WesMaps - Fall 2006 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       PHIL
PHIL110Beginning Philosophy
PHIL118Reproduction in the 21st Century
PHIL201Philosophical Classics I: Ancient Western Philosophy
PHIL215Humans, Animals, and Nature
PHIL217Moral Psychology: Care of the Soul
PHIL218Personal Identity and Choice
PHIL230Elements Of Logic
PHIL231Reason and Paradox
PHIL250History of Political Philosophy: From Individual Rights to Group Rights
PHIL258Post-Kantian European Philosophy
PHIL261Christianity and Philosophy
PHIL262Phenomenology, Existentialism, Poststructuralism
PHIL265Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy
PHIL266Challenges for Moral Theory
PHIL270Human Rights Across Cultures
PHIL273Philosophy of Law
PHIL276Kierkegaard and Nietzsche: Living Philosophy
PHIL277Feminist Philosophy and Moral Theory
PHIL278Multiculturalism and Oppression
PHIL279Evolution and Ethics
PHIL280Feminist Practical Ethics
PHIL282Philosophy of Religion
PHIL285The Holocaust: Historical, Philosophical, Literary Aspects
PHIL286Philosophy of Mind
PHIL288Sciences as Social and Cultural Practices
PHIL289Philosophy of Language
PHIL290Philosophical Logic
PHIL294Theory of Knowledge
PHIL301Eros, Love and Friendship in Plato
PHIL312Kant and Kantianism
PHIL332Virtue Ethics
PHIL335Art and Truth in the History of Aesthetics
PHIL340Socratic Paradoxes Old and New
PHIL343Concepts of Evil, Blame and Moral Understanding
PHIL361Unifying Life Sciences: Biological Cultures and Meanings of Life
PHIL362Meaning, Reasoning, and Discursive Practices
PHIL381Topics in Philosophy of Mind
PHIL390Topics in Metaphysics
PHIL419Student Forum
PHIL465Education in the Field, Undergraduate

Spring 2007 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       PHIL
PHIL110Beginning Philosophy
PHIL202Philosophical Classics II: Early Modern Philosophy from Descartes Through Kant
PHIL205Classical Chinese Philosophy
PHIL212Introduction to Ethics
PHIL213Contemporary Ethical Issues
PHIL215Humans, Animals, and Nature
PHIL217Moral Psychology: Care of the Soul
PHIL218Personal Identity and Choice
PHIL231Reason and Paradox
PHIL233Philosophical Dilemmas and Descartes's Meditations
PHIL258Post-Kantian European Philosophy
PHIL261Christianity and Philosophy
PHIL264Neo-Confucian Chinese Philosophy
PHIL267Normative Ethics
PHIL268Primate Ethics and Primate Minds
PHIL270Human Rights Across Cultures
PHIL276Kierkegaard and Nietzsche: Living Philosophy
PHIL277Feminist Philosophy and Moral Theory
PHIL278Multiculturalism and Oppression
PHIL280Feminist Practical Ethics
PHIL284Ethics and Violence
PHIL285The Holocaust: Historical, Philosophical, Literary Aspects
PHIL286Philosophy of Mind
PHIL287Philosophy of Science
PHIL289Philosophy of Language
PHIL290Philosophical Logic
PHIL291Intensional Logic and Metaphysics
PHIL301Eros, Love and Friendship in Plato
PHIL304Persuasion in Rhetoric and Philosophy in the Ancient Tradition of the West
PHIL311Spinoza's ETHICS
PHIL320The Later Philosophy of Wittgenstein
PHIL335Art and Truth in the History of Aesthetics
PHIL340Socratic Paradoxes Old and New
PHIL341Human Rights and Chinese Philosophy
PHIL343Concepts of Evil, Blame and Moral Understanding
PHIL357Primate Ethics/Primate Minds
PHIL381Topics in Philosophy of Mind
PHIL388Topics in Philosophy of Language
PHIL420Student Forum

Last Updated on FEB-14-2025
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