HIST102 | History and the Humanities II |
HIST103 | Empire and Southeast Asia |
HIST105 | Jewish Tradition, Its Texts and Contexts |
HIST107 | Laughter and Politics |
HIST120 | Empire, Nationhood, and the Quest for German Unity, 1815-1990 |
HIST121 | The Italian Renaissance |
HIST134 | Magic and Witchcraft in Early Europe |
HIST135 | American Food |
HIST137 | The Time of the Caliphs: A Cultural History of Islam's Golden Age |
HIST140 | The Long Civil Rights Movement in 20th-Century America |
HIST141 | Theories and Models |
HIST143 | Interpreting Life on Mars: Scientific Data and Popular Knowledge |
HIST153 | Sophomore Seminar: Enlightenment Concept of the Self |
HIST156 | Sophomore Seminar: East European Jewish Experience |
HIST157 | Sophomore Seminar: From Clay Tablet to the iPad: History of the Book in Intercultural Perspective |
HIST158 | Sophomore Seminar: Appeasement and the Origins of the Second World War |
HIST159 | Sophomore Seminar: War and National (Re)Formation |
HIST160 | Sophomore Seminar: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 |
HIST164 | Sophomore Seminar: France at War, 1934-1944 |
HIST165 | Sophomore Seminar: The United States and the Middle East: From the Shores of Tripoli to Baghdad |
HIST166 | Sophomore Seminar: Kings, Queens, and the Foundations of European Society |
HIST167 | Sophomore Seminar: The Reformation in Britain |
HIST171 | Sophmore Seminar: Exploring Middletown's History |
HIST176 | Science in the Making: Thinking Historically About Science |
HIST177 | Life Science, Art, and Culture, Medieval to Present |
HIST184 | Sophomore Seminar: The Communist Experience in the 20th Century |
HIST188 | Sophomore Seminar: Subject Peoples |
HIST190 | All the World's a Stage: Theater and Society in the Age of Shakespeare and Calderón |
HIST194 | The End of the Cold War, 1979-1991 |
HIST201 | Medieval Europe |
HIST202 | Early Modern Europe |
HIST205 | Roman History |
HIST206 | Classic Christian Texts |
HIST208 | Rome Through the Ages |
HIST210 | American Jewish History, 1492-2001 |
HIST212 | Jewish Art and Rituals in Context |
HIST213 | The Culture of Convivencia: Muslims, Jews, and Christians in Medieval Iberia |
HIST214 | The Modern and the Postmodern |
HIST216 | European Intellectual History Since the Renaissance |
HIST218 | Russian History to 1881 |
HIST219 | Russian and Soviet History, 1881 to the Present |
HIST220 | France Since 1870 |
HIST223 | History of Traditional China |
HIST224 | Modern China: States, Transnations, Individuals, and Worlds |
HIST228 | The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire, 1280-1922 |
HIST230 | History of Southern Africa |
HIST232 | Iberian Expansion and the "Discovery" of Africa in Travel Narratives and Art, 1420-1640 |
HIST234 | The Middle East in the 20th Century |
HIST236 | Religion and National Culture in the United States |
HIST238 | Liberty and Loyalism: Reconfiguring North America in the Age of Revolution, 1774-1848 |
HIST239 | The Long 19th Century in the United States |
HIST241 | African American History, 1444-1877 |
HIST242 | Introduction to Modern African American History |
HIST243 | History of Taiwan: From Origins to the Present |
HIST245 | Survey of Latin American History |
HIST248 | Jewish History: From Spanish Expulsion to Jon Stewart |
HIST250 | Romans and Christians: The World of Late Antiquity |
HIST253 | History of Modern Mexico |
HIST254 | Science in Western Culture |
HIST255 | History of Spain: From the Middle Ages to the Present |
HIST256 | Existentialism in Film and Literature |
HIST258 | Mughal India |
HIST259 | 20th-Century Intellectual History |
HIST260 | From Archipelago to Nation State: An Introduction to Japanese History and Culture |
HIST261 | Protestantism: From the Reformation to the Religious Right |
HIST265 | Global Christianity |
HIST266 | American Labor History from 1776 to Recent Times |
HIST267 | Out of the Shtetl: Jews in Eastern Europe |
HIST268 | The Origins of Global Capitalism: Economic History, 1400-1800 |
HIST269 | Modern Britain: Society, Culture, and Politics, 1780-Present |
HIST271 | Japan and the Atomic Bomb in Historical Perspective |
HIST272 | The Long Civil Rights Movement in 20th-Century America |
HIST273 | Time Is Money: Capitalism and Temporality |
HIST277 | Duty, Power, Pleasure, Release: Key Themes in Classical Indian Thought |
HIST280 | The Industrial Revolution in Global Context: Economic History Since 1800 |
HIST282 | Medicine and Health in Antiquity |
HIST285 | Modern India |
HIST287 | Modern Southeast Asia |
HIST290 | Roman Law |
HIST304 | Disease and Epidemics in Historical Perspective |
HIST306 | Freedom and Slavery in Early America |
HIST307 | The Economy of Nature and Nations |
HIST308 | The Jewish Experience in China: From Kaifeng in the Song Dynasty to Shanghai During the Holocaust |
HIST309 | Black Political Thought |
HIST311 | Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in the Middle East and the Balkans |
HIST313 | Performing Jewish Studies: History, Methods, and Models |
HIST316 | Advanced Seminar in African History |
HIST317 | The Great Game |
HIST318 | Postmodern Theory with a Historical Intent |
HIST319 | Crisis, Creativity, and Modernity in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933 |
HIST322 | Reason Against Itself |
HIST323 | Religion and History |
HIST324 | The Problem of Truth in Modern China |
HIST328 | The Immigrant City in the United States, 1880-1924 |
HIST330 | American Utopias in the 19th Century |
HIST333 | Modernity and the Work of History |
HIST336 | Science and the State |
HIST337 | Mystical Traditions in Islam |
HIST342 | The Rise of the Conservative Movement in the United States Since 1950 |
HIST343 | Law and Culture: The Elgin Marbles to Napster |
HIST349 | Intimate Histories: Topics in the History of Sex, Gender, and the Body |
HIST350 | Modern Social Thought |
HIST357 | Toward an Archaeology of the U.S. Prison System |
HIST369 | Writing About War |
HIST371 | Fascism |
HIST376 | The Holocaust |
HIST378 | Science and Technology Policy |
HIST380 | Making History: Practices and Theory |
HIST381 | Japan and the Atomic Bomb |
HIST383 | French Existentialism and Marxism |
HIST385 | Romanticism and Political Fiction |
HIST389 | Models of Imperialism and Globalization |
HIST391 | The Spanish Empire in the Early Global Age: 15th-17th Centuries |
HIST395 | "If there is no God, then everything is permitted?" Moral Life in a Secular World |
HIST396 | Mapping Metropolis: The Urban Novel as Artifact |