WesMaps - Fall 2006 Courses Appropriate for First-Year Students       Summer Session       Winter Session       Home       Archive       Search

African American Studies - Fall 2006

AFAM122-01The Civil War ExperienceEmberton,Carole Tereza   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; CAMS 3;
AFAM202-01Introduction to African American LiteraturePemberton,Gayle    
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; DWNY113;
AFAM203-01Early African American History, 1619-1865Emberton,Carole Tereza   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; FISK302;
AFAM239-01Three Generals in the Lord's ArmyWillis,Janice D.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; RSCSEM;

Asian Languages and Literatures - Fall 2006

CHIN101-01Chinese Character WritingZhu,Xiaomiao    
..TW... 07:00PM-08:20PM; FISK404;
CHIN103-01Elementary ChineseZhu,Xiaomiao    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK312; FISK312;
CHIN205-01Intermediate ChineseZhu,Xiaomiao    
.MTWR.. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK314;

American Studies - Fall 2006

AMST122-01The Civil War ExperienceEmberton,Carole Tereza   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; CAMS 3;
AMST237-01Early African American History, 1619-1865Emberton,Carole Tereza   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; FISK302;

Anthropology - Fall 2006

ANTH204-01Introduction to ArchaeologyMaines,Clark    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; DWNY113;

Archaeology Program - Fall 2006

ARCP204-01Introduction to ArchaeologyMaines,Clark    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; DWNY113;
ARCP214-01Survey of Greek ArchaeologyMeyer,Martina E   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE58;

Art History - Fall 2006

ARHA151-01European Architecture to 1750Siry,Joseph M.   
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; CINE;
ARHA170-01Defining a Nation: Art in America 1776-1830Noble,Nancy J.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; DAC100;
ARHA190-01Artists of the African DiasporaMark,Peter A.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; DAC300;
ARHA202-01Introduction to ArchaeologyMaines,Clark    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; DWNY113;
ARHA203-01Survey of Greek ArchaeologyMeyer,Martina E   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE58;

Art Studio - Fall 2006

ARST131-01Drawing IFrazer,John T.   
.M.W... 01:10PM-03:40PM; AWKS105;
ARST131-02Drawing ITelfair,Tula    
..T.R.. 10:00AM-12:30PM; AWKS105;
ARST445-01Sculpture ISchiff,Jeffrey    
.M.W... 10:00AM-12:30PM; ASN101;

Astronomy - Fall 2006

ASTR105-01Descriptive AstronomyCannon,John M   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; VVO110;
ASTR105-02Descriptive AstronomySalzer,John J.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; VVO110;
ASTR155-01Introductory AstronomySalzer,John J.   
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; VVO110;

Biology - Fall 2006

BIOL170-01Introductory BiologyAppel,Laurel F.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SHAN201;
BIOL181-01Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of HeredityInfante,Anthony A.   
McAlear,Michael A.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE150;
BIOL191-01Principles of Biology I--LaboratoryMarcucci,Melissa Jean   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:00PM; HALL84;
BIOL191-02Principles of Biology I--LaboratoryMarcucci,Melissa Jean   
..T.... 01:10PM-04:00PM; HALL84;
BIOL191-03Principles of Biology I--LaboratoryMarcucci,Melissa Jean   
...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; HALL84;
BIOL191-04Principles of Biology I--LaboratoryMarcucci,Melissa Jean   
...W... 07:00PM-09:50PM; SCIE58;
BIOL197-01Introduction to Environmental StudiesRoyer,Dana    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; .M..... 07:00PM-08:00PM; SCIE58; SCIE405;
BIOL197-02Introduction to Environmental StudiesRoyer,Dana    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:00PM; SCIE58; SCIE405;
BIOL197-03Introduction to Environmental StudiesRoyer,Dana    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; ...W... 07:00PM-08:00PM; SCIE58; SCIE405;
BIOL197-04Introduction to Environmental StudiesRoyer,Dana    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; ....R.. 07:00PM-08:00PM; SCIE58; SCIE405;

Classical Civilization - Fall 2006

CCIV116-01Greek CuriosityCaldwell,Robert C.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; DWNY100;
CCIV204-01Introduction to ArchaeologyMaines,Clark    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; DWNY113;
CCIV214-01Survey of Greek ArchaeologyMeyer,Martina E   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE58;
CCIV220-01Greek and Roman ReligionsCaldwell,Robert C.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; DWNY113;
CCIV232-01Roman HistoryParslow,Christopher    
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE58;

Environmental Studies Minor - Fall 2006

E&ES197-01Introduction to Environmental StudiesRoyer,Dana    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; .M..... 07:00PM-08:00PM; SCIE58; SCIE405;
E&ES197-02Introduction to Environmental StudiesRoyer,Dana    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:00PM; SCIE58; SCIE405;
E&ES197-03Introduction to Environmental StudiesRoyer,Dana    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; ...W... 07:00PM-08:00PM; SCIE58; SCIE405;
E&ES197-04Introduction to Environmental StudiesRoyer,Dana    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; ....R.. 07:00PM-08:00PM; SCIE58; SCIE405;

Chemistry - Fall 2006

CHEM117-01Human BiochemistryBolton,Philip H.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE0101;
CHEM141-01Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL6;
CHEM141-02Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL51;
CHEM141-03Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE150; HALL6;
CHEM141-04Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM141-05Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL6;
CHEM141-06Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM141-07Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; TBA; SCIE150; ;
CHEM143-01Principles of Chemistry INovick,Stewart E.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; SCIE58;
CHEM348-01Science and ArtBeveridge,David L.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; HALL84;

Chinese - Fall 2006

CHIN101-01Chinese Character WritingZhu,Xiaomiao    
..TW... 07:00PM-08:20PM; FISK404;
CHIN103-01Elementary ChineseZhu,Xiaomiao    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK312; FISK312;
CHIN205-01Intermediate ChineseZhu,Xiaomiao    
.MTWR.. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK314;

Informatics and Modeling Minor - Fall 2006

BIOL181-01Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of HeredityInfante,Anthony A.   
McAlear,Michael A.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE150;
COMP211-01Computer Science IAaron,Eric    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; ...W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; SHAN107; SHAN107;

