WesMaps - Fall 2014 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       FREN
FREN102French in Action II
FREN223French Way(s)
FREN226Topics and Genres in French Popular Culture
FREN229Classic French Comics: Bande-dessinée classique en francais
FREN236Going South: "Le Sud" and Its Representations in French Literature and Culture
FREN250Cannibals of the Terrible Republic: The Haitian Revolution Past and Present
FREN254Paris to Saigon: French Representations of Asia
FREN285Fables, Foibles, Messages, and Morals: Varieties of French Moralistic Literature
FREN304Nomadic Islanders: Contemporary Caribbean Diasporas and Identities
FREN305Negotiating French Identity: Migration and Identity in Contemporary France
FREN311The Franco-Arab World: Religions & Conflicts in Francophone Literatures & Films from the Arab World
FREN328Women and Literature in France, 1945-2002: A Complete Revolution?
FREN339Paris, 19th Century
FREN358Confession in French 20th-Century Literature
FREN383Poets and Playwrights of Negritude
FREN387Power Plays
FREN398Minorities in French Cinema

Spring 2015 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       FREN
FREN101French in Action I
FREN111Intermediate French I
FREN224Cultural and Literary Mo(ve)ments: A Survey of 19th- and 20th-Century France
FREN22520th-Century Franco-Caribbean Literature and the Search for Identity
FREN229Classic French Comics: Bande-dessinée classique en francais
FREN236Going South: "Le Sud" and Its Representations in French Literature and Culture
FREN244Confronting the Other: Perceptions of Difference in Premodern French Literature
FREN254Paris to Saigon: French Representations of Asia
FREN259Power, Perversion, and the Pen: The Literature of Libertinage
FREN280French Cinema: An Introduction
FREN285Fables, Foibles, Messages, and Morals: Varieties of French Moralistic Literature
FREN302Workshop in Literary Translation
FREN303Negotiating Gender in the Maghreb
FREN304Nomadic Islanders: Contemporary Caribbean Diasporas and Identities
FREN305Negotiating French Identity: Migration and Identity in Contemporary France
FREN328Women and Literature in France, 1945-2002: A Complete Revolution?
FREN331Paris and Its Representations: Realities and Fantasies
FREN334Days and Knights of the Round Table
FREN339Paris, 19th Century
FREN358Confession in French 20th-Century Literature
FREN383Poets and Playwrights of Negritude
FREN398Minorities in French Cinema

Last Updated on FEB-17-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459