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AMST201Junior Colloquium: Critical Queer Studies
AMST353Health, Illness, and Power in America
ANTH203Sex, Money, and Power: Anthropology of Intimacy and Exchange
ARHA170Postmodernism and the Long 1980s
ENGL349Historicizing Early Modern Sexualities
FGSS209Feminist Theories
FGSS321BioFeminisms: Science, Matter, Agency
Spring 2015      Queer Studies       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       XQST
AMST293Politics of the Body
AMST351Queer of Color Critique
FGSS200Sex and Gender in Critical Perspective (FGSS Gateway)
FGSS310Remaking Bodies, Rethinking Social Movements
FREN397Forbidden Love: From the Middle Ages to the French Revolution
RELI379Christianity and Sexuality
SOC293Pleasure and Power: The Sociology of Sexuality
THEA267Revolution Girl Style Now: Queer and Feminist Performance Strategies

Last Updated on FEB-16-2025
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