Fall 2024      Data Analysis Minor       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       XDAT
COMP112Introduction to Programming
COMP211Computer Science I
COMP212Computer Science II
E&ES280Introduction to GIS
ECON300Introductory Econometrics
ECON385Advanced Econometrics
GOVT366Empirical Methods for Political Science
MATH132Elementary Statistics
MATH221Vectors and Matrices
MATH223Linear Algebra
MATH228Discrete Mathematics
MATH231An Introduction to Probability
PSYC200Statistics: An Activity-Based Approach
PSYC385Advanced Research in Digital Learning
QAC201Applied Data Analysis
QAC231Introduction to (Geo)Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization
QAC239Proseminar: Machine Learning Methods for Audio and Video Analysis
QAC241Introduction to Network Analysis
QAC250An Introduction to Data Journalism
QAC307Experimental Design and Causal Inference
QAC312Hierarchical Linear Models
QAC313Latent Variable Analysis
QAC356Advanced R: Building Open-Source Tools for Data Science
QAC378DeltaLab: Computational Media Analysis
QAC380Introduction to Statistical Consulting
QAC385Applications of Machine Learning in Data Analysis
Spring 2025      Data Analysis Minor       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       XDAT
BIOL265Bioinformatics Programming
COMP112Introduction to Programming
COMP211Computer Science I
COMP212Computer Science II
E&ES280Introduction to GIS
ECON300Introductory Econometrics
MATH132Elementary Statistics
MATH221Vectors and Matrices
MATH223Linear Algebra
MATH228Discrete Mathematics
MATH232Mathematical Statistics
MATH274Graph Theory
PHYS340Computational Physics
PSYC200Statistics: An Activity-Based Approach
QAC201Applied Data Analysis
QAC211Digging the Digital Era: A Data Science Primer
QAC220Applied Vectors and Matrices
QAC231Introduction to (Geo)Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization
QAC239Proseminar: Machine Learning Methods for Audio and Video Analysis
QAC251Data Visualization: An Introduction
QAC305Exploratory Data Analysis and Pattern Discovery
QAC311Longitudinal Data Analysis
QAC314Survival Analysis
QAC320Applied Time Series Analysis
QAC378DeltaLab: Computational Media Analysis
QAC386Quantitative Textual Analysis: Introduction to Text Mining

Last Updated on FEB-09-2025
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