WesMaps - Fall 2006 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       MATH
MATH111Introduction to Mathematical Thought: From the Discrete to the Continuous
MATH118Introductory Calculus, Part II: Integration and Its Applications
MATH163An Invitation to Numbers
MATH223Linear Algebra
MATH225Fundamentals of Analysis: An Introduction to Real Analysis
MATH228Discrete Mathematics
MATH232An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
MATH233Linear Programming
MATH241Set Theory
MATH243Mathematical Logic
MATH251Topics in Geometry: Geometric Analysis and Discrete Groups
MATH262Abstract Algebra
MATH271Error Correcting codes
MATH272Elementary Number Theory
MATH283Differential Geometry
MATH495Research Apprentice, Undergraduate
MATH507Topics in Combinatorics
MATH509Model Theory
MATH514Analysis I
MATH516Analysis II (Topics from Analysis)
MATH517Analysis II
MATH524Topology I
MATH526Topology II: Topological Groups
MATH544Algebra I
MATH546Algebra II
MATH553Logic and Discrete Mathematics
MATH554Logic and Discrete Mathematics
MATH571Special Topics in Mathematics

Spring 2007 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       MATH
MATH107Review of Algebra and Graphing and Precalculus
MATH111Introduction to Mathematical Thought: From the Discrete to the Continuous
MATH117Introductory Calculus, Part I
MATH121Calculus I, Part I
MATH163An Invitation to Numbers
MATH226Complex Analysis
MATH229Differential Equations
MATH233Linear Programming
MATH241Set Theory
MATH243Mathematical Logic
MATH245Intensional Logic and Metaphysics
MATH251Topics in Geometry: Geometric Analysis and Discrete Groups
MATH261Abstract Algebra: Groups, Rings and Fields
MATH271Error Correcting codes
MATH272Elementary Number Theory
MATH283Differential Geometry
MATH500Graduate Pedagogy
MATH507Topics in Combinatorics
MATH509Model Theory
MATH513Analysis I
MATH515Analysis II
MATH517Analysis II
MATH523Topology I
MATH525Topology II - Topics in Topology
MATH543Algebra I
MATH545Algebra II: Topics in Algebra
MATH553Logic and Discrete Mathematics
MATH554Logic and Discrete Mathematics
MATH571Special Topics in Mathematics

Last Updated on FEB-09-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459