Fall 2020      Service Learning       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       XSER
ASTR430Seminar on Astronomical Pedagogy
COL208The Art and Science of Social Engagement
E&ES280Introduction to GIS
E&ES281GIS Service-Learning Laboratory
EDST310Practicum in Education Studies
ENVS361Living in a Polluted World
QAC381QAC Praxis Service Learning Lab
SOC315The Health of Communities
THEA217Performing Democracy: Theater, Activism, and Community Engagement
WRCT140LTeaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Spring 2021      Service Learning       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       XSER
AFAM307Black Middletown Lives: The Future of Middletown's African American Past
CSPL277Community Impact: Building Capacity to Support Educational Enrichment and Socioemotional Development
DANC376The Artist in the Community: Civic Engagement and Collaborative Dancemaking
GOVT379Access to Civil Justice
MUSC463Teaching Music Lessons to Children in Local Schools
PSYC206Research Methods in Cognitive Development and Education
THEA114Incarcerated Stories: Documenting In/Justice

Last Updated on FEB-18-2025
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