Fall 2009      Jewish Literature and Culture       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CJS
RELI219Jewish Attitudes Towards Leisure and Entertainment in the Ancient World

Fall 2009      Israel Studies       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CJS
GOVT270Comparative Politics of the Middle East
HEBR101Elementary Hebrew I
HEBR201Intermediate Hebrew I
HEBR211Hebrew Literature

Fall 2009      History of the Jewish People       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CJS
HIST248Jewish History: Out of the Ghetto

Fall 2009      Religion of the Jewish People       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CJS
Spring 2010      Jewish Literature and Culture       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CJS
ARHA211Early Medieval Art: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in the Mediterranean, 300-1000
COL286The Holocaust: Historical, Philosophical, and Literary Aspects
HIST315Tracing Transcendence: Emmanuel Levinas's Talmudic Lectures
RELI374Scribes, Seers and Sages: The Cultures of Early Judaism

Spring 2010      Israel Studies       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CJS
GOVT270Comparative Politics of the Middle East
GOVT305Middle Eastern States in Comparative Perspective
HEBR102Elementary Hebrew II
HEBR202Intermediate Hebrew II
HIST311Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in the Middle East and the Balkans

Spring 2010      History of the Jewish People       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CJS
No Courses Offered.

Spring 2010      Religion of the Jewish People       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CJS
RELI201Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
RELI384The Making of American Jewish Identities: Blood, Bris, Bagels, and Beyond
RELI396Performing Jewish Studies: Theory, Method, and Models

Spring 2010      Gateway       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CJS
RELI384The Making of American Jewish Identities: Blood, Bris, Bagels, and Beyond

Last Updated on FEB-16-2025
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