WesMaps - Fall 2019 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       AMST
AMST117FSocial Norms and Social Power (FYS)
AMST119Reading Difference
AMST125FStaging America: Modern American Drama (FYS)
AMST150Indigenous Middletown: Native Histories of the Wangunk Indian People
AMST170Postmodernism and the Long 1980s
AMST175Soundscapes and Aurality in American Culture: An Introduction to American Studies
AMST177American Movies as American Studies: An Introduction to American Studies
AMST178Sites of the Self: Maps, Gardens, Houses: An Introduction to American Studies
AMST179Contemporary U.S. Politics: An Introduction to American Studies
AMST201Junior Colloquium: Critical Queer Studies
AMST202Junior Colloquium: Representing Race in American Culture
AMST206Junior Colloquium: New England and Empire
AMST219Introduction to Native American Studies: (Mis)Representation
AMST225Latinidad: Introduction to Latina/o Studies
AMST22620th-Century Franco-Caribbean Literature and the Search for Identity
AMST228Sex, Money, and Power: Anthropology of Intimacy and Exchange
AMST229Hymnody in the United States Before the Civil War
AMST230The United States Since 1901
AMST231Rightwing Movements in the Age of Trump
AMST232American Architecture and Urbanism, 1770--1914
AMST234What Was the Public Sphere?
AMST235American Literature, 1865--1945
AMST241Childhood in America
AMST243American Literature from the Colonial Period to the Civil War
AMST244Comparative Race and Ethnicity
AMST245Personalizing History
AMST246Social Movements
AMST247Caribbean Writers in the U.S. Diaspora
AMST251Contemporary Puerto Rican Art and Literature
AMST253Television: The Domestic Medium
AMST255Anarchy in America: From Haymarket to Black Lives Matter
AMST256Race and Medicine in America
AMST257Darwinian Fictions
AMST261Pirates, Puritans, and Pequots: Literatures of the Renaissance Atlantic
AMST262Beyond the Talking Book: Reading African American Literature in the Newspapers
AMST266Future Visions: Temporality and the Politics of Change
AMST267Music and Downtown New York
AMST269New World Poetics
AMST271The 1850s
AMST272Cultural Studies of Health
AMST273Diasporic South Asian Writing and American Studies
AMST276Revolution Girl-Style Now: Queer and Feminist Performance Strategies
AMST279Crossing the Color Line: Racial Passing in American Literature
AMST281Ethics of Embodiment (FGSS Gateway)
AMST284Making New Worlds: Encounters in Early North America
AMST285Food, Culture, and Society: A Focus on Native North America
AMST286Queer Activism and Radical Scholarship: Beyond Theory vs. Practice
AMST288African American Urban Politics, Economy, and Policy
AMST290Style and Identity in Youth Cultures
AMST298From Seduction to Civil War: The Early U.S. Novel
AMST302Lyric Poetry and Music: The Color and Politics of Cry, Sound, and Voice
AMST304The Senses and the Subject in Cinema and Poetry
AMST307Indigenous Politics
AMST315Entertaining Social Change
AMST327Brown, Black, and Queer Forms and Feelings
AMST330American Utopias in the 19th Century
AMST343Imitations of Life: Experimental Bodies at the Interface of Science and Culture
AMST351Queer of Color Critique
AMST353Health, Illness, and Power in America
AMST356Queer Necropolitics
AMST362Calderwood Seminar in Public Writing: The Dark Turn in Television Storytelling
AMST363Kill Anything That Moves: The Vietnam War in Literature and Film
AMST391Religion and the Social Construction of Race
HIST239The Long 19th Century

Spring 2020 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       AMST
AMST125FStaging America: Modern American Drama (FYS)
AMST150Indigenous Middletown: Native Histories of the Wangunk Indian People
AMST170Postmodernism and the Long 1980s
AMST174Popular Culture and Social Justice: An Introduction to American Studies
AMST176Race, Indigeneity, and Citizenship: Introduction to American Studies
AMST177American Movies as American Studies: An Introduction to American Studies
AMST200Colonialism and Its Consequences in the Americas
AMST201Junior Colloquium: Critical Queer Studies
AMST202Junior Colloquium: Representing Race in American Culture
AMST203Junior Colloquium: Biopolitics, Animality, and Posthumanism
AMST208Junior Colloquium: Visual Culture Studies and Violence
AMST209Junior Colloquium: Cultural Theory and Analysis
AMST210America's Lure: The Politics of the Transnational US University
AMST211Global America: Gender, Empire & Internationalism Since 1890
AMST213African American History, 1444-1877
AMST218Introduction to Queer Studies
AMST224History of American English
AMST225Latinidad: Introduction to Latina/o Studies
AMST22620th-Century Franco-Caribbean Literature and the Search for Identity
AMST228Sex, Money, and Power: Anthropology of Intimacy and Exchange
AMST229Hymnody in the United States Before the Civil War
AMST231Rightwing Movements in the Age of Trump
AMST232American Architecture and Urbanism, 1770--1914
AMST233Global Queer Studies
AMST235American Literature, 1865-1945: The Americanization of Power
AMST237Histories of Modern U.S. Gender and Sexuality
AMST241Childhood in America
AMST242Mixed in America: Race, Religion, and Memoir
AMST245Personalizing History
AMST249Art After 1945
AMST255Anarchy in America: From Haymarket to Black Lives Matter
AMST257Darwinian Fictions
AMST259Discovering the Person
AMST264Introduction to Asian American Literature
AMST267Music and Downtown New York
AMST269New World Poetics
AMST271The 1850s
AMST273Diasporic South Asian Writing and American Studies
AMST274Economics of Wealth and Poverty
AMST276Revolution Girl-Style Now: Queer and Feminist Performance Strategies
AMST279Crossing the Color Line: Racial Passing in American Literature
AMST281Ethics of Embodiment (FGSS Gateway)
AMST291Afro-Asian Intersections in the Americas
AMST298From Seduction to Civil War: The Early U.S. Novel
AMST307Indigenous Politics
AMST313After Orientalism: Asian American Literature and Theory After 2000
AMST316Television Storytelling: The Conditions of Narrative Complexity
AMST319Anarchist Anthropology and Militant Ethnography
AMST334Black Power and the Modern Narrative of Slavery
AMST342Black Leadership in Historical Perspective
AMST350The Law, the Citizen, and the Literary and Cinematic Imaginations
AMST355Between Asia and Asian America
AMST361Thresholds of Art and Activism Since the 1960s
AMST391Religion and the Social Construction of Race
HIST239The Long 19th Century

Last Updated on FEB-06-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459