International Relations Minor - Fall 2006

ECON101-01Introduction to EconomicsAdelstein,Richard P.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SHAN107;
ECON110-01Introduction to Economic TheoryBonin,John P.   
.M.W... 08:30AM-09:50AM; PAC001;
ECON110-03Introduction to Economic TheoryHogendorn,Christiaan    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC001;
GOVT155-01International PoliticsFoyle,Douglas C.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; PAC004;
GOVT155-02International PoliticsBiziouras,Nikolaos    
.M.W... 08:30AM-09:50AM; PAC004;
HIST258-01Mughal IndiaPinch,William R.   
.M.W.F. 02:40PM-03:30PM; PAC002;

Jewish and Israel Studies - Fall 2006

FIST246-01Primo Levi: Memory of the OffenseNerenberg,Ellen    
....R.. 07:00PM-08:50PM; .M..... 07:00PM-08:20PM; FISK413; FISK413;
HEBR101-01Elementary HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK210;
HEBR201-01Intermediate HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK210;
HIST105-01Jewish Tradition, Its Texts and ContextsTeter,Magda    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; PAC422;
RELI201-01Old Testament/Hebrew BibleZwelling,Jeremy    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC001;

College of Letters - Fall 2006

COL105-01The Fantastic in Narrative ImaginationSlobin,Greta    
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; BTFDC210;
COL115-01Literature of Protest and ComplaintMatz,Aaron    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; BTFDC210;
COL220-01Modern Christian ThoughtRubenstein,Mary-Jane Victoria   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK302;
COL265-01Nabokov and Cultural SynthesisMeyer,Priscilla    
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK413;
COL281-01Genius and MadnessPlass,Ulrich    
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK116;

Computer Science - Fall 2006

COMP112-01Introduction to ProgrammingLipton,James    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; SCIE58;
.M.W... 08:30AM-09:50AM; SCIE139;
COMP211-01Computer Science IAaron,Eric    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; ...W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; SHAN107; SHAN107;

Dance - Fall 2006

DANC111-01Introduction to DanceLourie,Susan F.   
..T.R.. 08:45AM-10:15AM; SDC;
DANC111-02Introduction to DanceBobbitt,Stacey    
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:30PM; SDC;
DANC260-01West African Dance IMensah,Helen    
.M.W... 06:30PM-08:30PM; TST001;

Earth and Environmental Sciences - Fall 2006

E&ES155-01Hazardous EarthGreenwood,James P.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE121;
E&ES197-01Introduction to Environmental StudiesRoyer,Dana    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; .M..... 07:00PM-08:00PM; SCIE58; SCIE405;
E&ES197-02Introduction to Environmental StudiesRoyer,Dana    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:00PM; SCIE58; SCIE405;
E&ES197-03Introduction to Environmental StudiesRoyer,Dana    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; ...W... 07:00PM-08:00PM; SCIE58; SCIE405;
E&ES197-04Introduction to Environmental StudiesRoyer,Dana    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; ....R.. 07:00PM-08:00PM; SCIE58; SCIE405;

East Asian Studies Program - Fall 2006

EAST101-01Elementary ChineseZhu,Xiaomiao    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK312; FISK312;
EAST105-01Chinese Character WritingZhu,Xiaomiao    
..TW... 07:00PM-08:20PM; FISK404;
EAST203-01Intermediate ChineseZhu,Xiaomiao    
.MTWR.. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK314;
EAST261-01Classical Chinese PhilosophyBaldine,Joanne    
...W.F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; PAC004;

Economics - Fall 2006

ECON101-01Introduction to EconomicsAdelstein,Richard P.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SHAN107;
ECON110-01Introduction to Economic TheoryBonin,John P.   
.M.W... 08:30AM-09:50AM; PAC001;
ECON110-03Introduction to Economic TheoryHogendorn,Christiaan    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC001;
ECON124-01Political EconomyNandwa,Boaz    
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; PAC421;
ECON148-01Climate ChangeYohe,Gary W.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK414;

English - Fall 2006

ENGL109-01Performing Values: Ethical Questions in Modern TheaterStowe,William W.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK413;
ENGL110-01Poetry and DemocracyWillis,Elizabeth    
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; DWNY100;
ENGL119-01American Autobiography: Stories of the Self in SocietyBaraw,Charles    
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; DAC300;
ENGL151-01Intro to Poetic TechniqueVincent,John Emil   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK305;
ENGL211-01Ethics of Embodiment (FGSS Gateway)Crosby,Christina    
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; DWNY100;
ENGL240-01Introduction to African American LiteraturePemberton,Gayle    
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; DWNY113;

Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department - Fall 2006

FGSS210-01Ethics of Embodiment (FGSS Gateway)Crosby,Christina    
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; DWNY100;

College of Film and the Moving Image - Fall 2006

FILM310-01Introduction to Film AnalysisDombrowski,Lisa A.   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:30PM; ...W... 12:10PM-01:00PM; CFS100; CFS124;
FILM310-02Introduction to Film AnalysisDombrowski,Lisa A.   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:30PM; ...W... 01:10PM-02:00PM; CFS100; CFS124;
FILM310-03Introduction to Film AnalysisDombrowski,Lisa A.   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:30PM; ...W... 02:10PM-03:00PM; CFS100; CFS124;
FILM310-04Introduction to Film AnalysisDombrowski,Lisa A.   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:30PM; ...W... 03:10PM-04:00PM; CFS100; CFS124;
FILM310-05Introduction to Film AnalysisDombrowski,Lisa A.   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:30PM; ...W... 04:10PM-05:00PM; CFS100; CFS124;

Romance Lang & Lit In Eng - Fall 2006

FIST246-01Primo Levi: Memory of the OffenseNerenberg,Ellen    
....R.. 07:00PM-08:50PM; .M..... 07:00PM-08:20PM; FISK413; FISK413;

French - Fall 2006

FREN101-01French in Action IOstrow,Catherine R.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK116;
FREN101-02French in Action IOstrow,Catherine R.   
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; FISK305;
FREN111-01French in Action IIILalande,Christine    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; JUDD113;
FREN111-02French in Action IIILalande,Christine    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; JUDD113;
FREN112-01Intermediate FrenchSolomon,Julie Helen   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; RLANB2;
FREN112-02Intermediate FrenchSolomon,Julie Helen   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; RLANB2;
FREN215-01Composition and ConversationPoisson,Catherine    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK312;
FREN215-02Composition and ConversationShapiro,Norman R.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; RLAN106;
FREN215-03Composition and ConversationLalande,Christine    
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; FISK414;
FREN223-01French Way(s)Ostrow,Catherine R.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK116;
FREN257-01Autobiography and PhotographyPoisson,Catherine    
.M...F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; FISK115;

