Fall 2022      Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CSCT
AFAM101Introduction to Africana Studies: Black Radical Thought and Praxis
AFAM314The Black Charismatic
AMST201Queer Theories: Junior Colloquium
AMST254Intersectionality and Identity (FGSS Gateway)
AMST259Discovering the Person
ANTH101Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH285Film and Anthropology
ANTH295DTheory in Anthropology: Anthropology and the Modern Media
ANTH319Toxic Sovereignties: Life after Environmental Collapse
CHUM301Flaunting: Extreme Fashion on the Early Modern Stage
CHUM313Performing Property: Legal Experimentation and Activism in Contemporary Art
CLST363Body Politics: Desire, Sexualities, and Gender, Past and Present
COL210Living a Good Life
COL228Virtue and Vice in History, Literature, and Philosophy
COL238Animal Theories/Human Fictions
COL248Foundations of Critical Theory: Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud
COL258The Word for World is Information: Ideologies of Language in Science Fiction & Film
CSS271Sophomore Colloquium: Modern Social Theory
ENGL222Poetics of Blackness
ENGL3011492: States of War
ENGL303Narrative Theory
FGSS209Feminist Theories
FGSS228Performing Identities (FGSS Gateway)
FGSS306Black Feminist and Trans Theories of the Hu/Man
GOVT159The Moral Basis of Politics
GOVT339Contemporary Political Theory
GOVT393The Politics of Authenticity
GOVT399Citizens, Judges, Juries: Who Decides in Democracy?
GRST268Foundations of Critical Theory: Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud
HIST101FHistory and the Humanities (FYS)
HIST215European Intellectual History to the Renaissance
HIST383French Existentialism and Marxism
MUSC210Theory of Jazz Improvisation
PHIL202Philosophical Classics II: Early Modern Philosophy from Descartes Through Kant
PHIL282Reason and Revelation: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
PHIL287Philosophy of Science
PSYC259Discovering the Person
RELI292Reason and Revelation: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
SISP202Philosophy of Science
SOC212Sociology and Social Theory
SOC245Intersectionality and Identity (FGSS Gateway)
SOC269Bad Sex
Spring 2023      Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CSCT
AFAM101Introduction to Africana Studies: Examining the Spatial Dynamics That Constitute Diasporic Life
AFAM211Critical Philosophy of Race
AFAM268Caribbean Geographies
ANTH101Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH295CTheory in Anthropology: Anthropology of Conspiracy
ARHA364Architecture: Historiography, Theory, Criticism; Traditional and Contemporary Approaches
CHUM312Technologies of Care
CHUM336Black Texts, Lost and Found
CHUM354Imagining Difference: Social Science & Black Life
CLST202Greek Drama: Theater and Social Justice, Ancient and Modern
COL22520th-Century Franco-Caribbean Literature and the Search for Identity
COL265Frankfurt School Critical Theory, Then and Now
COL269Modern Aesthetic Theory
COL292Reason and Its Limits
CSS371Junior Colloquium: Contemporary Political Theory
ENGL201BWays of Reading: Unreliability
ENGL201RWays of Reading: Strange Inheritance
ENGL312Vitalism and Black Aesthetics
ENGL320The Senses and the Subject in Cinema and Poetry
ENGL367Nature Description: Literature and Theory
FGSS200Sex/Gender in Critical Perspective (FGSS Gateway)
FGSS209Feminist Theories
FGSS322Decolonizing Gender and Sexuality
FGSS354Imagining Difference: Social Science & Black Life
FILM360Philosophy and the Movies: The Past on Film
GOVT338Global Modern Political Thought
GOVT347Political Freedom
GOVT350Law, Justice, and Democracy
GOVT355Political Theory and Transitional Justice
GRST269Modern Aesthetic Theory
HIST323No Day But Today: United States Queer History
HIST382Anthropocene as Modern Grand Narrative
ITAL226The Cosmos of Dante's "Comedy"
ITAL227Devotion and Deception: Erotic Discourse from Dante to Petrarca
PHIL212Introduction to Ethics
PHIL269Modern Aesthetic Theory
REES233Introduction to Russian and Soviet Cinema
RUSS321Moscow/Berlin: Dreamworld and Catastrophe

Last Updated on SEP-08-2024
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