AFAM316-01 | Carceral Connecticut: Middletown Stories of Race and Redevelopment | Nasta,Jesse .M..... 01:20PM-04:10PM; CAAS LOUNG; |
AMST179-01 | Contemporary U.S. Politics: An Introduction to American Studies | Grappo,Laura .M.W... 01:20PM-02:40PM; FISK305; |
AMST200-01 | Colonialism and Its Consequences in the Americas | Woodsum,Antonina Griecci ..T.R.. 02:50PM-04:10PM; FISK302; |
AMST256-01 | Race and Medicine in America | Glick,Megan H. ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; FISK413; |
AMST315-01 | Entertaining Social Change | Pfister,Joel .M..... 01:20PM-04:10PM; DWNY100; |
BIOL173-01 | Global Change and Infectious Disease | Cohan,Frederick ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; .M..... 10:00AM-10:30AM; SCIE150; SCIE113; |
BIOL173-02 | Global Change and Infectious Disease | Cohan,Frederick ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; .M..... 02:00PM-02:30PM; SCIE150; HALL84; |
BIOL173-03 | Global Change and Infectious Disease | Cohan,Frederick ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; ..T.... 10:00AM-10:30AM; SCIE150; SHAN314; |
BIOL173-04 | Global Change and Infectious Disease | Cohan,Frederick ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; ..T.... 03:30PM-04:00PM; SCIE150; HALL56; |
BIOL173-05 | Global Change and Infectious Disease | Cohan,Frederick ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; ...W... 10:00AM-10:30AM; SCIE150; SCIE113; |
BIOL173-06 | Global Change and Infectious Disease | Cohan,Frederick ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; ...W... 01:30PM-02:00PM; SCIE150; HALL84; |
BIOL173-07 | Global Change and Infectious Disease | Cohan,Frederick ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; .M..... 03:00PM-03:30PM; SCIE150; HALL84; |
BIOL173-09 | Global Change and Infectious Disease | Cohan,Frederick ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; ....R.. 04:00PM-04:30PM; SCIE150; SHAN314; |
BIOL173-10 | Global Change and Infectious Disease | Cohan,Frederick ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; .....F. 11:00AM-11:30AM; SCIE150; SHAN314; |
CSPL224-01 | Public Health, Migration, and Human Rights | Marques,Nadejda .M.W... 10:50AM-12:10PM; JUDD113; |
CSPL316-01 | Human Rights Advocacy: Critical Assessment and Practical Engagement in Global Social Justice | Cavallaro,Jim Hayrikyan,Tamar ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; VVOB11; |
CSPL338-01 | Writing for Advocacy | Shufro,Cathy ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; FISK414; |
DANC366-01 | Queering the Dancing Body: Critical Perspectives on LGBTQ Representation | Krishnan,Hari .M.W... 01:00PM-02:30PM; CDS; |
E&ES280-01 | Introduction to GIS | Vajedian,Sanaz .M.W... 08:20AM-09:40AM; PAC004; |
ECON206-01 | Race and Education Policy | Bueno,Carycruz .M.W... 10:50AM-12:10PM; PAC001; |
ECON210-01 | Climate Change Economics and Policy | Gourley,Patrick James .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; PAC101; |
ECON215-01 | Labor Economics | Sanyal,Amrita ..T.R.. 04:20PM-05:40PM; PAC002; |
ECON361-01 | Latin American Economic Development-Micro | Khamis,Melanie .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; PAC307; |
ECON361-02 | Latin American Economic Development-Micro | Khamis,Melanie .M.W... 01:20PM-02:40PM; PAC003; |
ENVS197-01 | Introduction to Environmental Studies | Miller,Kathleen (Kate) ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; SCIE309; |
ENVS197-02 | Introduction to Environmental Studies | Miller,Kathleen (Kate) ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; SCIE121; |
ENVS234-01 | A Tale of Three Food Systems: Accessing Food in the US | Caruso,Christine Celeste ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; SCIE201; |
ENVS283-01 | Venezuela: The Effect of Oil Discovery on People, the Environment, and on Democracy (CLAC 1.0) | Machado Allison,Antonio J. ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; SCIE113; |
ENVS350-01 | Environmental Justice and Sustainability | Abrell,Elan Louis ...W... 01:20PM-04:10PM; FISK302; |
FGSS209-01 | Feminist Theories | Knapp,Caleb ..T.R.. 02:50PM-04:10PM; FISK403; |
