Other: Jewish-Christian-Muslim Religious Polemic |
HIST332 | Atlantic Africa |
HIST335 | United States Political History Since 1945: Citizens, Institutions, and the State |
HIST336 | Science and the State |
HIST337 | Mystical Traditions in Islam |
HIST342 | The Rise of the Conservative Movement in the United States Since 1950 |
HIST347 | The Social Question and the Rise of the Welfare State in Germany, 1780-1914 |
HIST349 | Intimate Histories: Topics in the History of Sex, Gender, and the Body |
HIST350 | Modern Social Thought |
HIST356 | From Chinese Chan to Japanese Zen: Dôgen and Buddhism's Place in the World |
HIST357 | Toward an Archaeology of the U.S. Prison System |
HIST362 | Issues in Contemporary Historiography |
HIST369 | Writing About War |
HIST372 | Women and Gender in Renaissance Italy |
HIST373 | Patterns of the Chinese Past: Culture, Politics, and Ecology |
HIST376 | The Holocaust |
HIST377 | Comparative French Revolutions |
HIST380 | Making History: Practices and Theory |
HIST381 | Japan and the Atomic Bomb |
HIST382 | The Treason of the Intellectuals: Power, Ethics, and Cultural Production |
HIST383 | French Existentialism and Marxism |
HIST385 | Romanticism and Political Fiction |
HIST386 | Jews and Modernity: History and Historiography |
HIST389 | Models of Imperialism and Globalization |
HIST391 | The Spanish Empire in the Early Global Age: 15th-17th Centuries |
HIST393 | Materia Medica: Drugs and Medicines in America |
HIST396 | Mapping Metropolis: The Urban Novel as Artifact |