WesMaps - Fall 2010 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST102History and the Humanities II
HIST103Travel Narratives and African History
HIST105Jewish Tradition, Its Texts and Contexts
HIST107Laughter and Politics
HIST114Text and Context: Readings in Modern Europe
HIST118Baroque Rome
HIST120Empire, Nationhood, and the Quest for German Unity, 1815-1990
HIST124The Enlightenment and the Birth of the Modern World
HIST125The Great Separation: Politics, Religion, and the Modern West
HIST128Religion and Society in Modern Europe
HIST130Ten Photographs That Shook the World: Visual Technologies of Historical Memory
HIST131The History That Literature Makes
HIST132Writing Historical Biography
HIST134Magic and Witchcraft in Early Europe
HIST136India at War
HIST155Sophomore Seminar: The Intelligentsia and Power: The Struggle for Socialism in the Early Soviet Peri
HIST156Sophomore Seminar: East European Jewish Experience
HIST158Sophomore Seminar: Appeasement and the Origins of the Second World War
HIST160Sophomore Seminar: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
HIST163Sophomore Seminar: The Origins of Global Capitalism--Economic History Since 1600
HIST166Sophomore Seminar: Kings, Queens, and the Foundations of European Society
HIST167Sophomore Seminar: The Reformation in Britain
HIST171Exploring Middletown's History: A Research and Writing Workshop
HIST175Sophomore Seminar: American Utopias in the 19th Century
HIST177Sophomore Seminar: Life Science, Art, and Culture, Medieval to Present
HIST178Sophomore Seminar: Early American Encounters: Colonists in the New World
HIST179Sophomore Seminar: Gender and History (FGSS Gateway)
HIST181Sophomore Seminar: Gandhi
HIST188Sophomore Seminar: Subject Peoples
HIST192Sophomore Seminar: Stalin and Stalinism
HIST19320th-century Black Conservatism
HIST201Medieval Europe
HIST202Early Modern Europe
HIST204Greek History
HIST208Rome Through the Ages
HIST209Europe in the Age of Violence, 1914-1945
HIST211The Making of Britain, 400-1763
HIST212African History Since 1870
HIST213Politics and Sex After 1968: Queering the American State
HIST215European Intellectual History to the Renaissance
HIST216European Intellectual History Since the Renaissance
HIST217African History Before 1870
HIST219Russian and Soviet History, 1881 to the Present
HIST220France Since 1870
HIST221History of Ecology
HIST223History of Traditional China
HIST224Modern China: States, Transnations, Individuals, and Worlds
HIST228The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire, 1280-1922
HIST230History of Southern Africa
HIST231Islamic Civilization: The Classical Age
HIST237Colonial America
HIST238Problems in Brazilian History
HIST239The Long 19th Century in the United States
HIST241African American History, 1444-1877
HIST244Women in U.S. History
HIST245Survey of Latin American History
HIST246Culture and Society in Renaissance Italy
HIST248Jewish History: Out of the Ghetto
HIST250Romans and Christians: The World of Late Antiquity
HIST251World History: A Psychohistory of the Modern World
HIST25920th-Century Intellectual History
HIST261Protestantism: From the Reformation to the Religious Right
HIST263Inside Nazi Germany, 1933-1945
HIST264Waterways: Boats and Oceans in World History
HIST265Global Christianity
HIST266American Labor History from 1776 to Recent Times
HIST267Out of the Shtetl: Jews in Eastern Europe
HIST269Modern Britain: 1688 to the Present
HIST270Prisons, Sports, and Ghettoes: The Black Urban Experience of the Twentieth Century
HIST272The Long Civil Rights Movement in 20th-Century America
HIST273Engendering the African Diaspora (FGSS Gateway)
HIST274Myth, Memory, and History
HIST276Constructing Hinduism and Islam
HIST280The Industrial Revolution in Global Context: Economic History Since 1800
HIST281French Existentialism and Marxism
HIST282Medicine and Health in Antiquity
HIST284Race State: Race, Public Policy, and the Making of the New Deal State Since 1930
HIST285India and the West: South Asia's World History
HIST293Muslim Africa
HIST296Colonial Latin America
HIST297Death and the Limits of Representation
HIST298The Sixties
HIST301Jews Under Christianity and Islam: Borders, Boundaries, and Coexistence
HIST302Race Discourse in the Americas
HIST306Reading and Writing About Military Conflict
HIST307Transcendence, Truth, and History in Modern Jewish Thought
HIST309Black Political Thought
HIST312Islam and Revolution
HIST316Advanced Seminar in African History
HIST317Ireland: Colonialism and Decolonialization
HIST318Postmodern Theory with a Historical Intent
HIST323Religion and History
HIST324The Problem of Truth in Modern China
HIST326Intimacy Matters: The Reform Aesthetic in Victorian America
HIST328The Immigrant City in the United States, 1880-1924
HIST329Talking About the Other: Jewish-Christian-Muslim Religious Polemic
HIST332Atlantic Africa
HIST333Modernity and the Work of History
HIST337Mystical Traditions in Islam
HIST340Crime and Violence in the 20th-Century United States