French Studies - Fall 2006

FREN223-01French Way(s)Ostrow,Catherine R.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK116;
FREN257-01Autobiography and PhotographyPoisson,Catherine    
.M...F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; FISK115;

German - Fall 2006

GRST279-01Hansel and Gretel and Co.Grant,Vera K.B.   
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK414;

Government - Fall 2006

GOVT151-01American Government and PoliticsDonato,Gary R.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; PAC001;
GOVT155-01International PoliticsFoyle,Douglas C.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; PAC004;
GOVT155-02International PoliticsBiziouras,Nikolaos    
.M.W... 08:30AM-09:50AM; PAC004;
GOVT157-01Democracy and Dictatorship: Politics in the Contemporary WorldMiley,Thomas Jeffrey   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; VVO110;
GOVT159-01The Moral Basis of PoliticsSchwartz,Nancy L.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC104;

Greek - Fall 2006

GRK101-01Introduction to Ancient Greek: Semester IMeyer,Martina E   
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; .....F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; DWNY208; DWNY208;

German Studies - Fall 2006

GRST101-01Elementary GermanWinston,Krishna R.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; JUDDB6;
GRST101-02Elementary GermanWinston,Krishna R.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; JUDDB6;
GRST279-01Hansel and Gretel and Co.Grant,Vera K.B.   
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK414;
GRST291-01Genius and MadnessPlass,Ulrich    
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK116;

Hebrew - Fall 2006

HEBR101-01Elementary HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK210;
HEBR201-01Intermediate HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK210;

History - Fall 2006

HIST105-01Jewish Tradition, Its Texts and ContextsTeter,Magda    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; PAC422;
HIST111-01The Scientific Revolution, 1450-1690Gillmor,C. Stewart    
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; PAC125;
HIST122-01The Civil War ExperienceEmberton,Carole Tereza   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; CAMS 3;
HIST201-01Medieval EuropeMiller,Kathryn A.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC004;
HIST205-01Roman HistoryParslow,Christopher    
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE58;
HIST227-01Empire and Imperial SystemsDay,Tony    
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE121;
HIST228-01The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire: 1280-1922Masters,Bruce A.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; PAC002;
HIST241-01Early African American History, 1619-1865Emberton,Carole Tereza   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; FISK302;
HIST258-01Mughal IndiaPinch,William R.   
.M.W.F. 02:40PM-03:30PM; PAC002;

Iberian Studies - Fall 2006

SPAN221-01Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Advanced Practice in SpanishEl Jaber,Loreley    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK412;
SPAN221-02Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Advanced Practice in SpanishGonzález,Bernardo Antonio    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK414;
SPAN221-03Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Advanced Practice in SpanishArmstrong Roche,Michael    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK312;
SPAN221-04Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Advanced Practice in SpanishDegiovanni,Fernando    
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; FISK404;

Italian - Fall 2006

ITAL101-01Elementary Italian IFiumara,Francesco    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK404;
ITAL101-02Elementary Italian ILeo,Nella    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK101;
ITAL101-03Elementary Italian ILeo,Nella    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK101;
ITAL237-01Tragicomedy in Renaissance in Cavalaresque EpicSimonetta,Marcello    
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK305;
ITAL246-01Primo Levi: Memory of the OffenseNerenberg,Ellen    
....R.. 07:00PM-08:50PM; .M..... 07:00PM-08:20PM; FISK413; FISK413;

Alternative Language Study Options - Fall 2006

LANG157-01Elementary Arabic IHamed,Yasir G.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK101;
LANG190-01American Sign Language IMullen,Sheila M.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK116;
LANG257-01Intermediate Arabic IHamed,Yasir G.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; DWNY113;
LANG290-01American Sign Language and Current IssuesMullen,Sheila M.   
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK302;

Latin American Studies Program - Fall 2006

LAST226-01Spanish American Literature and CivilizationConn,Robert    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; RLAN106;

Latin - Fall 2006

LAT101-01First-Year Latin, Semester ICaldwell,Lauren Elizabeth   
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; .....F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE141; SCIE141;

Mathematics - Fall 2006

MATH107-01Review of Algebra and Graphing and PrecalculusBravo Vivallo,Daniel Alfredo   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; SCIE137;
MATH117-01Introductory Calculus, Part IShea,Stephen Michael   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; SCIE121; SCIE121;
MATH117-02Introductory Calculus, Part ILockridge,Keir Hardie   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; SCIE638; SCIE139;
MATH117-03Introductory Calculus, Part ICollins,Karen L.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; SCIE137; SCIE137;
MATH117-04Introductory Calculus, Part ILazowski,Andrew    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; SCIE638; SCIE638;
MATH121-01Calculus I, Part ITaylor,Edward    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; SCIE109;
MATH121-02Calculus I, Part IZoble,Stuart    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE58;
MATH122-01Calculus I, Part IIFrugale,James V.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE141;
MATH123-01Calculus and its Applications to Life SciencesWood,Carol S.   
Russu,Irina M.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; ...W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE139; SCIE139;
MATH132-01Elementary StatisticsFrugale,James V.   
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE121;
MATH221-01Vectors and MatricesDavis,Daniel G.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE139;
MATH221-02Vectors and MatricesZoble,Stuart    
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE109;
MATH222-01Multivariable CalculusHager,Anthony W.   
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; PAC001;
MATH222-02Multivariable CalculusLockridge,Keir Hardie   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; SCIE141;

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry - Fall 2006

CHEM141-01Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL6;
CHEM141-02Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL51;
CHEM141-03Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE150; HALL6;
CHEM141-04Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM141-05Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL6;
CHEM141-06Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM141-07Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; TBA; SCIE150; ;
CHEM143-01Principles of Chemistry INovick,Stewart E.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; SCIE58;
MB&B109-01Light and Life: Vision, Photosynthesis, DNA and MelanomaMukerji,Ishita    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE121;
MB&B170-01Introductory BiologyAppel,Laurel F.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SHAN201;
MB&B181-01Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of HeredityInfante,Anthony A.   
McAlear,Michael A.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE150;
MB&B191-01Principles of Biology I--LaboratoryMarcucci,Melissa Jean   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:00PM; HALL84;
MB&B191-02Principles of Biology I--LaboratoryMarcucci,Melissa Jean   
..T.... 01:10PM-04:00PM; HALL84;
MB&B191-03Principles of Biology I--LaboratoryMarcucci,Melissa Jean   
...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; HALL84;
MB&B191-04Principles of Biology I--LaboratoryMarcucci,Melissa Jean   
...W... 07:00PM-09:50PM; SCIE58;

