WesMaps - Fall 2009 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       REES
REES156Sophomore Seminar: East European Jewish Experience
REES192Sophomore Seminar: Stalin and Stalinism
REES206A Matter of Life and Death: Fiction in the Soviet Era
REES207Popular Culture in Russia
REES208Semiotics of Post-Soviet Film
REES209The Poor Clerk: Origins of the Petersburg Tale
REES218Russian History to 1881
REES220Speak, Memory: Autobiography and Memoir in Russian Literature
REES222Doubles in Literature
REES240Reading Stories
REES241Russian Theater: Reflection of Society in the 20th Century and Today
REES242The Russian Revolution, Futurism, and Avant-Garde in the Arts
REES254Murder and Adultery: The French and Russian Novel
REES255The Central and East European Novel
REES256Tolstoy's Anna Karenina
REES263Nabokov and Cultural Synthesis
REES265Kino: Russia at the Movies
REES266Architects and Inventors of the Word: Russian Modernist Poetry
REES268Sophomore Seminar: The Intelligentsia &Power: The Struggle for Socialism in the Early Soviet Period
REES279Theater of Anton Chekhov: Research, Analysis, and Performance
REES280Russian Politics
REES300International Security in the Post-Soviet Space

Spring 2010 Courses Not Offered       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       REES
REES156Sophomore Seminar: East European Jewish Experience
REES205The 19th-Century Russian Novel
REES218Russian History to 1881
REES219Russian and Soviet History, 1881 to the Present
REES220Speak, Memory: Autobiography and Memoir in Russian Literature
REES222Doubles in Literature
REES232The Real McCoy: Constructing Identity
REES235Economies in Transition
REES254Murder and Adultery: The French and Russian Novel
REES256Tolstoy's Anna Karenina
REES263Nabokov and Cultural Synthesis
REES265Kino: Russia at the Movies
REES266Architects and Inventors of the Word: Russian Modernist Poetry
REES268Sophomore Seminar: The Intelligentsia &Power: The Struggle for Socialism in the Early Soviet Period
REES280Russian Politics
REES285Short Prose of the 20th Century

Last Updated on FEB-13-2025
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