FILM104-01 | Introduction to Collaborative Documentary Filmmaking | Shepard,Sadia ...W... 01:20PM-04:10PM; .M..... 01:20PM-04:10PM; CFS190; CFS128; |
FILM385-01 | Documentary History: An Introduction | Strain,Tracy .M.W... 08:50AM-12:10PM; CFS112; |
FILM430-01 | Documentary Production | Strain,Tracy ..T.R.. 01:20PM-04:10PM; CFS116; |
GOVT155-01 | International Relations | Gallarotti,Giulio .M.W... 08:20AM-09:40AM; PAC107; |
GOVT155-02 | International Relations | Gallarotti,Giulio .M.W... 10:50AM-12:10PM; PAC107; |
GOVT155-03 | International Relations | Dolan,Lindsay R ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; PAC002; |
GOVT157-01 | Democracy and Dictatorship: Politics in the Contemporary World | Shahid,Rudabeh ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; PAC307; |
GOVT157-02 | Democracy and Dictatorship: Politics in the Contemporary World | Shahid,Rudabeh ..T.R.. 02:50PM-04:10PM; PAC107; |
GOVT159-01 | The Moral Basis of Politics | Cucharo,Stephen J ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; PAC117; |
GOVT159-02 | The Moral Basis of Politics | Cucharo,Stephen J .M.W... 01:20PM-02:40PM; PAC117; |
GOVT205-01 | Judicial Process and Politics | Mark,Alyx .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; FISK404; |
GOVT302-01 | Latin American Politics | McGuire,James ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; PAC301; |
GOVT308-01 | Comparative Urban Policy | Haddad,Mary Alice ..T.... 01:20PM-04:10PM; PAC108; |
GOVT366-01 | Empirical Methods for Political Science | Franklin Fowler,Erika ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; PAC301; |
HIST181-01 | Introduction to History: Middle East and North Africa in Global Perspective | Karatas,Hasan .M..... 07:10PM-10:00PM; PAC116; |
HIST385-01 | Science and the State | Erickson,Paul ..T.... 01:20PM-04:10PM; ALLB103; |
PHIL212-01 | Introduction to Ethics | Springer,Elise (Eli) ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; FISK413; |
PSYC260-01 | Social Psychology | De Souza,Lucy .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; JUDD116; |
PSYC260-02 | Social Psychology | Curley,Christine Marie ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; SCIE109; |
PSYC277-01 | Psychology and the Law | Carney,Sarah .M.W... 08:20AM-09:40AM; JUDD116; |
QAC150-01 | Working with SQL and Databases | Oleinikov,Pavel V .M..... 07:10PM-10:00PM; ALLB204; |
QAC156-01 | Working with R | Kaparakis,Emmanuel ..T.... 07:10PM-10:00PM; ALLB204; |
QAC159-01 | Working with High Performance Computing (HPC) Tools | Thayer,Kelly ....R.. 07:10PM-10:00PM; ALLB204; |
QAC201-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Kaparakis,Emmanuel ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; .....F. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189; |
QAC201-02 | Applied Data Analysis | Nazzaro,Valerie ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; .....F. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189; |
QAC201-03 | Applied Data Analysis | Gooyabadi,Maryam ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; .....F. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189; |
QAC201-04 | Applied Data Analysis | Kabacoff,Robert Ira ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; .....F. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189; |
QAC231-01 | Introduction to (Geo)Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization | Vajedian,Sanaz .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; ALLB204; |
QAC241-01 | Introduction to Network Analysis | Oleinikov,Pavel V .M.W... 01:20PM-02:40PM; OLIN014; |
QAC250-01 | An Introduction to Data Journalism | Busemeyer,Stephen ...W... 07:10PM-10:00PM; ALLB204; |
QAC356-01 | Advanced R: Building Open-Source Tools for Data Science | Kabacoff,Robert Ira ..T.R.. 02:50PM-04:10PM; ALLB113; |
RELI215-01 | Religion and Politics in Early Christianity | Cameron,Ron .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; FISK413; |
SOC292-01 | Death and Dying at the End of the World | Haber,Benjamin .M.W... 01:20PM-02:40PM; FISK101; |
SOC315-01 | The Health of Communities | Carey Best,Peggy ...W... 01:20PM-04:10PM; DWNY208; |