WesMaps - Fall 2021 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       SOC
SOC231Sociology of Crime and Punishment
SOC234Media and Society
SOC240Comparative Race and Ethnicity
SOC241Mental Illness and Society
SOC245Intersectionality and Identity
SOC246Social Movements
SOC247Drugs, Culture, and Society
SOC259Cultural Studies of Health
SOC260Sound and Screen
SOC266The Social Life of Data
SOC269Bad Sex
SOC270Urban Societies
SOC284Memory and Violence
SOC293Pleasure and Power: The Sociology of Sexuality
SOC302Paternalism and Social Power
SOC308Baby Got Back: Embodiment, Gender, and Sexuality in Black Music
SOC320Life and Death: Relations of Biopower and Necropower
SOC321Disgusting? Revolting!
SOC322The Sociology of Nina Simone
SOC352Race, Immigration, and the U.S. Empire
SOC399HAdvanced Research Seminar: Hot Mamas: Black Women, Sexuality, and Body Size
SOC399JAdv. Res. Sem: The Hair Class
SOC399LAdvanced Research Seminar: The Social Body
SOC399MAbolitionist University Studies

Spring 2022 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       SOC
SOC234Media and Society
SOC240Comparative Race and Ethnicity
SOC241Mental Illness and Society
SOC246Social Movements
SOC256Sex Work and Sex Trafficking: Empowerment, Exploitation, and the Politics of Sex
SOC259Cultural Studies of Health
SOC260Sound and Screen
SOC270Urban Societies
SOC293Pleasure and Power: The Sociology of Sexuality
SOC300Queer and Trans Aesthetics
SOC307Authenticity and Perversity in Contemporary American Movies
SOC309America's Lure: The Politics of the Transnational US University
SOC313Time, Masks, Mirrors: Aging in America
SOC315The Health of Communities
SOC316Community Research Seminar
SOC320Life and Death: Relations of Biopower and Necropower
SOC323"Racing" Across Africa
SOC352Race, Immigration, and the U.S. Empire
SOC399GAdvanced Research Seminar: Introduction to Critical University Studies
SOC399HAdvanced Research Seminar: Hot Mamas: Black Women, Sexuality, and Body Size
SOC399IAdvanced Research Seminar: Assembling the Self
SOC399KAdvanced Research Seminar: Law & Society
SOC399LAdvanced Research Seminar: The Social Body
SOC399MAbolitionist University Studies
SOC405Sociology Thesis Seminar

Last Updated on FEB-13-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459