Fall 2011      Worlds, Empires, and Encounters       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
ENVS370Marine/Maritime World History
HIST157From Clay Tablet to the iPad: History of the Book in Intercultural Perspective
HIST188Sophomore Seminar: Subject Peoples
HIST223History of Traditional China
HIST231Islamic Civilization: The Classical Age
HIST234The Middle East in the 20th Century
HIST245Survey of Latin American History
HIST265Global Christianity
HIST271Japan and the Atomic Bomb in Historical Perspective
HIST316Advanced Seminar in African History
HIST324The Problem of Truth in Modern China
HIST391The Spanish Empire in the Early Global Age: 15th-17th Centuries

Fall 2011      European       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST101History and the Humanities
HIST157From Clay Tablet to the iPad: History of the Book in Intercultural Perspective
HIST160Sophomore Seminar: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
HIST203Modern Europe
HIST206Classic Christian Texts
HIST214The Modern and the Postmodern
HIST215European Intellectual History to the Renaissance
HIST219Russian and Soviet History, 1881 to the Present
HIST248Jewish History: From Spanish Expulsion to Jon Stewart
HIST263Inside Nazi Germany, 1933-1945
HIST339Theories and Models
HIST391The Spanish Empire in the Early Global Age: 15th-17th Centuries

Fall 2011      United States       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST140The Long Civil Rights Movement in 20th-Century America
HIST210American Jewish History, 1492-2001
HIST214The Modern and the Postmodern
HIST217Social Life of the Modern Fact
HIST239The Long 19th Century in the United States
HIST241African American History, 1444-1877
HIST242Introduction to Modern African American History
HIST328The Immigrant City in the United States, 1880-1924
HIST342The Rise of the Conservative Movement in the United States Since 1950

Fall 2011      Intellectual       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST140The Long Civil Rights Movement in 20th-Century America
HIST206Classic Christian Texts
HIST214The Modern and the Postmodern
HIST215European Intellectual History to the Renaissance
HIST217Social Life of the Modern Fact
HIST324The Problem of Truth in Modern China
HIST339Theories and Models
HIST342The Rise of the Conservative Movement in the United States Since 1950

Fall 2011      Religion and History       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST206Classic Christian Texts
HIST210American Jewish History, 1492-2001
HIST231Islamic Civilization: The Classical Age
HIST248Jewish History: From Spanish Expulsion to Jon Stewart
HIST265Global Christianity
HIST324The Problem of Truth in Modern China

Fall 2011      Gender and History       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST188Sophomore Seminar: Subject Peoples
HIST328The Immigrant City in the United States, 1880-1924

Fall 2011      Preindustrial       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST188Sophomore Seminar: Subject Peoples
HIST215European Intellectual History to the Renaissance
HIST223History of Traditional China
HIST231Islamic Civilization: The Classical Age
HIST391The Spanish Empire in the Early Global Age: 15th-17th Centuries
Spring 2012      Worlds, Empires, and Encounters       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST181Sophomore Seminar: Gandhi and His Precursors
HIST224Modern China: States, Transnations, Individuals, and Worlds
HIST228The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire, 1280-1922
HIST255History of Spain: From the Middle Ages to the Present
HIST323Religion and History
HIST333Modernity and the Work of History

Spring 2012      European       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST120Empire, Nationhood, and the Quest for German Unity, 1815-1990
HIST201Medieval Europe
HIST202Early Modern Europe
HIST208Rome Through the Ages
HIST216European Intellectual History Since the Renaissance
HIST218Russian History to 1881
HIST220France Since 1870
HIST254Science in Western Culture, 1650-1900
HIST255History of Spain: From the Middle Ages to the Present
HIST313Performing Jewish Studies: History, Methods, and Models
HIST354Augustine's Confessions

Spring 2012      United States       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
AFAM119What Is History?
HIST144What Is History?
HIST165Sophomore Seminar: The United States and the Middle East: From the Shores of Tripoli to Baghdad
HIST171Sophomore Seminar: Exploring Middletown's History
HIST240The United States Since 1901
HIST303Race, Rage, Riots, and Backlash: 20th-Century Protest Movements
HIST306Freedom and Slavery in Early America
HIST333Modernity and the Work of History

Spring 2012      Intellectual       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST216European Intellectual History Since the Renaissance
HIST313Performing Jewish Studies: History, Methods, and Models
HIST333Modernity and the Work of History
HIST354Augustine's Confessions

Spring 2012      Religion and History       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST181Sophomore Seminar: Gandhi and His Precursors
HIST201Medieval Europe
HIST202Early Modern Europe
HIST208Rome Through the Ages
HIST313Performing Jewish Studies: History, Methods, and Models
HIST323Religion and History
HIST354Augustine's Confessions

Spring 2012      Gender and History       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST179Introduction to Historical Research on Women, Gender and Sexuality

Spring 2012      Preindustrial       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search       HIST
HIST201Medieval Europe
HIST202Early Modern Europe
HIST208Rome Through the Ages
HIST216European Intellectual History Since the Renaissance
HIST255History of Spain: From the Middle Ages to the Present

Last Updated on FEB-08-2025
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