COL104 | Baroque Rome |
COL106 | The Italian Renaissance |
COL107 | Laughter and Politics |
COL108 | Language |
COL109 | A History of Civil Disobedience |
COL112 | The European Novel from Cervantes to Calvino |
COL114 | Text and Context: Readings in Modern Europe |
COL125 | Staging America: Modern American Drama |
COL130 | Thinking Animals: An Introduction to Animal Studies |
COL206 | Remembering the Self: Forces and Forms of Autobiography |
COL207 | Outsiders in European Literature |
COL208 | Rome Through the Ages |
COL209 | Gender and Authority in the Spanish Comedia and Empire: The Spectacle and Splendor of Women in Power |
COL210 | What's Right and What's Left? Literature, Philosophy, Art, and Politics in Inter-War Europe |
COL212 | Introduction to Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory |
COL213 | Writing Short Fiction |
COL216 | Writing Long Fiction |
COL218 | Postmodern Theory with a Historical Intent |
COL220 | Modern Christian Thought |
COL221 | The Ends of Empire: Narratives of Culmination and Decline in Philosophy and Literature |
COL223 | All the World's a Stage: Theater and Society in the Age of Shakespeare and Calderón |
COL225 | 20th-Century Franco-Caribbean Literature and the Search for Identity |
COL229 | Heroes, Lovers, and Swindlers: Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature and History |
COL230 | Introduction to European Avant-Garde, 1880-1940 |
COL231 | Orientalism: Spain and Africa |
COL232 | Paris and Its Representations: Realities and Fantasies |
COL237 | The World of Federico García Lorca: Tradition and Modernity in the Spanish Avant-Garde |
COL238 | Animal Theories/Human Fictions |
COL239 | Paris, 19th Century |
COL240 | Modernism and Modernity in 19th-Century French Painting |
COL241 | Sophomore Colloquium |
COL242 | Cinema, Politics, and Society in Contemporary Spain |
COL243 | Junior Colloquium |
COL245 | Senior Colloquium |
COL250 | History of Spain: From the Middle Ages to the Present |
COL251 | Kafka: Literature, Law, and Power |
COL257 | Histories of Race: Rethinking the Human in an Era of Enlightenment |
COL258 | 20th-Century Intellectual History |
COL260 | Between Word and World: Major Spanish Poets of the 20th Century |
COL263 | Families on Stage: Individual, Society, and the Nation in Spanish Theater from 1600 to the Present |
COL265 | Nabokov and Cultural Synthesis |
COL268 | Understanding Modernity: Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud |
COL270 | The Modernist City-Novel from Dublin to Döblin |
COL271 | Performing Ethnicity in Spain: Flamenco, Gypsies, and the Construction of a National Culture |
COL284 | Joyce's ULYSSES |
COL286 | French Cinema: An Introduction |
COL288 | Russia's Storyteller Playwrights |
COL292 | Reason and Its Limits |
COL294 | Diasporas, Transnationalism, and Globalization |
COL297 | Reading Nietzsche |
COL305 | Nomadic Islanders: Contemporary Caribbean Diasporas and Identities |
COL306 | The Beautiful and the Sublime |
COL311 | Spinoza's ETHICS |
COL314 | The View from Abroad on the Early Modern Stage |
COL320 | Paris--New York: French Writers of the Beat Generation |
COL323 | Gender and History (FGSS Gateway) |
COL324 | Freud and Psychoanalysis |
COL326 | 19th-Century Fictions of Desire |
COL327 | Cervantes |
COL330 | Plato's Moral Psychology |
COL332 | European Intellectual History Since the Renaissance |
COL333 | Beauty, Science, and Morality |
COL336 | Theories of Translation |
COL337 | Rabbis, Rebels, and Reformers: Jewish Philosophy Through the Ages |
COL339 | Reading Theories |
COL340 | Observing Justice: Trials and Judgments in Arendt, Kleist, and Kafka |
COL359 | Philosophical Classics I: Ancient Western Philosophy |
COL382 | Viennese Modernism |
COL384 | Lust and Disgust in Austrian Literature Since 1945 |
COL390 | Weimar Modernism and the City of Berlin |
COL391 | The Spanish Empire in the Early Global Age: 15th-17th Centuries |