Medieval Studies Program - Fall 2006

MDST203-01Old Testament/Hebrew BibleZwelling,Jeremy    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC001;
MDST204-01Medieval EuropeMiller,Kathryn A.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC004;
MDST237-01Tragicomedy in Renaissance in Cavalaresque EpicSimonetta,Marcello    
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK305;

Mathematics-Economics Program - Fall 2006

MATH121-01Calculus I, Part ITaylor,Edward    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; SCIE109;
MATH121-02Calculus I, Part IZoble,Stuart    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE58;
MATH122-01Calculus I, Part IIFrugale,James V.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE141;

Music - Fall 2006

MUSC103-01Materials and DesignMalin,Yonatan    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; RHH003;
MUSC108-01History of Rock and R&BCharry,Eric S.   
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; .....F. 11:00AM-12:00PM; RHH003; RHH003;
MUSC109-01Introduction to Experimental MusicLucier,Alvin A.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; RHH003;
MUSC122-01Introduction to Folk Music StudiesSlobin,Mark    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; MST301;
MUSC124-01Music, Math, and LanguageMalin,Yonatan    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; MST301;
MUSC202-01Theory and AnalysisAlden,Jane    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; MST301;

Neuroscience and Behavior Program - Fall 2006

BIOL181-01Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of HeredityInfante,Anthony A.   
McAlear,Michael A.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE150;
BIOL191-01Principles of Biology I--LaboratoryMarcucci,Melissa Jean   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:00PM; HALL84;
BIOL191-02Principles of Biology I--LaboratoryMarcucci,Melissa Jean   
..T.... 01:10PM-04:00PM; HALL84;
BIOL191-03Principles of Biology I--LaboratoryMarcucci,Melissa Jean   
...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; HALL84;
BIOL191-04Principles of Biology I--LaboratoryMarcucci,Melissa Jean   
...W... 07:00PM-09:50PM; SCIE58;
CHEM141-01Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL6;
CHEM141-02Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL51;
CHEM141-03Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE150; HALL6;
CHEM141-04Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM141-05Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL6;
CHEM141-06Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM141-07Introductory Chemistry IDavis,Anthony P.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; TBA; SCIE150; ;
CHEM143-01Principles of Chemistry INovick,Stewart E.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; SCIE58;
PHYS111-01Introductory Physics IWeinberger,Bob    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE150;
PHYS113-01General Physics IVoth,Greg A.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE58;

Physical Education - Fall 2006

PHED104-01GolfPotter,Christopher J.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; TBA
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; TBA
PHED106-01Fitness, BeginningWright,Donna M.   
.M.W.F. 12:00PM-12:50PM; TBA
PHED106-02Fitness, BeginningHauser,Francis J.   
.M.W.F. 12:00PM-12:50PM; TBA
PHED107-01Inner Game of GolfWoodworth,Mark A.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; TBA
PHED116-01Step AerobicsKlecha-Porter,Patricia    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; TBA
PHED118-01Strength Training, IntroductionRaba,John G.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; TBA
PHED118-02Strength Training, IntroductionWheeler,Holly Gutelius   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; TBA
PHED118-03Strength Training, IntroductionCurry ,Walter Jr.    
.M.W.F. 02:40PM-03:30PM; TBA
PHED118-04Strength Training, IntroductionMeredith,Eva Bergsten   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; TBA
PHED118-05Strength Training, IntroductionRaba,John G.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; TBA
PHED118-06Strength Training, IntroductionCurry ,Walter Jr.    
.M.W.F. 02:40PM-03:30PM; TBA
PHED120-01Swimming, BeginningBolich,Mary    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; TBA
PHED121-01Swimming, Advanced BeginnerBolich,Mary    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; TBA
PHED122-01Swimming for FitnessShea,Jennifer A.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; TBA
PHED122-02Swimming for FitnessEmery,Elizabeth R.   
.M.W.F. 02:40PM-03:30PM; TBA
PHED122-03Swimming for FitnessShea,Jennifer A.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; TBA
PHED124-01SquashWheeler,Geoffrey H.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; TBA
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; TBA
PHED125-01First-Year Students' Introduction to SquashKerr,Shona    
.M.W.F. 12:00PM-12:50PM; TBA
PHED130-01Skating, BeginningWright,Donna M.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; TBA
PHED137-01Rowing for FitnessCarney,Philip D.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; TBA
PHED139-01Running for FitnessCrooke,John T.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; TBA
PHED169-01Indoor Technical ClimbingBiddiscombe,John S.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; TBA
PHED169-02Indoor Technical ClimbingBlack,Drew    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; TBA
PHED169-03Indoor Technical ClimbingWheeler,Geoffrey H.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; TBA

Philosophy - Fall 2006

PHIL112-01Ecology of PerceptionGood,Justin Peter   
.M..... 11:00AM-12:20PM; ...W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; DWNY100; FISK115;
PHIL114-01Philosophy of LoveGood,Justin Peter   
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; SCIE109;
PHIL202-01Philosophical Classics II: Early Modern Philosophy from Descartes Through KantShieh,Sanford    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK210;
PHIL205-01Classical Chinese PhilosophyBaldine,Joanne    
...W.F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; PAC004;
PHIL214-01Justice and ReasonRouse,Joseph T.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK404;

Physics - Fall 2006

PHYS111-01Introductory Physics IWeinberger,Bob    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE150;
PHYS113-01General Physics IVoth,Greg A.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE58;
PHYS121-01Physics Laboratory IHüwel,Lutz    
Voth,Greg A.   
.M..... 07:00PM-09:50PM; SCIE69;
PHYS121-02Physics Laboratory IHüwel,Lutz    
Voth,Greg A.   
..T.... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE69;
PHYS121-03Physics Laboratory IHüwel,Lutz    
Voth,Greg A.   
..T.... 07:00PM-09:50PM; SCIE69;
PHYS121-04Physics Laboratory IHüwel,Lutz    
Voth,Greg A.   
...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE69;
PHYS121-05Physics Laboratory IHüwel,Lutz    
Voth,Greg A.   
....R.. 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE69;
PHYS121-06Physics Laboratory IHüwel,Lutz    
Voth,Greg A.   
.....F. 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE69;
PHYS125-01Honors Physics Laboratory IMorgan,Thomas J.   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE73;
PHYS215-01Special RelativityHüwel,Lutz    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE201;

Psychology - Fall 2006

PSYC105-01Foundations of Contemporary PsychologyCarney,Sarah Kristin   
.M.W... 08:30AM-09:50AM; JUDD116;
PSYC235-01Health PsychologyRose,Jennifer S.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; JUDD113;

Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies - Fall 2006

REES205-01The 19th-Century Russian NovelFusso,Susanne Grace   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK302;
REES220-01Speak, Memory: Autobiography and Memoir in Russian LiteratureFusso,Susanne Grace   
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK312;
REES240-01Reading StoriesWhite,Duffield    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK115;
REES263-01Nabokov and Cultural SynthesisMeyer,Priscilla    
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK413;

Religion - Fall 2006

HEBR101-01Elementary HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK210;
HEBR201-01Intermediate HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK210;
RELI101-01Introduction to the Study of ReligionGoldschmidt,Henry    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK302;
RELI125-01Unthinkable Suffering: The Problem of "the Problem of Evil"Rubenstein,Mary-Jane Victoria   
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; RSCSEM;
RELI201-01Old Testament/Hebrew BibleZwelling,Jeremy    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC001;
RELI220-01Modern Christian ThoughtRubenstein,Mary-Jane Victoria   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK302;
RELI283-01Three Generals in the Lord's ArmyWillis,Janice D.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; RSCSEM;

Russian - Fall 2006

RUSS101-01Elementary RussianAleshkovsky,Irene    
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; ..T.R.. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK101; FISK403;
RUSS205-01The 19th-Century Russian NovelFusso,Susanne Grace   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK302;
RUSS220-01Speak, Memory: Autobiography and Memoir in Russian LiteratureFusso,Susanne Grace   
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK312;
RUSS240-01Reading StoriesWhite,Duffield    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK115;
RUSS263-01Nabokov and Cultural SynthesisMeyer,Priscilla    
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK413;
RUSS290-01The Fantastic in Narrative ImaginationSlobin,Greta    
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; BTFDC210;

Sociology - Fall 2006

SOC151-01Introductory SociologyClawson,Mary Ann    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; PAC422;
SOC151-02Introductory SociologyLong,Daniel A.   
.M.W... 08:30AM-09:50AM; PAC421;
SOC151-03Introductory SociologyRabinovitch,Eyal    
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; PAC004;
SOC151-04Introductory SociologySullivan,Maureen Elizabeth   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC004;

Spanish - Fall 2006

SPAN101-01Elementary SpanishNeary,Louise C.   
.MTWRF. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK305;
SPAN101-02Elementary SpanishNeary,Louise C.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; ..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:20AM; FISK305; FISK305;
SPAN103-01Elementary Spanish for High BeginnersFlores,Octavio    
.MTWRF. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK413;
SPAN111-01Intermediate Spanish IFlores,Octavio    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK413;
SPAN111-02Intermediate Spanish IFlores,Octavio    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK413;
SPAN111-03Intermediate Spanish INeary,Louise C.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK305;
SPAN111-04Intermediate Spanish IEl Jaber,Loreley    
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; FISK116;
SPAN111-05Intermediate Spanish IPérez-Gironés,Ana M.   
.M.W.F. 02:10PM-03:00PM; FISK101;
SPAN112-01Intermediate Spanish IIPérez-Gironés,Ana M.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK115;
SPAN112-02Intermediate Spanish IIPérez-Gironés,Ana M.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK414;
SPAN221-01Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Advanced Practice in SpanishEl Jaber,Loreley    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK412;
SPAN221-02Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Advanced Practice in SpanishGonzález,Bernardo Antonio    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK414;
SPAN221-03Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Advanced Practice in SpanishArmstrong Roche,Michael    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK312;
SPAN221-04Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Advanced Practice in SpanishDegiovanni,Fernando    
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; FISK404;
SPAN226-01Spanish American Literature and CivilizationConn,Robert    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; RLAN106;

Theater - Fall 2006

THEA105-01Basic Production TechniquesCarr,John F.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; THEA;
THEA151-01Performance & CultureJenkins,Ronald S.   
...W... 04:10PM-07:00PM; TST101;
THEA185-01Text & The Visual ImaginationOteíza,Marcela    
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; TST101;
THEA245-01Acting IJenkins,Ronald S.   
..T.... 01:10PM-04:00PM; TST101;
THEA280-01Script AnalysisJenkins,Ronald S.   
...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; TST101;

African Studies Minor - Fall 2006

DANC260-01West African Dance IMensah,Helen    
.M.W... 06:30PM-08:30PM; TST001;

Christianity Studies - Fall 2006

HIST201-01Medieval EuropeMiller,Kathryn A.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC004;
RELI125-01Unthinkable Suffering: The Problem of "the Problem of Evil"Rubenstein,Mary-Jane Victoria   
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; RSCSEM;
RELI201-01Old Testament/Hebrew BibleZwelling,Jeremy    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC001;
RELI220-01Modern Christian ThoughtRubenstein,Mary-Jane Victoria   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK302;

Jewish and Israel Studies - Fall 2006

FIST246-01Primo Levi: Memory of the OffenseNerenberg,Ellen    
....R.. 07:00PM-08:50PM; .M..... 07:00PM-08:20PM; FISK413; FISK413;
HEBR101-01Elementary HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK210;
HEBR201-01Intermediate HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK210;
RELI201-01Old Testament/Hebrew BibleZwelling,Jeremy    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC001;

Southern Asia Studies - Fall 2006

HIST258-01Mughal IndiaPinch,William R.   
.M.W.F. 02:40PM-03:30PM; PAC002;

Urban Studies - Fall 2006

ARHA151-01European Architecture to 1750Siry,Joseph M.   
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; CINE;
FREN257-01Autobiography and PhotographyPoisson,Catherine    
.M...F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; FISK115;
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African American Studies - Spring 2007

AFAM129-01Resisting the Romance in Black and White and TechnicolorduCille,Ann    
...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; CAAS LOUNG;
AFAM166-01Color in the CaribbeanUlysse,Gina Athena   
...W.F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; CAAS LOUNG;
AFAM204-01Introduction to Modern African American HistoryRomano,Renee Christine   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC002;

Asian Languages and Literatures - Spring 2007

CHIN104-01Elementary ChineseLiu,Mengjun    
.M.W.F. 03:10PM-04:00PM; ..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; .M..... 04:30PM-05:20PM; FISK314; FISK314; FISK312;
CHIN206-01Intermediate ChineseLiu,Mengjun    
...W... 04:10PM-05:00PM; .MT.R.. 07:00PM-07:50PM; FISK314; FISK314;