HIST342The Rise of the Conservative Movement in the United States Since 1950
HIST344Writing Historical Biography
HIST346Early American Material Culture: Art, Buildings, and Things in a Colonial Place
HIST349Intimate Histories: Topics in the History of Sex, Gender, and the Body
HIST350Modern Social Thought
HIST351Topics in the Philosophy of History
HIST353Slavery, Empire, and Sexuality: An African Research Seminar
HIST357Toward an Archaeology of the U. S. Prison System
HIST359Women's and Gender History in Africa
HIST366The Labor Boys: Mediation and Arbitration in America, 1942-1993
HIST369Reading About War
HIST372Women and Gender in Renaissance Italy
HIST373Patterns of the Chinese Past: Culture, Politics, and Ecology
HIST375The End of the Cold War, 1981-1991
HIST376The Holocaust
HIST377Comparative French Revolutions
HIST378Science and Technology Policy
HIST380Making History: Practices and Theory
HIST381Japan and the Atomic Bomb
HIST382The Treason of the Intellectuals: Power, Ethics, and Cultural Production
HIST385Romanticism and Political Fiction
HIST386Jews and Modernity: History and Historiography
HIST388The Political Economy of Women in the Modern United States
HIST391The Spanish Empire: Identity and Diversity in the Early Global Age
HIST392The Historical Evolution of Power and the Human Psyche
HIST397Early Modern Masculinities
HIST467Independent Study, Undergraduate

Spring 2011 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST101History and the Humanities
HIST103Travel Narratives and African History
HIST105Jewish Tradition, Its Texts and Contexts
HIST116Education in Society: Universities as Agents of Change, Ivory Towers, or Knowledge Factories
HIST118Baroque Rome
HIST120Empire, Nationhood, and the Quest for German Unity, 1815-1990
HIST121The Italian Renaissance
HIST124The Enlightenment and the Birth of the Modern World
HIST130Ten Photographs That Shook the World: Visual Technologies of Historical Memory
HIST131The History That Literature Makes
HIST132Writing Historical Biography
HIST134Magic and Witchcraft in Early Europe
HIST136India at War
HIST137The Time of the Caliphs: A Cultural History of Islam's Golden Age
HIST142Poverty in the United States
HIST155Sophomore Seminar: The Intelligentsia and Power: The Struggle for Socialism in the Early Soviet Peri
HIST156Sophomore Seminar: East European Jewish Experience
HIST160Sophomore Seminar: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
HIST163Sophomore Seminar: The Origins of Global Capitalism--Economic History Since 1600
HIST164Sophomore Seminar: France at War, 1934-1944
HIST165Sophomore Seminar: The United States and the Middle East: From the Shores of Tripoli to Baghdad
HIST166Sophomore Seminar: Kings, Queens, and the Foundations of European Society
HIST167Sophomore Seminar: The Reformation in Britain
HIST171Exploring Middletown's History: A Research and Writing Workshop
HIST177Sophomore Seminar: Life Science, Art, and Culture, Medieval to Present
HIST178Sophomore Seminar: Early American Encounters: Colonists in the New World
HIST179Sophomore Seminar: Gender and History (FGSS Gateway)
HIST188Sophomore Seminar: Subject Peoples
HIST189Sophomore Seminar: Political Ideals and Social Realities in Renaissance Italy
HIST203Modern Europe
HIST206Classic Christian Texts
HIST208Rome Through the Ages
HIST209Europe in the Age of Violence, 1914-1945
HIST210American Jewish History: 1492-2001
HIST211The Making of Britain, 400-1763
HIST212African History Since 1870
HIST213Politics and Sex After 1968: Queering the American State
HIST215European Intellectual History to the Renaissance
HIST217African History Before 1870
HIST218Russian History to 1881
HIST221History of Ecology
HIST228The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire, 1280-1922
HIST229African History and Art
HIST230History of Southern Africa
HIST231Islamic Civilization: The Classical Age
HIST233The Age of Augustus
HIST234The Middle East in the 20th Century
HIST235Topics in United States Intellectual History: Religion and National Culture
HIST239The Long 19th Century in the United States
HIST240The 20th Century United States
HIST241African American History, 1444-1877
HIST243Who Owns Culture? A History of Cultural and Intellectual Property in the United States and Latin Ame
HIST244Women in U.S. History
HIST246Culture and Society in Renaissance Italy
HIST247Jewish History: From Biblical Israel to Diaspora Jews
HIST248Jewish History: Out of the Ghetto
HIST249Roman Urban Life
HIST250Romans and Christians: The World of Late Antiquity
HIST251World History: A Psychohistory of the Modern World
HIST254Science in Western Culture, 1650-1900
HIST258Mughal India
HIST25920th-Century Intellectual History
HIST260From Archipelago to Nation State: An Introduction to Japanese History and Culture
HIST263Inside Nazi Germany, 1933-1945
HIST264Waterways: Boats and Oceans in World History
HIST265Global Christianity
HIST266American Labor History from 1776 to Recent Times
HIST268The Origins of Global Capitalism: Economic History, 1400-1800.
