Fall 2006      Courses with primary focus on urban studies-related topics       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       XURS
ANTH230The Anthropology of Cities
ARHA151European Architecture to 1750
ARHA364Architecture: Historiography, Theory, Criticism; Traditional and Contemporary Approaches
ARST434Studies in Contemporary Urbanism
FREN257Autobiography and Photography
HIST171Soph. Sem. The History of Middletown - A Research Seminar
SOC270Urban Societies
SOC315The Health of Communities

Fall 2006      Courses with secondary focus on urban studies-related topics       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       XURS
ARHA294Building Houses, Building Identities: Architecture in the Atlantic World, From Africa to America

Fall 2006      HA Courses       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       XURS
ARHA151European Architecture to 1750
ARST434Studies in Contemporary Urbanism
FREN257Autobiography and Photography

Fall 2006      SBS Courses       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       XURS
ANTH230The Anthropology of Cities
GOVT257Everyday Forms of Resistance
SOC270Urban Societies
Spring 2007      Courses with primary focus on urban studies-related topics       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       XURS
ANTH340Contemporary Urban Social Movements
ARHA244European Architecture and Urbanism, 1750-1910
ARHA246American Architecture and Urbanism, 1770-1914
CCIV321The Archaeology of the Greek City/State
CHUM304Black Religious and Urban History: Migration and Transformation
SOC248Gentrification and Urban Development

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ENGL204American Literature 1865-1945

Spring 2007      HA Courses       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       XURS
ARHA244European Architecture and Urbanism, 1750-1910
ARHA246American Architecture and Urbanism, 1770-1914
CCIV275Romans and Christians: The World of Late Antiquity
CCIV321The Archaeology of the Greek City/State
ENGL107The City in American Fiction
ENGL204American Literature 1865-1945

Spring 2007      SBS Courses       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       XURS

Last Updated on FEB-18-2025
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