American Studies - Spring 2007

AMST112-01The City in American FictionPemberton,Gayle    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; CAAS LOUNG;
AMST152-01The Long 19th Century in the United StatesHill,Patricia R.   
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; PAC002;
AMST238-01Introduction to Modern African American HistoryRomano,Renee Christine   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC002;
AMST292-01Women in U.S. HistoryEmberton,Carole Tereza   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; PAC125;
AMST319-01The New England Century: Sin, Superstition, and Society in Early America, 1630-1704Swinehart,Kirk Davis   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; CAMS 3;

Anthropology - Spring 2007

ANTH101-01Being and Becoming HumanGandolfo,Daniella    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC001;
ANTH101-02Being and Becoming HumanCharles,Douglas K.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC001;
ANTH101-03Being and Becoming HumanGandolfo,Daniella    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC001;
ANTH101-04Being and Becoming HumanCharles,Douglas K.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC001;
ANTH102-01Fundamentals of Cultural Anthropology: Anthropology and Contemporary World ProblemsKeiser,R. Lincoln    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK404;
ANTH166-01Color in the CaribbeanUlysse,Gina Athena   
...W.F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; CAAS LOUNG;
ANTH207-01Gender in a Transnational PerspectiveSharma,Aradhana    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK302;
ANTH210-01Reading EthnographyKeiser,R. Lincoln    
...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; ANTH6;
ANTH245-01Anthropology of Contemporary Chinese ArtDowdey,Patrick    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK413;
ANTH271-01Modern Southeast AsiaDay,Tony    
...W.F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; PAC001;

Art History - Spring 2007

ARHA180-01Great Traditions of Asian ArtBest,Jonathan W.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; DAC300;
ARHA181-01Introduction to the Practice of Art History: Mughal IndiaWagoner,Phillip B.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; DAC300;
ARHA255-01Anthropology of Contemporary Chinese ArtDowdey,Patrick    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK413;

Art Studio - Spring 2007

ARST131-01Drawing ISnipes,Leslie D.   
..T.R.. 10:00AM-12:30PM; AWKS105;
ARST131-02Drawing IFrazer,John T.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-05:00PM; AWKS105;
ARST445-01Sculpture ISchiff,Jeffrey    
.M.W... 10:00AM-12:30PM; ASN101;

Astronomy - Spring 2007

ASTR105-01Descriptive AstronomyMoran,Edward C.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; VVO110;
ASTR105-02Descriptive AstronomyMoran,Edward C.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; VVO110;
ASTR107-01The UniverseHerbst,William    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; .M..... 01:10PM-02:30PM; VVO110; VVOB10;
ASTR107-02The UniverseHerbst,William    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; ..T.... 01:10PM-02:30PM; VVO110; VVOB10;
ASTR431-01Research Discussion in AstronomyHerbst,William    
...W... 12:10PM-01:00PM; VVO110;

Biology - Spring 2007

BIOL107-01Perspectives in GeneticsDonady,J. James   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; HALL84;
BIOL116-01Aging and the ElderlyWolfe,Jason S.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; SCIE0101;
BIOL118-01Reproduction in the 21st CenturyGrabel,Laura B.   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE121;
BIOL150-01Introduction to Genes & GenomesAppel,Laurel F.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SHAN201;
BIOL182-01Principles of Biology IICohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE150;
BIOL192-01Principles of Biology II--LaboratoryCohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE 90B;
BIOL192-02Principles of Biology II--LaboratoryCohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
.M..... 07:00PM-09:50PM; SCIE 90B;
BIOL192-03Principles of Biology II--LaboratoryCohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
..T.... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE 90B;
BIOL192-04Principles of Biology II--LaboratoryCohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE 90B;

Classical Civilization - Spring 2007

CCIV205-01Introduction to Classical MythologySzegedy-Maszak,Andrew    
Caldwell,Robert C.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; SHAN107;
CCIV217-01Philosophical Classics I: Ancient Western PhilosophyWerner,Dan    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; FISK302;
CCIV227-01The Age of AugustusCaldwell,Lauren Elizabeth   
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; DWNY113;
CCIV275-01Romans and Christians: The World of Late AntiquityRoberts,Michael J.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; DWNY113;

Environmental Studies Minor - Spring 2007

E&ES199-01Introduction to Environmental ScienceVarekamp,Johan C.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE58;

Chemistry - Spring 2007

CHEM114-01Chemistry in a Modern SocietyPringle,Wallace C.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; HALL84;
CHEM142-01Introductory Chemistry IIKnee,Joseph L.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM142-02Introductory Chemistry IIKnee,Joseph L.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE150; HALL84;
CHEM142-03Introductory Chemistry IIKnee,Joseph L.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ...W... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM142-04Introductory Chemistry IIKnee,Joseph L.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ...W... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM144-01Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE58; HALL51;
CHEM144-02Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE58; HALL6;
CHEM144-03Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE58; HALL6;
CHEM144-04Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE58; HALL51;
CHEM144-05Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE58; HALL56;
CHEM144-06Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE58; HALL6;
CHEM144-07Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; TBA; SCIE58; HALL71;
CHEM148-01Science and ArtBeveridge,David L.   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE137;
CHEM152-01Introductory Chemistry LaboratoryMantzaris,John    
.M..... 01:10PM-03:00PM; HALL71;
CHEM152-02Introductory Chemistry LaboratoryMantzaris,John    
.M..... 03:30PM-05:20PM; HALL71;
CHEM152-03Introductory Chemistry LaboratoryMantzaris,John    
.M..... 07:00PM-09:00PM; HALL71;
CHEM152-04Introductory Chemistry LaboratoryMantzaris,John    
..T.... 01:10PM-03:00PM; HALL71;
CHEM152-05Introductory Chemistry LaboratoryMantzaris,John    
..T.... 03:30PM-05:20PM; HALL51;
CHEM152-06Introductory Chemistry LaboratoryMantzaris,John    
...W... 01:10PM-03:00PM; HALL71;
CHEM152-07Introductory Chemistry LaboratoryMantzaris,John    
...W... 03:30PM-05:20PM; HALL71;
CHEM199-01Introduction to NanoscienceLi,Leping    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; FISK101;

Chinese - Spring 2007

CHIN104-01Elementary ChineseLiu,Mengjun    
.M.W.F. 03:10PM-04:00PM; ..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; .M..... 04:30PM-05:20PM; FISK314; FISK314; FISK312;
CHIN206-01Intermediate ChineseLiu,Mengjun    
...W... 04:10PM-05:00PM; .MT.R.. 07:00PM-07:50PM; FISK314; FISK314;

