WesMaps - Fall 2011 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       MBB
MB&B109Light, Energy, and Life
MB&B180Writing About Science
MB&B182Principles of Biology II
MB&B192Principles of Biology II--Laboratory
MB&B196Honors Principles of Biology II
MB&B203Copernicus, Darwin, and the Human Genome Project
MB&B209Research Frontiers in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
MB&B210Genomics: Modern Genetics, Bioinformatics, and the Human Genome Project
MB&B265Bioinformatics Programming
MB&B301Foundations of Molecular Biophysics
MB&B303Receptors, Channels, and Pumps: Advanced Topics in Membrane Protein Structure and Function
MB&B306Self-Perpetuating Structural States in Biology, Genetics, and Disease
MB&B310Mechanisms of Protein Trafficking Within Eukaryotes
MB&B313Molecular, Proteomic, and Cell Biological Analysis of Telomere Composition and Function
MB&B315The Regulation of Ribosome Biosynthesis
MB&B321Biomedicinal Chemistry
MB&B322Mechanisms of Protein Trafficking Within Prokaryotes
MB&B328Topics in Eukaryotic Genetics: Transcription
MB&B330Molecular and Cellular Basis of Human Diseases
MB&B333Gene Regulation
MB&B340Practical Methods in Biochemistry
MB&B357Bio-Organic Chemistry
MB&B375The Cell-Division Cycle and Cancer
MB&B381Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences
MB&B385Advanced Biochemistry: Enzyme Kinetics
MB&B386Biological Thermodynamics
MB&B506Self-Perpetuating Structural States in Biology, Genetics, and Disease
MB&B509Foundations of Molecular Biophysics
MB&B510Mechanisms of Protein Trafficking Within Eukaryotes
MB&B513Molecular, Proteomic, and Cell Biological Analysis of Telomere Composition and Function
MB&B515The Regulation of Ribosome Biosynthesis
MB&B522Mechanisms of Protein Trafficking Within Prokaryotes
MB&B528Topics in Eukaryotic Genetics: Transcription
MB&B530Molecular and Cellular Basis of Human Diseases
MB&B533Gene Regulation
MB&B558Research Seminars in Molecular Biology
MB&B575The Cell-Division Cycle and Cancer
MB&B581Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences

Spring 2012 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       MBB
MB&B106Science for Life
MB&B107The Science of Human Health: Microbiology and Immunology
MB&B108Body Languages: Choreographing Biology
MB&B119Biology and Chemistry in the Modern World: A Survey of Drugs and Disease
MB&B160Science and Modernism
MB&B180Writing About Science
MB&B203Copernicus, Darwin, and the Human Genome Project
MB&B208Molecular Biology
MB&B237Signal Transduction
MB&B315The Regulation of Ribosome Biosynthesis
MB&B325Introduction to Biomolecular Structure
MB&B326Molecular Microbiology
MB&B328Topics in Eukaryotic Genetics: Transcription
MB&B330Molecular and Cellular Basis of Human Diseases
MB&B333Gene Regulation
MB&B340Practical Methods in Biochemistry
MB&B350Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics
MB&B375The Cell-Division Cycle and Cancer
MB&B382Practical NMR
MB&B385Advanced Biochemistry: Enzyme Kinetics
MB&B387Enzyme Mechanisms
MB&B395Structural Biology Laboratory
MB&B500Graduate Pedagogy
MB&B515The Regulation of Ribosome Biosynthesis
MB&B519Structural Mechanisms of Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions
MB&B520Topics in Nucleic Acid Structure
MB&B528Topics in Eukaryotic Genetics: Transcription
MB&B530Molecular and Cellular Basis of Human Diseases
MB&B533Gene Regulation
MB&B550Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics
MB&B575The Cell-Division Cycle and Cancer

Last Updated on FEB-09-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459