WesMaps - Fall 2017 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       MDST
MDST125Love, Sex, and Marriage in Renaissance Europe
MDST128Constantinople: From Rome to Istanbul
MDST151European Architecture to 1750
MDST204Medieval Europe
MDST207Chaucer and His World
MDST208Rome Through the Ages
MDST209The Art and Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England, 400--1100
MDST212Wesleyan University Collegium Musicum
MDST213Van Eyck to Velazquez: A New Look at Old Masters
MDST214Introduction to the New Testament
MDST215Politics and Piety in Early Christianities
MDST221Medieval and Renaissance Music
MDST225European Intellectual History to the Renaissance
MDST231Early Medieval Art: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in the Mediterranean, 300--1100
MDST233Monastic Utopias: Architecture and Monastic Life to the 13th Century
MDST234Days and Knights of the Round Table
MDST239The Gothic Cathedral
MDST247Jewish History: From Biblical Israel to Diaspora Jews
MDST251Islamic Civilization: The Classical Age
MDST275Romans and Christians: The World of Late Antiquity
MDST280Islamic Art and Architecture
MDST295Love, War, and a Few Monsters: An Introduction to Medieval Literature
MDST304Medieval Archaeology
MDST308Medievals on the Move: Pilgrimage, Jihad, Crusade, and Apocalypse
MDST351Debate and Destruction: Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages
MDST353Medieval Ethnicities and Ethnographies
MDST373Beyond the Grail: Medieval Romances

Spring 2018 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       MDST
MDST128Constantinople: From Rome to Istanbul
MDST151European Architecture to 1750
MDST203Introduction to The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)
MDST204Medieval Europe
MDST208Rome Through the Ages
MDST209The Art and Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England, 400--1100
MDST212Wesleyan University Collegium Musicum
MDST213Van Eyck to Velazquez: A New Look at Old Masters
MDST214Introduction to the New Testament
MDST215Politics and Piety in Early Christianities
MDST217Lost Renaissances: Art & Architecture of Medieval Italy and the Mediterranean
MDST221Medieval and Renaissance Music
MDST222Early Renaissance Art and Architecture in Italy
MDST223The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Rethinking the Italian Renaissance
MDST224Love and Loss in Medieval and Early Modern French Literature and Culture
MDST225European Intellectual History to the Renaissance
MDST228Heroes, Lovers, and Swindlers: Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature and History
MDST230Lancelot, Guinevere, Grail: Enigma in the Romances of Chretien de Troyes
MDST231Early Medieval Art: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in the Mediterranean, 300--1100
MDST233Monastic Utopias: Architecture and Monastic Life to the 13th Century
MDST234Days and Knights of the Round Table
MDST235Days and Knights of the Round Table
MDST237Art of Love: Expressions of Eros in Early Modern Italy
MDST238Mystics and Militants: Medieval Women Writers
MDST239The Gothic Cathedral
MDST247Jewish History: From Biblical Israel to Diaspora Jews
MDST251Islamic Civilization: The Classical Age
MDST275Romans and Christians: The World of Late Antiquity
MDST280Islamic Art and Architecture
MDST295Love, War, and a Few Monsters: An Introduction to Medieval Literature
MDST300Medieval Gender and Sexuality
MDST304Medieval Archaeology
MDST305God After the Death of God: Postmodern Echoes of Premodern Thought
MDST308Medievals on the Move: Pilgrimage, Jihad, Crusade, and Apocalypse
MDST340Death and Afterlife in the Middle Ages
MDST351Debate and Destruction: Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages

Last Updated on FEB-11-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459