HEBR211 | Hebrew Literature |
HEST215 | Jewish Musical Worlds |
HEST232 | Identity, History, and Culture in Israeli Cinema |
HEST234 | Israel in Therapy: Society Under the Influence of TV Series |
RELI201 | Old Testament/Hebrew Bible |
RELI203 | Judaism and Story |
RELI205 | Hindu Lives |
RELI206 | Neo-Confucian Chinese Philosophy |
RELI212 | Introduction to the New Testament |
RELI215 | Politics and Piety in Early Christianities |
RELI222 | Religion in the United States |
RELI226 | Jews and Modernity: History and Historiography |
RELI234 | Sophomore Seminar: East European Jewish Experience |
RELI236 | Duty, Power, Pleasure, Release: Key Themes in Classical Indian Thought |
RELI252 | Islam and Revolution |
RELI253 | Islamic Civilization: The Classical Age |
RELI261 | Jewish History: From Biblical Israel to Diaspora Jews |
RELI262 | Jewish History: Out of the Ghetto |
RELI263 | Saints and Sinners in Europe, ca.1000-ca.1550 |
RELI266 | Talking About the Other: Jewish-Christian-Muslim Religious Polemic |
RELI268 | Anthropology of Black Religions in the Americas |
RELI271 | The Enlightenment and the Birth of the Modern World |
RELI272 | Religious Worlds of New York |
RELI274 | Romans and Christians: The World of Late Antiquity |
RELI275 | Chosen Peoples, Chosen Nation |
RELI276 | The Gospels and Jesus |
RELI278 | Religion and Film |
RELI279 | Liberation Theology and Pentecostalism in the Americas and Africa |
RELI280 | Mixed in America: Race, Religion, and Memoir |
RELI281 | The Sociology of Religious Movements |
RELI283 | Three Generals in the Lord's Army |
RELI284 | Magic and Religion in Latin America |
RELI285 | Topics in United States Intellectual History: Religion and National Culture |
RELI287 | The End of the World: The Millennium and the End Times in American Thought |
RELI288 | Buddhism in America |
RELI290 | Jews Under Christianity and Islam: Borders, Boundaries, and Coexistence |
RELI291 | Political Theologies: Contemporary Christian Engagement in the Public Sphere |
RELI292 | Reason and Revelation: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion |
RELI293 | Psychology and Religion |
RELI297 | Constructing Hinduism and Islam |
RELI301 | History of Religion |
RELI302 | Parable and Paradox: Kierkegaard's Pseudonymous Works |
RELI304 | God After the Death of God: Postmodern Echoes of Premodern Thought |
RELI308 | Tracing Transcendence: Emmanuel Levinas's Talmudic Lectures |
RELI311 | Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in the Middle East and the Balkans |
RELI323 | Cuba's Afro-Creole Religions |
RELI333 | Global Christianity |
RELI343 | Tibetan Buddhism |
RELI350 | Women and Buddhism |
RELI356 | From Chinese Chan to Japanese Zen: Dôgen and Buddhism's Place in the World |
RELI374 | Scribes, Seers, and Sages: The Cultures of Early Judaism |
RELI376 | The Peoples of the Books: Sacred Texts in Social Contexts |
RELI379 | Christianity and Sexuality |
RELI380 | The Gospel of Mark and Christian Origins |
RELI381 | Religions Resist Modernity |
RELI384 | The Making of American Jewish Identities: Blood, Bris, Bagels, and Beyond |
RELI385 | Performance Studies |
RELI388 | Socially Engaged Buddhism--East and West |
RELI391 | Religion and the Social Construction of Race |
RELI395 | The Anthropology of Religion |
RELI396 | Performing Jewish Studies: Theory, Method, and Models |
RELI471 | Power and Performance in the Afro-Atlantic World |
RELI472 | Zombies as Other from Haiti to Hollywood |
RELI473 | Spirituality and Nature in the Late Middle Ages |
RELI488 | Jewish and Christian Identity in a Greek and Roman World |
RELI490 | Spirituality and Ethics: Transformative Christian Practices from Confession to Meditation |
RELI494 | Gender, Identity, and Art |
RELI497 | Religious and Philosophical Readings in Kafka |