CCIV118-01 The Fall of Rome and Other Stories Torgerson,Jesse Wayne ..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; WYL110;
COL108-01 Language Fitzpatrick,Joseph J. ..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; WYL110;
COL110-01 What Does Art Mean? Studies in Aesthetics and Cultural Relevance Weisberg,Meg Furniss ..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; WYL115;
COL112-01 The European Novel from Cervantes to Calvino Fitzpatrick,Joseph J. .M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; WYL110;
COL116-01 The Spanish Inquisition Garcia,Samuel J ..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; WYL110;
COL118-01 The Fall of Rome and Other Stories Torgerson,Jesse Wayne ..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; WYL110;
COL227-01 Life Writing: Writing about the Self and from Experience Barber,Charles .....F. 01:10PM-04:00PM; WYL110;
COL249-01 Narrative and Ideology Tölölyan,Khachig ...W... 07:00PM-09:50PM; WYL115;
ENGL247-01 Narrative and Ideology Tölölyan,Khachig ...W... 07:00PM-09:50PM; WYL115;
HIST126-01 The Spanish Inquisition Garcia,Samuel J ..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; WYL110;
CHUM315-01 Emperor, Caliph, King: Comparing the Byzantines, Abbasids, and Carolingians Torgerson,Jesse Wayne ....R.. 01:10PM-04:00PM; CFH106;
COL201-01 Writing Nonfiction Barber,Charles .....F. 01:10PM-04:00PM; WYL110;
COL244-01 Junior Colloquium Garcia,Samuel J Fitzpatrick,Joseph J. .M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; WYL110;
COL246-01 Senior Colloquium Tölölyan,Khachig .M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; WYL115;
COL264-01 Schwanze-Beast (S-B) Performance Composition--Animals and the Future Tropicana,Carmelita S...... 02:00PM-05:00PM; .M..... 07:00PM-10:00PM; DWNY200; DWNY200;
COL270-01 The Modernist City-Texts Fitzpatrick,Joseph J. .M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; WYL110;
COL347-01 Emperor, Caliph, King: Comparing the Byzantines, Abbasids, and Carolingians Torgerson,Jesse Wayne ....R.. 01:10PM-04:00PM; CFH106;
ENGL272-01 The Modernist City-Texts Fitzpatrick,Joseph J. .M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; WYL110;
HIST327-01 Emperor, Caliph, King: Comparing the Byzantines, Abbasids, and Carolingians Torgerson,Jesse Wayne ....R.. 01:10PM-04:00PM; CFH106;
Last Updated on FEB-06-2025
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? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459