FILM105-01 | Writing the Moving Image: Crafting Visual Stories | Shepard,Sadia Quraeshi .M.W... 01:20PM-04:10PM; CFS116; |
FILM230-01 | Introduction to Korean Cinema | Park,Hyun Hee ..T.R.. 01:00PM-02:20PM; SHAN107; |
FILM231-01 | Wartime Film Culture in the Japanese Empire | Park,Hyun Hee .M.W... 01:00PM-02:20PM; FISK121; |
FILM232-01 | Minority Voices in Japanese Film and Literature | Park,Hyun Hee ..T.R.. 11:10AM-12:30PM; FEAS SEM; |
FILM250-01 | Computational Media: Videogame Development | Weaver,Christopher S. ..T.R.. 02:50PM-04:10PM; SCIE189; |
FILM304-01 | History of Global Cinema | Slowik,Michael James ..T.R.. 08:50AM-12:10PM; ONLINE; |
FILM305-01 | Sophomore Colloquium for Declaring Majors | Longenecker,Marc Robert Jain,Anuja .M.W... 08:50AM-11:50AM; CFS190; |
FILM306-01 | First Things Film | Slowik,Michael James .....F. 02:50PM-04:10PM; CFS116; |
FILM308-01 | The "Hollywood" Musical | Higgins,Scott .M..... 01:20PM-04:40PM; ...W... 01:20PM-04:40PM; NO ROOM; CFS100; |
FILM309-01 | Immersion Seminar: Film Noir | Longenecker,Marc Robert ..T.R.. 08:50AM-11:50AM; CFS112; |
FILM319-01 | Television Storytelling: The Conditions of Narrative Complexity | Traube,Elizabeth G. ...W... 07:10PM-10:00PM; ONLINE; |
FILM330-01 | The Art and Business of Contemporary Film | Laub,David Paul .M..... 07:10PM-10:00PM; ONLINE; |
FILM333-01 | Introduction to Russian and Soviet Cinema | Utkin,Roman ..T.R.. 02:50PM-04:10PM; WMH; |
FILM336-01 | Silent Storytelling | Model,Ben ...W... 01:00PM-03:50PM; ONLINE; |
FILM346-01 | Contemporary East Asian Cinema | Dombrowski,Lisa A. .M..... 01:00PM-02:30PM; ...W... 01:00PM-02:30PM; CFS100; ONLINE; |
FILM347-01 | Melodrama and the Woman's Picture | Dombrowski,Lisa A. ..T.... 01:00PM-02:30PM; ....R.. 01:00PM-02:30PM; CFS190; ONLINE; |
FILM358-01 | Italian Cinema: 1945-1965 | Scott,Anthony O. ..T.R.. 01:00PM-03:50PM; ONLINE; |
FILM384-01 | Documentary Storytelling | Strain,Tracy Heather .M.W... 08:50AM-11:50AM; CFS116; |
FILM392-01 | Cinema Stylists: Sternberg, Ophuls, Sirk, Fellini | Slowik,Michael James .M.W... 01:20PM-04:40PM; CFS190; |
FILM395-01 | Autobiographical Storytelling | Shepard,Sadia Quraeshi ..T.R.. 01:20PM-04:10PM; CFS116; |
FILM396-01 | African American Cinema | Pinkowitz,Jackie ..T.R.. 01:20PM-04:40PM; ONLINE; |
FILM397-01 | Cinema and City in Asia | Jain,Anuja ..T.R.. 08:50AM-11:50AM; ONLINE; |
FILM430-01 | Documentary Production | Strain,Tracy Heather ..T.R.. 01:20PM-04:10PM; CFS128; |
FILM450-01 | Sight and Sound Workshop | Rucnov,Mirko .M.W... 01:20PM-04:10PM; CFS124; |
FILM450-02 | Sight and Sound Workshop | Collins,Stephen Edward ..T.R.. 08:50AM-11:50AM; CFS124; |
FILM450-03 | Sight and Sound Workshop | Parkin,Richard ..T.R.. 01:20PM-04:10PM; CFS124; |
FILM457-01 | Advanced Filmmaking | Parkin,Richard .....F. 08:50AM-11:50AM; CFS133; |
FILM457-02 | Advanced Filmmaking | Rucnov,Mirko .....F. 08:50AM-11:50AM; ONLINE; |
FILM457-03 | Advanced Filmmaking | MacLowry,Randall M. .....F. 08:50AM-11:50AM; CFS128; |
FILM457-04 | Advanced Filmmaking | Cacaci,Joe .....F. 01:00PM-03:50PM; ONLINE; |
FILM457-05 | Advanced Filmmaking | Cacaci,Joe ....R.. 01:00PM-03:50PM; ONLINE; |
FILM458-01 | Screenwriting: The Short Film | Collins,Stephen Edward ...W.F. 11:10AM-12:30PM; CFS124; |
FILM459-01 | Writing for Television II | Bloom,Amy B. ..T.... 08:50AM-11:40AM; ONLINE; |