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ARHA151European Architecture and Urbanism to 1750
ENGL207Chaucer and His World
FREN230Knights, Fools, and Lovers: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance French Culture
HEBR101Beginning Hebrew I
HEBR201Intermediate Hebrew I
HIST215European Intellectual History to the Renaissance
MUSC448Ebony Singers: Gospel Music
RELI201Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)
RELI226American Christianities: What do Christians Want?
RELI279Christianity and Globalization
Spring 2023      Christianity Studies       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       XCHS
AFAM361The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination
ARHA210Romanesque and Gothic Art and Architecture
COL221Revolutionary Lives: How a Life Becomes Political Power, Middle Ages to Modernity
HEBR102Beginning Hebrew II
HEBR202Intermediate Hebrew II
HIST201Medieval Europe
MUSC448Ebony Singers: Gospel Music
RELI212Introduction to the New Testament

Last Updated on FEB-19-2025
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