CHEM142-01 | General Chemistry II | Roberts,Andrea .M.W.F. 08:50AM-09:40AM; SHAN107; |
CHEM142-02 | General Chemistry II | Roberts,Andrea .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; SHAN107; |
CHEM142R-01 | General Chemistry II Recitation | Roberts,Andrea .M..... 04:25PM-05:55PM; .M..... 04:25PM-05:55PM; .M..... 04:25PM-05:55PM; SCIE137; SCIE139; SCIE141; |
CHEM142R-02 | General Chemistry II Recitation | Roberts,Andrea .M..... 07:10PM-08:40PM; .M..... 07:10PM-08:40PM; .M..... 07:10PM-08:40PM; SCIE137; SCIE139; SCIE141; |
CHEM142R-03 | General Chemistry II Recitation | Roberts,Andrea ..T.... 04:25PM-05:55PM; ..T.... 04:25PM-05:55PM; ..T.... 04:25PM-05:55PM; SCIE137; SCIE139; SCIE141; |
CHEM142R-04 | General Chemistry II Recitation | Roberts,Andrea ..T.... 07:10PM-08:40PM; ..T.... 07:10PM-08:40PM; ..T.... 07:10PM-08:40PM; SCIE137; SCIE139; SCIE141; |
CHEM144-01 | Honors General Chemistry II | Jimenez Hoyos,Carlos Alberto .M.W.F. 08:50AM-09:40AM; .M..... 04:25PM-05:55PM; SCIE58; SCIE109; |
CHEM144-02 | Honors General Chemistry II | Jimenez Hoyos,Carlos Alberto .M.W.F. 08:50AM-09:40AM; .M..... 04:25PM-05:55PM; SCIE58; SCIE113; |
CHEM144-03 | Honors General Chemistry II | Jimenez Hoyos,Carlos Alberto .M.W.F. 08:50AM-09:40AM; .M..... 07:10PM-08:40PM; SCIE58; SCIE121; |
CHEM144-04 | Honors General Chemistry II | Jimenez Hoyos,Carlos Alberto .M.W.F. 08:50AM-09:40AM; ..T.... 04:25PM-05:55PM; SCIE58; SCIE121; |
CHEM144-05 | Honors General Chemistry II | Jimenez Hoyos,Carlos Alberto .M.W.F. 08:50AM-09:40AM; .M..... 07:10PM-08:40PM; SCIE58; SCIE113; |
CHEM152-01 | Introductory Chemistry Laboratory | Northrop,Brian Hale Davis,Anthony ..T.... 01:20PM-04:10PM; HALL71; |
CHEM152-02 | Introductory Chemistry Laboratory | Northrop,Brian Hale Davis,Anthony ...W... 01:20PM-04:10PM; HALL71; |
CHEM152-03 | Introductory Chemistry Laboratory | Northrop,Brian Hale Davis,Anthony ....R.. 01:20PM-04:10PM; HALL71; |
CHEM152-04 | Introductory Chemistry Laboratory | Northrop,Brian Hale Davis,Anthony .M..... 01:20PM-04:10PM; HALL71; |
CHEM242-01 | Informal Science Education for Elementary School Students II | Roberts,Andrea ..T.... 04:25PM-05:55PM; SHAN201; |
CHEM252-01 | Organic Chemistry II | Calter,Michael A. ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; ....R.. 02:40PM-04:10PM; SHAN107; SCIE72; |
CHEM252-02 | Organic Chemistry II | Calter,Michael A. ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; ....R.. 02:40PM-04:10PM; SHAN107; SCIE74; |
CHEM252-03 | Organic Chemistry II | Calter,Michael A. ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; ....R.. 04:25PM-05:55PM; SHAN107; SCIE137; |
CHEM252-04 | Organic Chemistry II | Calter,Michael A. ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; ....R.. 04:25PM-05:55PM; SHAN107; SCIE109; |
CHEM252-05 | Organic Chemistry II | Calter,Michael A. ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; ....R.. 07:30PM-09:00PM; SHAN107; SCIE137; |
CHEM252-06 | Organic Chemistry II | Calter,Michael A. ..T.R.. 08:50AM-10:10AM; ....R.. 07:30PM-09:00PM; SHAN107; SCIE113; |
CHEM258-01 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory | Coste Sanchez,Carla Reyes,Giselle Padilla ..T.... 01:20PM-05:10PM; HALL80; |
CHEM258-02 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory | Coste Sanchez,Carla Reyes,Giselle Padilla ...W... 01:20PM-05:10PM; HALL80; |
CHEM258-03 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory | Coste Sanchez,Carla Reyes,Giselle Padilla ....R.. 01:20PM-05:10PM; HALL80; |