Informatics and Modeling Minor - Spring 2007

BIOL118-01Reproduction in the 21st CenturyGrabel,Laura B.   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE121;
COMP212-01Data StructuresDanner,Norman    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; SCIE121;
COMP231-01Computer Structure and OperationKrizanc,Daniel    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; SCIE141;

International Relations Minor - Spring 2007

ECON101-01Introduction to EconomicsRayack,Wendy    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; SHAN107;
ECON110-01Introduction to Economic TheoryYohe,Gary W.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; PAC001;
ECON110-02Introduction to Economic TheorySkillman,Gilbert L.   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; PAC001;
GOVT155-01International PoliticsGreenhill,Kelly M.   
.M.W... 08:30AM-09:50AM; PAC421;
HIST219-01Russian and Soviet History 1881 to the PresentPomper,Philip    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; PAC004;
HIST233-01The Age of AugustusCaldwell,Lauren Elizabeth   
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; DWNY113;
HIST251-01World History: A Psychohistory of the Modern WorldPomper,Philip    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC104;

Jewish and Israel Studies - Spring 2007

HEBR102-01Elementary HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK210;
HEBR202-01Intermediate HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK210;
MUSC298-01Jewish Musical WorldsSlobin,Mark    
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; RHH003;

College of Letters - Spring 2007

COL110-01The Enlightenment and the Birth of the Modern WorldPrinty,Michael O.   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; BTFDA414;
COL117-01The Satirical ImaginationMatz,Aaron    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; BTFDC314;
COL186-01Recent American FictionTölölyan,Khachig    
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; FISK210;
COL268-01Understanding Modernity: Marx, Nietzsche, FreudPlass,Ulrich    
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK414;
COL359-01Philosophical Classics I: Ancient Western PhilosophyWerner,Dan    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; FISK302;

Computer Science - Spring 2007

COMP112-01Introduction to ProgrammingRice,Michael D.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; SCIE141;
COMP212-01Data StructuresDanner,Norman    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; SCIE121;
COMP231-01Computer Structure and OperationKrizanc,Daniel    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; SCIE141;
COMP531-01Computer Structure and OperationKrizanc,Daniel    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; SCIE141;

Dance - Spring 2007

DANC105-01Dance Production TechniquesCarr,John F.   
..T.... 01:10PM-02:30PM; THEA;
DANC111-01Introduction to DanceLourie,Susan F.   
..T.R.. 08:45AM-10:15AM; SDC;
DANC111-02Introduction to DanceBobbitt,Stacey    
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:30PM; SDC;
DANC260-01West African Dance IMensah,Helen    
.M.W... 06:30PM-08:30PM; TST001;

Earth and Environmental Sciences - Spring 2007

E&ES101-01Dynamic EarthResor,Phillip G.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; SCIE405;
E&ES106-01Introduction to OceanographyO'Connell,Suzanne B.   
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; SCIE121;
E&ES115-01Introduction to Planetary GeologyGilmore,Martha S.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE121;
E&ES154-01Volcanoes of the WorldVarekamp,Johan C.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; SCIE405;
E&ES199-01Introduction to Environmental ScienceVarekamp,Johan C.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE58;

East Asian Studies Program - Spring 2007

EAST102-01Elementary ChineseLiu,Mengjun    
.M.W.F. 03:10PM-04:00PM; ..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; .M..... 04:30PM-05:20PM; FISK314; FISK314; FISK312;
EAST165-01Anthropology of Contemporary Chinese ArtDowdey,Patrick    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK413;
EAST180-01Great Traditions of Asian ArtBest,Jonathan W.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; DAC300;
EAST204-01Intermediate ChineseLiu,Mengjun    
...W... 04:10PM-05:00PM; .MT.R.. 07:00PM-07:50PM; FISK314; FISK314;
EAST242-01Buddhism: An IntroductionWillis,Janice D.   
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE58;

Economics - Spring 2007

ECON101-01Introduction to EconomicsRayack,Wendy    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; SHAN107;
ECON110-01Introduction to Economic TheoryYohe,Gary W.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; PAC001;
ECON110-02Introduction to Economic TheorySkillman,Gilbert L.   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; PAC001;
ECON129-01Selected Problems in American Criminal LawAdelstein,Richard P.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC422;

English - Spring 2007

ENGL107-01The City in American FictionPemberton,Gayle    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; CAAS LOUNG;
ENGL114-01The Literature and Legacy of Oscar WildeVincent,John Emil   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK412;
ENGL129-01Resisting the Romance in Black and White and TechnicolorduCille,Ann    
...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; CAAS LOUNG;
ENGL156-01Approaches to Writing Creative NonfictionBarber,Charles Matthew   
...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; FISK114;
ENGL163-01Distinguished Writers/New VoicesGreene,Anne F.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; DWNY113;
ENGL186-01Recent American FictionTölölyan,Khachig    
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; FISK210;

Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department - Spring 2007

FGSS118-01Reproduction in the 21st CenturyGrabel,Laura B.   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE121;
FGSS125-01Women, Rights, Islam and ModernityBaldine,Joanne    
...W.F. 01:10PM-02:30PM; RUSSNEUM;
FGSS207-01Gender in a Transnational PerspectiveSharma,Aradhana    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK302;
FGSS219-01Women in U.S. HistoryEmberton,Carole Tereza   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; PAC125;

College of Film and the Moving Image - Spring 2007

FILM304-01History of World Cinema to the1960sHiggins,Scott    
.M.W... 01:10PM-04:30PM; CFS100;

French - Spring 2007

FREN102-01French in Action IIOstrow,Catherine R.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK305;
FREN102-02French in Action IIOstrow,Catherine R.   
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; FISK404;
FREN112-01Intermediate FrenchSolomon,Julie Helen   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; JUDD113;
FREN112-02Intermediate FrenchShapiro,Norman R.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK101;
FREN215-01Composition and ConversationLalande,Christine    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK116;
FREN215-02Composition and ConversationLalande,Christine    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK116;

German Literature in English - Spring 2007

GELT268-01Understanding Modernity: Marx, Nietzsche, FreudPlass,Ulrich    
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK414;

German - Spring 2007

GELT268-01Understanding Modernity: Marx, Nietzsche, FreudPlass,Ulrich    
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK414;

