AMST293 | Politics of the Body |
AMST317 | Disability, Embodiment, and Technology |
ANTH211 | Reproductive Technologies, Reproductive Futures |
ANTH289 | Ritual, Health, and Healing |
ANTH312 | Bodies of Science, Bodies of Knowledge |
ANTH349 | The Human Skeleton |
BIOL173 | Global Change and Infectious Disease |
BIOL182 | Principles of Biology II |
BIOL192 | Principles of Biology II--Laboratory |
BIOL210 | Genomics: Modern Genetics, Bioinformatics, and the Human Genome Project |
BIOL223 | Integration of Clinical Experience and Life Science Learning |
BIOL265 | Bioinformatics Programming |
BIOL318 | Nature and Nurture: The Interplay of Genes and Environment |
BIOL325 | Stem Cells: Basic Biology to Clinical Application |
CCIV225 | Medicine and Health in Antiquity |
CHEM321 | Biomedicinal Chemistry |
CHEM381 | Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences |
ENVS361 | Living in a Polluted World |
HIST177 | Life Science, Art, and Culture, Medieval to Present |
HIST222 | Disease and Epidemics in Historical Perspective |
MATH118 | Introductory Calculus II: Integration and Its Applications |
MB&B119 | Biology and Chemistry in the Modern World: A Survey of Drugs and Disease |
MB&B231 | Microbiology |
NS&B316 | Schizophrenia and Its Treatment: Neuroscientific, Historical, and Phenomenological Perspectives |
NS&B329 | Neural Costs of War |
NS&B392 | Behavioral Methods in Affective Neuroscience |
NS&B393 | Advanced Research in Cognition and Neuropsychiatric Illness |
PHIL215 | Humans, Animals, Nature |
PHYS112 | Introductory Physics II |
PHYS116 | General Physics II |
PHYS122 | Physics Laboratory II |
PHYS124 | General Physics Laboratory II |
PSYC200 | Statistics: An Activity-Based Approach |
PSYC222 | Sensation and Perception |
PSYC225 | Cognitive Neuroscience |
PSYC245 | Psychological Measurement |
PSYC259 | Discovering the Person |
PSYC331 | The Narratives of Illness and Recovery |
PSYC399 | Lab in Gambling, Drugs, and Junk-Food |
SISP205 | Sciences as Social and Cultural Practices |
SISP215 | Metabolism and Technoscience |
SISP258 | The Evolution of Scientific Medicine |
SISP306 | Disease, Health, and Power in Latin America, 1850-1990 |
SISP320 | Life and Death: Biopower and Necropower |
SISP321 | BioFeminisms: Science, Matter, Agency |