WesMaps - Fall 2013 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CHEM
CHEM102Science Information Literacy
CHEM117Human Biochemistry
CHEM120Real-World Chemistry
CHEM121It's a Small World--Atoms and Elements
CHEM132Seminars in Physical Science
CHEM142Introductory Chemistry II
CHEM144Principles of Chemistry II
CHEM198Forensics: Science Behind CSI
CHEM242Informal Science Education for Elementary School Students II
CHEM301Molecular Biophysics
CHEM315Mathematical Modeling in Biochemistry
CHEM321Biomedicinal Chemistry
CHEM338Physical Chemistry II: Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, and Kinetics
CHEM340Physical Chemistry IV: Introduction to Quantum Chemistry
CHEM341Physical Chemistry IVB: Quantum Chemistry
CHEM353Applications of Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry
CHEM357Bio-Organic Chemistry
CHEM358Structure and Mechanism
CHEM361Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM363Organometallic Chemistry
CHEM376Integrated Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM378Materials Chemistry and Nanoscience
CHEM381Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences
CHEM382Practical NMR
CHEM386Biological Thermodynamics
CHEM387Enzyme Mechanisms
CHEM388Biophysical Chemistry
CHEM390Practical Methods in Biochemistry
CHEM391Artificial Molecular Machines
CHEM509Molecular Biophysics
CHEM540Physical Chemistry IV: Advanced Quantum Chemistry
CHEM541Physical Chemistry IV: Quantum Chemistry

Spring 2014 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       CHEM
CHEM117Human Biochemistry
CHEM119Biology and Chemistry in the Modern World: A Survey of Drugs and Disease
CHEM120Real-World Chemistry
CHEM141Introductory Chemistry I
CHEM198Forensics: Science Behind CSI
CHEM314Environmental Chemistry
CHEM315Mathematical Modeling in Biochemistry
CHEM325Introduction to Biomolecular Structure
CHEM340Physical Chemistry IV: Introduction to Quantum Chemistry
CHEM341Physical Chemistry IVB: Quantum Chemistry
CHEM345Molecular Spectroscopy
CHEM352Applications of Electrochemistry
CHEM353Applications of Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry
CHEM358Structure and Mechanism
CHEM359Advanced Organic Synthesis
CHEM361Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM363Organometallic Chemistry
CHEM375Integrated Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM378Materials Chemistry and Nanoscience
CHEM385Advanced Biochemistry: Enzyme Kinetics
CHEM387Enzyme Mechanisms
CHEM388Biophysical Chemistry
CHEM390Practical Methods in Biochemistry
CHEM391Artificial Molecular Machines
CHEM395Structural Biology Laboratory
CHEM500Graduate Pedagogy
CHEM519Structural Mechanisms of Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions
CHEM540Physical Chemistry IV: Advanced Quantum Chemistry
CHEM541Physical Chemistry IV: Quantum Chemistry
CHEM545High-Resolution Spectroscopy

Last Updated on FEB-16-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459