WesMaps - Fall 2014 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       WLIT
ARHA291Duty, Power, Pleasure, Release: Key Themes in Classical Indian Thought
CCIV112Three Great Myths: Prometheus, Persephone, and Dionysus
CCIV153Single Combat in the Ancient World
CCIV170Rome and the Caesars
CCIV202Greek Drama: Passions and Politics on the Athenian and Modern Stage
CCIV231Greek History
CCIV271Roman Self-Fashioning: Poets and Philosophers, Lovers and Friends
CCIV275Romans and Christians: The World of Late Antiquity
CCIV281Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greek Culture
CCIV328Roman Urban Life
COL106The Italian Renaissance
COL109A History of Civil Disobedience
COL130Thinking Animals: An Introduction to Animal Studies
COL207Outsiders in European Literature
COL239Paris, 19th Century
COL249Narrative and Ideology
COL270The Modernist City-Novel from Dublin to Döblin
ENGL23119th-Century African American Women Writers
ENGL235Childhood in America
ENGL243Caribbean Writers in the U.S. Diaspora
ENGL251Epic Tradition
ENGL266The Russian and English Novel
ENGL275Race and Place in Early American Writing
ENGL293Introduction to Medieval Literature
ENGL295Reading Theories
ENGL303Narrative Theory
ENGL351Jews and Christians in Medieval England: Debate, Dialogue, and Destruction
ENGL353Medieval Ethnicities and Ethnographies
FIST276Days and Knights of the Round Table
GRST230The Simple Life
GRST240The Ends of Empire: Narratives of Culmination and Decline in Philosophy and Literature
GRST251Kafka: Literature, Law, and Power
GRST273Sex and Text in Freud's Vienna
GRST278Fear and Pity: German Tragedies from the 18th to the 20th Century
GRST297Exile Modernism: Weimar Culture in Los Angeles, 1936-1950
RUSS206A Matter of Life and Death: Fiction in the Soviet Era
RUSS222Doubles in Literature
RUSS232The Real McCoy: Constructing Identity
RUSS240Reading Stories: Great Short Works from Tolstoy to Petrushevskaya
RUSS255Empire, Love, and War: 20th-Century Novels from Central and Eastern Europe
RUSS25721st-Century Russian Literature
RUSS258Russia's Storyteller Playwrights
RUSS265Kino: Russia at the Movies
RUSS279Theater of Anton Chekhov: Research, Analysis, and Performance

Spring 2015 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       WLIT
ARHA291Duty, Power, Pleasure, Release: Key Themes in Classical Indian Thought
CCIV153Single Combat in the Ancient World
CCIV202Greek Drama: Passions and Politics on the Athenian and Modern Stage
CCIV205Introduction to Classical Mythology
CCIV231Greek History
CCIV271Roman Self-Fashioning: Poets and Philosophers, Lovers and Friends
CCIV328Roman Urban Life
CHUM325The Caribbean Epic
COL106The Italian Renaissance
COL112The European Novel from Cervantes to Calvino
COL130Thinking Animals: An Introduction to Animal Studies
COL207Outsiders in European Literature
COL232Paris and Its Representations: Realities and Fantasies
COL234From Exile into Paradise: Dante's "Divine" Comedy
COL238Animal Theories/Human Fictions
COL239Paris, 19th Century
COL249Narrative and Ideology
ENGL132Writing Medicine and the Doctor-Writer
ENGL223After Achebe: Contemporary African Writing
ENGL243Caribbean Writers in the U.S. Diaspora
ENGL269Introduction to Playwriting
ENGL316Rethinking World Literature
ENGL351Jews and Christians in Medieval England: Debate, Dialogue, and Destruction
ENGL353Medieval Ethnicities and Ethnographies
ENGL373Beyond the Grail: Medieval Romances
FIST245Italian Cinema, Italian Society
FIST276Days and Knights of the Round Table
FIST302The View from Abroad on the Early Modern Stage
GRST230The Simple Life
GRST240The Ends of Empire: Narratives of Culmination and Decline in Philosophy and Literature
GRST251Kafka: Literature, Law, and Power
GRST252From Caligari to Hitler: Weimar Cinema in Context
GRST261Reading Nietzsche
GRST273Sex and Text in Freud's Vienna
GRST286Goethe, Schiller, and German Romanticism
RUSS205Murder and Adultery: Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and the 19th-Century Russian Novel
RUSS222Doubles in Literature
RUSS232The Real McCoy: Constructing Identity
RUSS240Reading Stories: Great Short Works from Tolstoy to Petrushevskaya
RUSS258Russia's Storyteller Playwrights
RUSS263Nabokov and Cultural Synthesis
RUSS265Kino: Russia at the Movies
RUSS277Gogol and His Legacy: Witches, Con Men, and Runaway Noses
RUSS279Theater of Anton Chekhov: Research, Analysis, and Performance

Last Updated on FEB-09-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459