American Studies - Winter 2016 |
| AMST245-01 | Personalizing History | Karamcheti,Indira .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 02:00PM-05:00PM; CAMS 3; CAMS 3; |
Applied Data Science Certificate - Winter 2016 |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 01:00PM-06:00PM; AWKS112; |
| QAC201-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. 12:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE189; |
Art Studio - Winter 2016 |
| ARST490-01 | Introduction to Digital Art | Chenier,Christopher James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:30PM; .MTWRF. 01:30PM-04:00PM; DDS; DDS; |
Astronomy - Winter 2016 |
| ASTR111-01 | The Dark Side of the Universe | Moran,Edward C. 05:00PM-10:00PM; VVO110; |
Civic Engagement Minor - Winter 2016 |
| GOVT311-01 | United States Foreign Policy | Foyle,Douglas C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-11:30AM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:30PM; PAC422; PAC422; |
College of Integrative Sciences - Winter 2016 |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 01:00PM-06:00PM; AWKS112; |
| PSYC280-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. 12:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE189; |
Computer Science - Winter 2016 |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 01:00PM-06:00PM; AWKS112; |
Courses Related to Design - Winter 2016 |
| ARST490-01 | Introduction to Digital Art | Chenier,Christopher James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:30PM; .MTWRF. 01:30PM-04:00PM; DDS; DDS; |
English - Winter 2016 |
| ENGL234-01 | Jane Austen and the Romantic Age | Weiner,Stephanie Kuduk 10:00AM-12:30PM; 02:30PM-04:30PM; WYL110; WYL110; |
| ENGL246-01 | Personalizing History | Karamcheti,Indira .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 02:00PM-05:00PM; CAMS 3; CAMS 3; |
Government - Winter 2016 |
| GOVT201-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. 12:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE189; |
| GOVT311-01 | United States Foreign Policy | Foyle,Douglas C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-11:30AM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:30PM; PAC422; PAC422; |
Health Studies - Winter 2016 |
| NS&B280-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. 12:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE189; |
Informatics and Modeling Minor - Winter 2016 |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 01:00PM-06:00PM; AWKS112; |
International Relations Minor - Winter 2016 |
| GOVT311-01 | United States Foreign Policy | Foyle,Douglas C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-11:30AM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:30PM; PAC422; PAC422; |
Neuroscience and Behavior Program - Winter 2016 |
| NS&B280-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. 12:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE189; |
Psychology - Winter 2016 |
| PSYC280-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. 12:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE189; |
Quantitative Analysis Center - Winter 2016 |
| QAC201-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. 12:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE189; |
Quantitative Reasoning Courses - Winter 2016 |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 01:00PM-06:00PM; AWKS112; |
| QAC201-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. 12:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE189; |
Science & Mathematics Courses Appropriate for Non-Majors - Winter 2016 |
| ASTR111-01 | The Dark Side of the Universe | Moran,Edward C. 05:00PM-10:00PM; VVO110; |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 01:00PM-06:00PM; AWKS112; |
Sociology - Winter 2016 |
| SOC257-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. 12:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE189; |
The Study of Education - Winter 2016 |
| QAC201-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. 12:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE189; |