Alternative Language Study Options - Winter 2019 |
| LANG106A-01 | Beginning Danish I | Lor,Kia TBA; TBA |
American Studies - Winter 2019 |
| AMST294-01 | Mapping Culture | Charry,Eric .MTWRF. 10:00AM-04:00PM; MST301; |
Applied Data Science Certificate - Winter 2019 |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-04:00PM; AWKS112; AWKS112; |
| QAC201-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-04:00PM; SCIE189; |
Art Studio - Winter 2019 |
| ARST190-01 | Digital Art | Chenier,Christopher James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-03:00PM; DDS; |
Center for the Study of Public Life - Winter 2019 |
| CSPL493-01 | Internship | Hovey,Mark A. TBA; TBA |
Civic Engagement Minor - Winter 2019 |
| GOVT311-01 | United States Foreign Policy | Foyle,Douglas C. ..TWRF. 09:00AM-11:30AM; ..TWRF. 01:00PM-03:30PM; PAC422; PAC422; |
Classical Civilization - Winter 2019 |
| CCIV220-01 | Homer and the Epic | Bobrick,Elizabeth A. .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 02:00PM-04:00PM; PAC421; PAC421; |
College of Design and Engineering Studies - Winter 2019 |
| IDEA190-01 | Digital Art | Chenier,Christopher James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-03:00PM; DDS; |
College of East Asian Studies - Winter 2019 |
| CEAS347-01 | Contemporary East Asian Cinema | Dombrowski,Lisa A. 12:00PM-04:00PM; 06:00PM-10:00PM; CFAHALL; CFAHALL; |
College of Integrative Sciences - Winter 2019 |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-04:00PM; AWKS112; AWKS112; |
| PSYC280-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-04:00PM; SCIE189; |
| PSYC316-01 | Schizophrenia and Its Treatment: Neuroscientific, Historical, and Phenomenological Perspectives | Kurtz,Matthew M. .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:00PM; FISK121; FISK121; |
Computer Science - Winter 2019 |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-04:00PM; AWKS112; AWKS112; |
Courses Related to Design - Winter 2019 |
| ARST190-01 | Digital Art | Chenier,Christopher James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-03:00PM; DDS; |
Dance - Winter 2019 |
| DANC311-01 | Immersive Theater: Experimental Design, Material Culture and Audience-Centered Performance | Pearson,Tom .MTWRF. 12:00PM-04:00PM; .MTWRF. 05:00PM-08:00PM; TST101; TST114; |
Data Analysis Minor - Winter 2019 |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-04:00PM; AWKS112; AWKS112; |
Education Studies Minor - Winter 2019 |
| QAC201-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-04:00PM; SCIE189; |
English - Winter 2019 |
| ENGL219-01 | Homer and the Epic | Bobrick,Elizabeth A. .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 02:00PM-04:00PM; PAC421; PAC421; |
Government - Winter 2019 |
| GOVT201-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-04:00PM; SCIE189; |
| GOVT311-01 | United States Foreign Policy | Foyle,Douglas C. ..TWRF. 09:00AM-11:30AM; ..TWRF. 01:00PM-03:30PM; PAC422; PAC422; |
Health Studies - Winter 2019 |
| NS&B280-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-04:00PM; SCIE189; |
| NS&B316-01 | Schizophrenia and Its Treatment: Neuroscientific, Historical, and Phenomenological Perspectives | Kurtz,Matthew M. .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:00PM; FISK121; FISK121; |
Informatics and Modeling Minor - Winter 2019 |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-04:00PM; AWKS112; AWKS112; |
Integrated Design, Engineering, Arts and Society Minor - Winter 2019 |
| ARST190-01 | Digital Art | Chenier,Christopher James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-03:00PM; DDS; |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-04:00PM; AWKS112; AWKS112; |
International Relations Minor - Winter 2019 |
| GOVT311-01 | United States Foreign Policy | Foyle,Douglas C. ..TWRF. 09:00AM-11:30AM; ..TWRF. 01:00PM-03:30PM; PAC422; PAC422; |
Music - Winter 2019 |
| MUSC293-01 | Mapping Culture | Charry,Eric .MTWRF. 10:00AM-04:00PM; MST301; |
Neuroscience and Behavior Program - Winter 2019 |
| NS&B280-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-04:00PM; SCIE189; |
| NS&B316-01 | Schizophrenia and Its Treatment: Neuroscientific, Historical, and Phenomenological Perspectives | Kurtz,Matthew M. .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:00PM; FISK121; FISK121; |
Psychology - Winter 2019 |
| PSYC280-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-04:00PM; SCIE189; |
| PSYC316-01 | Schizophrenia and Its Treatment: Neuroscientific, Historical, and Phenomenological Perspectives | Kurtz,Matthew M. .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:00PM; FISK121; FISK121; |
Quantitative Analysis Center - Winter 2019 |
| QAC201-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-04:00PM; SCIE189; |
Quantitative Reasoning Courses - Winter 2019 |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-04:00PM; AWKS112; AWKS112; |
| QAC201-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-04:00PM; SCIE189; |
Science & Mathematics Courses Appropriate for Non-Majors - Winter 2019 |
| COMP112-01 | Introduction to Programming | Lipton,James .MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-04:00PM; AWKS112; AWKS112; |
Sociology - Winter 2019 |
| SOC257-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-04:00PM; SCIE189; |
The Study of Education - Winter 2019 |
| QAC201-01 | Applied Data Analysis | Dierker,Lisa C. .MTWRF. 09:00AM-04:00PM; SCIE189; |
Theater - Winter 2019 |
| THEA301-01 | Immersive Theater: Experimental Design, Material Culture and Audience-Centered Performance | Pearson,Tom .MTWRF. 12:00PM-04:00PM; .MTWRF. 05:00PM-08:00PM; TST101; TST114; |