WesMaps - Winter 2020 Courses Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search

Alternative Language Study Options - Winter 2020

LANG103G-01Beginning Cantonese ILor,Kia    
LANG103H-01Beginning Icelandic ILor,Kia    
LANG103K-01Beginning Swedish ILor,Kia    

Applied Data Science Certificate - Winter 2020

QAC201Z-01Applied Data AnalysisNazzaro,Valerie L.   
.MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189;

Art Studio - Winter 2020

ARST190Z-01Digital ArtChenier,Christopher James   
.MTWRF. 10:00AM-04:00PM; DDS;

Astronomy - Winter 2020

ASTR111Z-01The Dark Side of the UniverseMoran,Edward C.   
TBA; VVO110;

Center for the Study of Public Life - Winter 2020

CSPL493-01InternshipHovey,Mark A.   
CSPL494-01Internship: ElectionsWatson,Clifton Nathaniel   

College of Design and Engineering Studies - Winter 2020

IDEA190Z-01Digital ArtChenier,Christopher James   
.MTWRF. 10:00AM-04:00PM; DDS;

Computer Science - Winter 2020

COMP112Z-01Introduction to ProgrammingLipton,James    
.MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-04:00PM; AWKS112; AWKS112;

Data Analysis Minor - Winter 2020

QAC201Z-01Applied Data AnalysisNazzaro,Valerie L.   
.MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189;

English - Winter 2020

ENGL214Z-01Reading and Writing MemoirBonner,Jeanne M.   
..TWRF. 09:00AM-11:30AM; ..TWRF. 01:00PM-02:30PM; BOGH113; BOGH113;

Government - Winter 2020

GOVT201Z-01Applied Data AnalysisNazzaro,Valerie L.   
.MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189;
GOVT311Z-01United States Foreign PolicyFoyle,Douglas C.   
..TWRF. 09:00AM-11:30AM; ..TWRF. 01:00PM-03:30PM; PAC422; PAC422;

Neuroscience and Behavior Program - Winter 2020

NS&B280Z-01Applied Data AnalysisNazzaro,Valerie L.   
.MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189;
NS&B316Z-01Schizophrenia and its TreatmentKurtz,Matthew M.   
.MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:00PM; JUDD113; JUDD113;

Psychology - Winter 2020

PSYC230Z-01Developmental PsychologyShusterman,Anna    
PSYC280Z-01Applied Data AnalysisNazzaro,Valerie L.   
.MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189;
PSYC316Z-01Schizophrenia and its TreatmentKurtz,Matthew M.   
.MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:00PM; JUDD113; JUDD113;

Quantitative Analysis Center - Winter 2020

QAC201Z-01Applied Data AnalysisNazzaro,Valerie L.   
.MTWRF. 10:00AM-12:00PM; .MTWRF. 01:00PM-03:00PM; SCIE189; SCIE189;

Last Updated on OCT-06-2024
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