WesMaps - Fall 2012 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       MUSC
MUSC108History of Rock and R&B
MUSC111Music and Theater of Indonesia
MUSC113The Study of Film Music
MUSC122Introduction to Folk Music Studies
MUSC123Escaping Purgatory: Music and Devotion in Medieval Europe
MUSC125Music and Downtown New York, 1950-1970
MUSC126Poetry and Song
MUSC127History of Electronic Sound
MUSC129The Art of Listening
MUSC201Tonal Harmony
MUSC203Chromatic Harmony
MUSC20420th-Century Compositional Techniques
MUSC20618th-Century Counterpoint
MUSC209Readings in Music Theory: Reimagining Tonality
MUSC211Language of the Jazz Orchestra
MUSC212South Indian Music-SOLKATTU
MUSC220Composing, Performing, and Listening to Experimental Music
MUSC242Baroque and Classical Music
MUSC243Music of the 19th Century
MUSC244Music of the 20th Century
MUSC261Music and Modernity in China, Japan, and Korea
MUSC266African Presences II: Music in the Americas
MUSC269Sacred and Secular African American Musics
MUSC270Music of Coltrane, Mingus, and Coleman
MUSC271Music of Lennie Tristano, Miles Davis, and Max Roach
MUSC274Hymnody in the United States Before the Civil War
MUSC280Sociology of Music in Social Movements
MUSC285Wagner and Modernism
MUSC290How Ethnomusicology Works
MUSC291The Gendering of Music in Cross-Cultural Perspective
MUSC297Yiddish Cultural Expression: Music, Theater, Literature, Film
MUSC304Arranging and Composing for Jazz Orchestra
MUSC316Special Topics in Contemporary Pop Music
MUSC429Chinese Music Ensemble - Advanced
MUSC431South Indian Voice-Intermediate
MUSC432South Indian Voice-Advanced
MUSC434Improvisational Techniques in South Indian Music
MUSC435Wesleyan Ensemble Singers
MUSC437Singing to Your Instruments
MUSC438Wesleyan University Collegium Musicum
MUSC440Conducting: Instrumental and Vocal
MUSC444Opera and Oratorio Ensembles
MUSC446West African Music and Culture--Intermediate
MUSC450Steel Band
MUSC453Cello Ensemble
MUSC456Jazz Improvisation Performance
MUSC458Jazz Orchestra II
MUSC460Materials and Principles of Jazz Improvisation II
MUSC461Balinese Gamelan Angklung
MUSC507Practicing Ethnomusicology
MUSC509Special Studies in Contemporary Music
MUSC516Seminar in Indonesian Music
MUSC519Current Issues in Ethnomusicology
MUSC520Explorations in Musicology
MUSC521Seminar in Interdisciplinary Studies
MUSC522Seminar in Comparative Music Theory

Spring 2013 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       MUSC
MUSC103Materials and Design
MUSC106History of European Art Music
MUSC109Introduction to Experimental Music
MUSC110Introduction to South Indian Music
MUSC111Music and Theater of Indonesia
MUSC113The Study of Film Music
MUSC122Introduction to Folk Music Studies
MUSC123Escaping Purgatory: Music and Devotion in Medieval Europe
MUSC125Music and Downtown New York, 1950-1970
MUSC126Poetry and Song
MUSC127History of Electronic Sound
MUSC202Theory and Analysis
MUSC203Chromatic Harmony
MUSC20618th-Century Counterpoint
MUSC209Readings in Music Theory: Reimagining Tonality
MUSC210Theory of Jazz Improvisation
MUSC211Language of the Jazz Orchestra
MUSC223Music, Recording, and Sound Design
MUSC241Medieval and Renaissance Music
MUSC243Music of the 19th Century
MUSC244Music of the 20th Century
MUSC248Beyond Messiah: Handel's Other Oratorios and Operas
MUSC261Music and Modernity in China, Japan, and Korea
MUSC265African Presences I: Music in Africa
MUSC269Sacred and Secular African American Musics
MUSC270Music of Coltrane, Mingus, and Coleman
MUSC271Music of Lennie Tristano, Miles Davis, and Max Roach
MUSC274Hymnody in the United States Before the Civil War
MUSC275Music and Downtown New York
MUSC276History of Musical Theater
MUSC285Wagner and Modernism
MUSC291The Gendering of Music in Cross-Cultural Perspective
MUSC295Global Hip-Hop
MUSC304Arranging and Composing for Jazz Orchestra
MUSC308Composition in the Arts
MUSC316Special Topics in Contemporary Pop Music
MUSC413Korean Drumming Ensemble--Beginning
MUSC414Korean Drumming Ensemble--Advanced I
MUSC415Korean Drumming Ensemble--Advanced II
MUSC432South Indian Voice-Advanced
MUSC434Improvisational Techniques in South Indian Music
MUSC435Wesleyan Ensemble Singers
MUSC438Wesleyan University Collegium Musicum
MUSC440Conducting: Instrumental and Vocal
MUSC445West African Music and Culture--Beginners
MUSC449Mande Music Ensemble
MUSC450Steel Band
MUSC454World Guitar Ensemble
MUSC456Jazz Improvisation Performance
MUSC457Jazz Orchestra I
MUSC459Materials and Principles of Jazz Improvisation I
MUSC460Materials and Principles of Jazz Improvisation II
MUSC461Balinese Gamelan Angklung
MUSC500Graduate Pedagogy
MUSC506Reading Ethnomusicology
MUSC507Practicing Ethnomusicology
MUSC508Graduate Seminar in Composition
MUSC510Graduate Proseminar in World Music Studies
MUSC513Improvisation in Cross-Cultural Perspective
MUSC516Seminar in Indonesian Music
MUSC519Current Issues in Ethnomusicology
MUSC520Explorations in Musicology

Last Updated on FEB-14-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459