LAST212 | Korean American Literature and Diaspora |
LAST219 | Latin American Economic Development |
LAST220 | 20th-Century Franco-Caribbean Literature and the Search for Identity |
LAST227 | Latin American Theater: Topics |
LAST241 | Exile and Immigration in Latino and Hispanic Literatures |
LAST249 | Migration and Cultural Politics: Immigrant Experiences in the United States |
LAST250 | Globalization, Democracy, and Social Change in the Americas |
LAST256 | Nomadic Islanders: Contemporary Caribbean Diasporas and Identities |
LAST258 | Simon Bolivar: The Politics of Monument Building |
LAST260 | The Uses of the Past: Literature and History in Latin America |
LAST264 | African Presences II: Music in the Americas |
LAST267 | Vulnerability, Development, and Social Protection in Latin America |
LAST275 | Subject, Modernity, and Nation in Latin America |
LAST278 | Women and Revolution: Denunciation, Utopia, and Disenchantment in Central America |
LAST280 | Magic and Religion in Latin America |
LAST286 | Transitions to Democracy in Southern Europe and Latin America |
LAST287 | Contemporary Latin American Fiction: Writing After the Boom |
LAST292 | Sociology of Economic Change: Latin American Responses to Global Capitalism |
LAST301 | Race Discourse in the Americas |
LAST302 | Latin American Politics |
LAST306 | Liberation, Theology, Pentecostalism, and Other Christianities in the Americas and Africa |
LAST320 | Power and Performance in the Afro-Atlantic World |
LAST323 | Cuba's Afro-Creole Religions |
LAST324 | Political Authority and Mystification in Latin America and the Caribbean |
LAST333 | The World-Historical Caribbean: African, European, Asian, and American Connections |
LAST334 | Latin American Labor History: Regional, Transnational, and Gendered Perspectives |
LAST335 | Africa in Brazil |
LAST340 | Contemporary Urban Social Movements |
LAST383 | East Asian and Latin American Development |