Fall 2014      World Literature in Translation       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       WLIT
COL112The European Novel from Cervantes to Calvino
COL113The Language of Poetry
COL232Paris and Its Representations: Realities and Fantasies
COL238Animal Theories/Human Fictions
ENGL132Writing Medicine and the Doctor-Writer
ENGL269Introduction to Playwriting
ENGL270Writing Creative Nonfiction
ENGL373Beyond the Grail: Medieval Romances
FIST247Boccaccio: The Black Death & the Birth of Erotica
GRST252From Caligari to Hitler: Weimar Cinema in Context
RULE205Murder and Adultery: Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and the 19th-Century Russian Novel
RUSS205Murder and Adultery: Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and the 19th-Century Russian Novel
RUSS263Nabokov and Cultural Synthesis
Spring 2015      World Literature in Translation       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       WLIT
CCIV112Three Great Myths: Prometheus, Persephone, and Dionysus
CCIV275Romans and Christians: The World of Late Antiquity
COL109A History of Civil Disobedience
COL270The Modernist City-Texts
ENGL235Childhood in America
ENGL251Epic Tradition
ENGL275Race and Place in Early American Writing
ENGL293Introduction to Medieval Literature
ENGL295Reading Theories
ENGL303Narrative Theory
RULE206A Matter of Life and Death: Fiction in the Soviet Era
RUSS206A Matter of Life and Death: Fiction in the Soviet Era
RUSS255Empire, Love, and War: 20th-Century Novels from Central and Eastern Europe

Last Updated on FEB-14-2025
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