SISP202-01 Philosophy of Science Rouse,Joseph .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; FISK305;
SISP214-01 Humans, Animals, and Nature Gruen,Lori ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; RUSSMILLET;
SISP223-01 Liminal Animals: Animals in Urban Spaces Abrell,Elan Louis ...W.F. 01:20PM-02:40PM; SCIE405;
SISP231-01 Guns and Society Tucker,Jennifer ..T.R.. 02:50PM-04:10PM; VVO110;
SISP255-01 Nature/Culture Weiss,Joseph .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; SCIE184;
SISP259-01 Discovering the Person Morawski,Jill ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; FISK413;
SISP265-01 Anthropology of Science Thakor,Mitali ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; FISK208;
SISP266-01 Eating Others: Histories and Cultures of Animal Edibility Abrell,Elan Louis ...W.F. 10:50AM-12:10PM; SCIE141;
SISP281-01 Post-Kantian European Philosophy Rouse,Joseph .M.W.F. 09:50AM-10:40AM; B2B3 SOUTH;
SISP299-01 Medicine and Healing in the Black Atlantic DeMarco,Liana ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; CAAS LOUNG;
SISP303-01 The Race Makers: How the Enlightenment Invented the Most Dangerous Idea in History Curran,Andrew ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; RLAN106;
SISP309-01 Multispecies Worldbuilding: The Chestnut Project Gan,Elaine .M..... 08:50AM-11:40AM; CFH106;
SISP312-01 Technologies of Care Thakor,Mitali ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; BOGH115;
SISP314-01 History of Science, Medicine, and Technology in the Islamicate World Karatas,Hasan .....F. 01:20PM-04:10PM; FISK121;
SISP315-01 The Health of Communities Carey Best,Peggy ....R.. 01:20PM-04:10PM; BOGH114;
SISP337-01 Advanced Research Methods in Science Studies Hatch,Anthony .M.W... 10:50AM-12:10PM; SCIE72;
SISP115F-01 Reproductive Politics (FYS) Glick,Megan H. .....F. 09:00AM-11:50AM; CAMS 1;
SISP203-01 The Secrets of Ancient Bones: Discovering Ancient DNA and Archaeology Brunson,Katherine .M.W.F. 09:50AM-10:40AM; SCIE309;
SISP210-01 Feminist Technoscience: Making Bodies, Bits, and Bombs Gan,Elaine .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; ALLB304;
SISP221-01 History of Ecology Erickson,Paul ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; PAC307;
SISP250-01 Sociology of Knowledge Hatch,Anthony ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; ALLB103;
SISP262-01 Cultural Studies of Health Hatch,Anthony ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; ALLB103;
SISP265-01 Anthropology of Science Thakor,Mitali ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; ALLB103;
SISP286-01 Philosophy of Mind Horst,Steven .M.W... 10:50AM-12:10PM; PAC301;
SISP293-01 Animal Law and Policy Abrell,Elan Louis ...W.F. 01:20PM-02:40PM; FISK414;
SISP307-01 The Economy of Nature and Nations Erickson,Paul .M..... 01:20PM-04:10PM; PAC301;
SISP319-01 Toxic Sovereignties: Life after Environmental Collapse Weiss,Joseph ....R.. 01:20PM-04:10PM; ANTH6;
SISP337-01 Advanced Research Methods in Science Studies Thakor,Mitali ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; ALLB113;
SISP349-01 Environmental Justice and Sustainability Abrell,Elan Louis ...W.F. 10:50AM-12:10PM; BOGH114;
SISP374-01 Food Security: History of an Idea Fullilove,Courtney .M.W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; PAC117;
Last Updated on SEP-08-2024
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