AMST117F | Social Norms and Social Power (FYS) |
AMST119 | Reading Difference |
AMST125F | Staging America: Modern American Drama (FYS) |
AMST150 | Indigenous Middletown: Native Histories of the Wangunk Indian People |
AMST170 | Postmodernism and the Long 1980s |
AMST175 | Soundscapes and Aurality in American Culture: An Introduction to American Studies |
AMST177 | American Movies as American Studies: An Introduction to American Studies |
AMST178 | Sites of the Self: Maps, Gardens, Houses: An Introduction to American Studies |
AMST179 | Contemporary U.S. Politics: An Introduction to American Studies |
AMST201 | Junior Colloquium: Critical Queer Studies |
AMST202 | Junior Colloquium: Representing Race in American Culture |
AMST206 | Junior Colloquium: New England and Empire |
AMST219 | Introduction to Native American Studies: (Mis)Representation |
AMST225 | Latinidad: Introduction to Latina/o Studies |
AMST226 | 20th-Century Franco-Caribbean Literature and the Search for Identity |
AMST228 | Sex, Money, and Power: Anthropology of Intimacy and Exchange |
AMST229 | Hymnody in the United States Before the Civil War |
AMST230 | The United States Since 1901 |
AMST231 | Rightwing Movements in the Age of Trump |
AMST232 | American Architecture and Urbanism, 1770--1914 |
AMST234 | What Was the Public Sphere? |
AMST235 | American Literature, 1865--1945 |
AMST241 | Childhood in America |
AMST243 | American Literature from the Colonial Period to the Civil War |
AMST244 | Comparative Race and Ethnicity |
AMST245 | Personalizing History |
AMST246 | Social Movements |
AMST247 | Caribbean Writers in the U.S. Diaspora |
AMST251 | Contemporary Puerto Rican Art and Literature |
AMST253 | Television: The Domestic Medium |
AMST255 | Anarchy in America: From Haymarket to Black Lives Matter |
AMST256 | Race and Medicine in America |
AMST257 | Darwinian Fictions |
AMST261 | Pirates, Puritans, and Pequots: Literatures of the Renaissance Atlantic |
AMST262 | Beyond the Talking Book: Reading African American Literature in the Newspapers |
AMST266 | Future Visions: Temporality and the Politics of Change |
AMST267 | Music and Downtown New York |
AMST269 | New World Poetics |
AMST271 | The 1850s |
AMST272 | Cultural Studies of Health |
AMST273 | Diasporic South Asian Writing and American Studies |
AMST276 | Revolution Girl-Style Now: Queer and Feminist Performance Strategies |
AMST279 | Crossing the Color Line: Racial Passing in American Literature |
AMST281 | Ethics of Embodiment (FGSS Gateway) |
AMST284 | Making New Worlds: Encounters in Early North America |
AMST285 | Food, Culture, and Society: A Focus on Native North America |
AMST286 | Queer Activism and Radical Scholarship: Beyond Theory vs. Practice |
AMST288 | African American Urban Politics, Economy, and Policy |
AMST290 | Style and Identity in Youth Cultures |
AMST298 | From Seduction to Civil War: The Early U.S. Novel |
AMST302 | Lyric Poetry and Music: The Color and Politics of Cry, Sound, and Voice |
AMST304 | The Senses and the Subject in Cinema and Poetry |
AMST307 | Indigenous Politics |
AMST315 | Entertaining Social Change |
AMST327 | Brown, Black, and Queer Forms and Feelings |
AMST330 | American Utopias in the 19th Century |
AMST343 | Imitations of Life: Experimental Bodies at the Interface of Science and Culture |
AMST351 | Queer of Color Critique |
AMST353 | Health, Illness, and Power in America |
AMST356 | Queer Necropolitics |
AMST362 | Calderwood Seminar in Public Writing: The Dark Turn in Television Storytelling |
AMST363 | Kill Anything That Moves: The Vietnam War in Literature and Film |
AMST391 | Religion and the Social Construction of Race |
HIST239 | The Long 19th Century |