CHEM258-04 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory | Coste Sanchez,Carla Reyes,Giselle Padilla ..T.... 06:10PM-10:00PM; HALL80; |
CHEM258-05 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory | Coste Sanchez,Carla Reyes,Giselle Padilla ...W... 06:10PM-10:00PM; HALL80; |
CHEM308-01 | Molecular Biophysics Journal Club II | STAFF ...W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; SHAN201; |
CHEM317-01 | Quantitative Chemical Analysis | Davis,Anthony .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; .M..... 01:20PM-04:10PM; SHAN201; NO ROOM; |
CHEM317-02 | Quantitative Chemical Analysis | Davis,Anthony .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; ..T.... 01:20PM-04:10PM; SHAN201; NO ROOM; |
CHEM325-01 | Introduction to Biomolecular Structure | Olson,Rich ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; SCIE109; |
CHEM337-01 | Physical Chemistry I | Chen,Michelle ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; ....R.. 11:40AM-12:40PM; HALL84; HALL84; |
CHEM376-01 | Integrated Chemistry Laboratory II | STAFF .M..... 01:20PM-06:10PM; .....F. 01:20PM-02:40PM; HALL069; HALL84; |
CHEM376-02 | Integrated Chemistry Laboratory II | STAFF ..T.... 01:20PM-06:10PM; .....F. 01:20PM-02:40PM; HALL069; HALL84; |
CHEM383-01 | Biochemistry | O'Neil,Alison .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; .M..... 07:30PM-09:00PM; HALL84; HALL84; |
CHEM383-02 | Biochemistry | O'Neil,Alison .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; ..T.... 07:30PM-09:00PM; HALL84; HALL84; |
CHEM383-03 | Biochemistry | O'Neil,Alison .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; .M..... 02:50PM-04:10PM; HALL84; HALL84; |
CHEM396-01 | Molecular Modeling and Design | Smith,Colin A. ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; SCIE72; |
CHEM508-01 | Molecular Biophysics Journal Club II | STAFF ...W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; SHAN201; |
CHEM571-01 | Graduate Seminar in Chemistry | Calter,Michael A. Chen,Michelle .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; HALL84; |
CHEM596-01 | Molecular Modeling and Design | Smith,Colin A. ..T.R.. 10:20AM-11:40AM; SCIE72; |
E&ES395-01 | Quantitative Chemical Analysis | Davis,Anthony .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; .M..... 01:20PM-04:10PM; SHAN201; NO ROOM; |
E&ES395-02 | Quantitative Chemical Analysis | Davis,Anthony .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; ..T.... 01:20PM-04:10PM; SHAN201; NO ROOM; |
MB&B242-01 | Informal Science Education for Elementary School Students II | Roberts,Andrea ..T.... 04:25PM-05:55PM; SHAN201; |
MB&B308-01 | Molecular Biophysics Journal Club II | STAFF ...W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; SHAN201; |
MB&B325-01 | Introduction to Biomolecular Structure | Olson,Rich ..T.R.. 01:20PM-02:40PM; SCIE109; |
MB&B383-01 | Biochemistry | O'Neil,Alison .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; .M..... 07:30PM-09:00PM; HALL84; HALL84; |
MB&B383-02 | Biochemistry | O'Neil,Alison .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; ..T.... 07:30PM-09:00PM; HALL84; HALL84; |
MB&B383-03 | Biochemistry | O'Neil,Alison .M.W.F. 10:50AM-11:40AM; .M..... 02:50PM-04:10PM; HALL84; HALL84; |
MB&B508-01 | Molecular Biophysics Journal Club II | STAFF ...W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; SHAN201; |
PHYS318-01 | Molecular Biophysics Journal Club II | STAFF ...W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; SHAN201; |
PHYS518-01 | Molecular Biophysics Journal Club II | STAFF ...W... 02:50PM-04:10PM; SHAN201; |