Fall 2015      Environmental Studies       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CES
BIOL197Introduction to Environmental Studies
BIOL220Conservation Biology
BIOL290Plant Form and Diversity
BIOL327Evolutionary and Ecological Bioinformatics
BIOL507Evolution Journal Club I
CHEM387Enzyme Mechanisms
CHEM557Seminar in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM587Seminar in Biological Chemistry
E&ES223Structural Geology
E&ES280Environmental Geochemistry
E&ES322Introduction to GIS
ECON310Environmental and Resource Economics
ENVS212Introduction to Ethics
ENVS252Industrializations: Commodities in World History
ENVS255Seeing a Bigger Picture: Integrating Environmental History and Visual Studies
ENVS280Environmental Geochemistry
ENVS281Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory
ENVS310The Economics of Sustainable Development, Vulnerability, and Resilience
ENVS352Energy and Modern Architecture, 1850--2015
GOVT331International Law
HIST135American Food
PHIL212Introduction to Ethics
PHIL287Philosophy of Science
PSYC325Healthy Places: Practice, Policy and Population Health
SISP202Philosophy of Science
Spring 2016      Environmental Studies       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CES
ANTH349The Human Skeleton
BIOL173Global Change and Infectious Disease
BIOL226Invasive Species: Biology, Policy, and Management
BIOL508Evolution Journal Club II
CHEM314Environmental Chemistry
E&ES290Oceans and Climate
E&ES344Advanced GIS and Spatial Analyses
ENVS214Women, Animals, Nature
ENVS241Labor and Development Economics in Latin America
ENVS285Environmental Law and Policy
ENVS307The Economy of Nature and Nations
ENVS376The Artist in the City--Civic Engagement and Community Based Art-Making in the Urban Landscape
GOVT322Global Environmental Politics
GOVT329International Political Economy
MB&B381Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences
PHIL288Sciences as Social and Cultural Practices
PHYS105Science of Sustainability
SISP205Sciences as Social and Cultural Practices
SOC316Community Research Seminar

Last Updated on FEB-19-2025
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