AFAM316 Carceral Connecticut: Middletown Stories of Race and Redevelopment
ASTR430 Seminar on Astronomical Pedagogy
CGST205 Introduction to Global Engagement
CHEM241 Informal Science Education for Elementary School Students I
CSPL306 Community-Engaged Qualitative Research: The Other 1%
DANC341 Dance Teaching Workshop
E&ES325 Geologic Field Mapping
ENVS244 Strategies in Conservation and Environmental Action
FILM104 Introduction to Collaborative Documentary Filmmaking
GOVT308 Comparative Urban Policy
ITAL225 Italian/Middletown: Podcasting Middletown's Italian Treasures
PSYC206 Research Methods in Cognitive Development and Education
PSYC355 Psychology of Reading
SOC315 The Health of Communities
ARST321 Wood: Building with the Forest
CHEM242 Informal Science Education for Elementary School Students II
COL200 The Narratives of Illness and Recovery
COL208 Accessible Writing: Disability, Language, and Media
CSPL311 Community Impact Practicum: Building Capacity to Support Educational Enrichment
DANC376 The Artist in the Community: Civic Engagement and Collaborative Dancemaking
DANC447 Dance Teaching Practicum
EDST202 Pedagogy for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Tutors
EDST311 Community Impact Practicum: Building Capacity to Support Educational Enrichment
ENVS293 Environmental Justice: Community-based Participatory Research
MUSC438 Wesleyan University Collegium Musicum
MUSC463 Teaching Music Lessons to Children in Local Schools
THEA143 Gospel, Rap, and Social Justice
WRCT202 Pedagogy for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Tutors
Last Updated on FEB-13-2025
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? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459