HIST269Modern Britain: 1688 to the Present
HIST273Engendering the African Diaspora (FGSS Gateway)
HIST276Constructing Hinduism and Islam
HIST277Duty, Power, Pleasure, Release: Key Themes in Classical Indian Thought
HIST278Like Lambs to the Slaughter: Improvising Murder in the 12th Century
HIST281French Existentialism and Marxism
HIST282Medicine and Health in Antiquity
HIST284Race State: Race, Public Policy, and the Making of the New Deal State Since 1930
HIST285India and the West: South Asia's World History
HIST287Saints and Sinners in Europe, ca.1000-ca.1550
HIST290Law and Order in Ancient Rome
HIST291The American Revolution
HIST293Muslim Africa
HIST297Death and the Limits of Representation
HIST298The Sixties
HIST301Jews Under Christianity and Islam: Borders, Boundaries, and Coexistence
HIST302Race Discourse in the Americas
HIST304Disease and Epidemics in Historical Perspective
HIST307Transcendence, Truth, and History in Modern Jewish Thought
HIST311Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in the Middle East and the Balkans
HIST312Islam and Revolution
HIST315Tracing Transcendence: Emmanuel Levinas's Talmudic Lectures
HIST316Advanced Seminar in African History
HIST317Ireland: Colonialism and Decolonialization
HIST319Crisis, Creativity, and Modernity in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933
HIST320Power and Resistance in Latin America
HIST324The Problem of Truth in Modern China
HIST326Intimacy Matters: The Reform Aesthetic in Victorian America
HIST328The Immigrant City in the United States, 1880-1924
HIST329Talking About the Other: Jewish-Christian-Muslim Religious Polemic
HIST331Life Science, Art, and Culture
HIST332Atlantic Africa
HIST333Modernity and the Work of History
HIST334Latin American Labor History: Regional, Transnational, and Gendered Perspectives
HIST335United States Political History Since 1945: Citizens, Institutions, and the State
HIST336Science and the State
HIST340Crime and Violence in the 20th-Century United States
HIST342The Rise of the Conservative Movement in the United States Since 1950
HIST344Writing Historical Biography
HIST347The Social Question and the Rise of the Welfare State in Germany, 1780-1914
HIST350Modern Social Thought
HIST353Slavery, Empire, and Sexuality: An African Research Seminar
HIST356From Chinese Chan to Japanese Zen: Dôgen and Buddhism's Place in the World
HIST357Toward an Archaeology of the U. S. Prison System
HIST359Women's and Gender History in Africa
HIST362Issues in Contemporary Historiography
HIST366The Labor Boys: Mediation and Arbitration in America, 1942-1993
HIST372Women and Gender in Renaissance Italy
HIST373Patterns of the Chinese Past: Culture, Politics, and Ecology
HIST376The Holocaust
HIST377Comparative French Revolutions
HIST380Making History: Practices and Theory
HIST381Japan and the Atomic Bomb
HIST382The Treason of the Intellectuals: Power, Ethics, and Cultural Production
HIST385Romanticism and Political Fiction
HIST386Jews and Modernity: History and Historiography
HIST387Plague, Rebellion, and Heresy: England,1290-1520
HIST388The Political Economy of Women in the Modern United States
HIST389Models of Imperialism and Globalization
HIST391The Spanish Empire: Identity and Diversity in the Early Global Age
HIST392The Historical Evolution of Power and the Human Psyche
HIST396Mapping Metropolis: The Urban Novel as Artifact
HIST397Early Modern Masculinities

Last Updated on JAN-25-2025
Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email ? Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459