Government - Spring 2007

GOVT101-01Introduction to Political ScienceRutland,Peter    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC002;
GOVT151-01American Government and PoliticsMurphy,Russell D.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; PAC004;
GOVT151-02American Government and PoliticsPrice,Melanye    
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; PAC002;
GOVT155-01International PoliticsGreenhill,Kelly M.   
.M.W... 08:30AM-09:50AM; PAC421;
GOVT157-01Democracy and Dictatorship: Politics in the Contemporary WorldSaito,Jun    
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; PAC004;

Greek - Spring 2007

GRK102-01Introduction to Ancient Greek: Semester IIMeyer,Martina E   
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; .....F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; DWNY208; DWNY208;

German Studies - Spring 2007

GRST102-01Elementary GermanGrant,Vera K.B.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK412;
GRST102-02Elementary GermanGrant,Vera K.B.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK412;
GRST268-01Understanding Modernity: Marx, Nietzsche, FreudPlass,Ulrich    
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK414;

Hebrew - Spring 2007

HEBR102-01Elementary HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK210;
HEBR202-01Intermediate HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK210;

Hebrew Studies - Spring 2007

HEST215-01Jewish Musical WorldsSlobin,Mark    
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; RHH003;

History - Spring 2007

HIST123-01The New England Century: Sin, Superstition, and Society in Early America, 1630-1704Swinehart,Kirk Davis   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; CAMS 3;
HIST124-01The Enlightenment and the Birth of the Modern WorldPrinty,Michael O.   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; BTFDA414;
HIST219-01Russian and Soviet History 1881 to the PresentPomper,Philip    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; PAC004;
HIST233-01The Age of AugustusCaldwell,Lauren Elizabeth   
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; DWNY113;
HIST239-01The Long 19th Century in the United StatesHill,Patricia R.   
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; PAC002;
HIST242-01Introduction to Modern African American HistoryRomano,Renee Christine   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC002;
HIST244-01Women in U.S. HistoryEmberton,Carole Tereza   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; PAC125;
HIST250-01Romans and Christians: The World of Late AntiquityRoberts,Michael J.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; DWNY113;
HIST251-01World History: A Psychohistory of the Modern WorldPomper,Philip    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC104;
HIST271-01Modern Southeast AsiaDay,Tony    
...W.F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; PAC001;

Iberian Studies - Spring 2007

SPAN221-01Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Advanced Practice in SpanishMoreno-Nuño,Carmen    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK115;
SPAN221-02Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Advanced Practice in SpanishArmstrong Roche,Michael    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK404;

Italian - Spring 2007

ITAL102-01Elementary Italian IILeo,Nella    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK414;
ITAL102-02Elementary Italian IIFiumara,Francesco    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; RLANB2;
ITAL102-03Elementary Italian IIFiumara,Francesco    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; RLANB2;

Alternative Language Study Options - Spring 2007

LANG158-01Elementary Arabic IIHamed,Yasir G.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK101;
LANG191-01Beginning American Sign Language IIMullen,Sheila M.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK116;
LANG258-01Intermediate Arabic IIHamed,Yasir G.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK101;
LANG291-01American Sign Language and Literacy SkillsMullen,Sheila M.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK414;

Latin American Studies Program - Spring 2007

LAST226-01Spanish American Literature and CivilizationEl Jaber,Loreley    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; RLAN106;

Latin - Spring 2007

LAT102-01First-Year Latin: Semester IICaldwell,Lauren Elizabeth   
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; .....F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; DWNY100; DWNY100;

Mathematics - Spring 2007

MATH118-01Introductory Calculus, Part II: Integration and Its ApplicationsReid,James D.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; SCIE618; SCIE618;
MATH118-02Introductory Calculus, Part II: Integration and Its ApplicationsFera,Joseph Louis   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; SCIE137; SCIE137;
MATH118-03Introductory Calculus, Part II: Integration and Its ApplicationsMcIntosh,Charlie Alexander   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; SCIE638; SCIE638;
MATH122-01Calculus I, Part IIReid,James D.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE141;
MATH122-02Calculus I, Part IIFrugale,James V.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE141;
MATH132-01Elementary StatisticsFrugale,James V.   
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; SCIE109;
MATH221-01Vectors and MatricesCollins,Karen L.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; SCIE109;
MATH221-02Vectors and MatricesDavis,Daniel G.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE638;
MATH222-01Multivariable CalculusHovey,Mark A.   
...W.F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; SCIE137;
MATH222-02Multivariable CalculusLockridge,Keir Hardie   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; SCIE139;
MATH223-01Linear AlgebraPollack,David    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE137;
MATH228-01Discrete MathematicsHovey,Mark A.   
...W.F. 02:40PM-04:00PM; SCIE139;

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry - Spring 2007

CHEM142-01Introductory Chemistry IIKnee,Joseph L.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM142-02Introductory Chemistry IIKnee,Joseph L.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE150; HALL84;
CHEM142-03Introductory Chemistry IIKnee,Joseph L.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ...W... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM142-04Introductory Chemistry IIKnee,Joseph L.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ...W... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM144-01Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE58; HALL51;
CHEM144-02Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE58; HALL6;
CHEM144-03Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE58; HALL6;
CHEM144-04Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE58; HALL51;
CHEM144-05Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE58; HALL56;
CHEM144-06Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE58; HALL6;
CHEM144-07Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; TBA; SCIE58; HALL71;
MB&B102-01Real Science Versus PsuedoscienceMarcucci,Melissa Jean   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; HALL84;
MB&B182-01Principles of Biology IICohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE150;
MB&B192-01Principles of Biology II--LaboratoryCohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE 90B;
MB&B192-02Principles of Biology II--LaboratoryCohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
.M..... 07:00PM-09:50PM; SCIE 90B;
MB&B192-03Principles of Biology II--LaboratoryCohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
..T.... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE 90B;
MB&B192-04Principles of Biology II--LaboratoryCohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE 90B;
MB&B203-01Copernicus, Darwin and the Human Genome ProjectLane,Robert P.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; SHAN201;

Medieval Studies Program - Spring 2007

MDST214-01Introduction to The New TestamentWills,Lawrence Mitchell   
...W.F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; SHAN107;
MDST275-01Romans and Christians: The World of Late AntiquityRoberts,Michael J.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; DWNY113;

Mathematics-Economics Program - Spring 2007

MATH118-01Introductory Calculus, Part II: Integration and Its ApplicationsReid,James D.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; SCIE618; SCIE618;
MATH118-02Introductory Calculus, Part II: Integration and Its ApplicationsFera,Joseph Louis   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; SCIE137; SCIE137;
MATH118-03Introductory Calculus, Part II: Integration and Its ApplicationsMcIntosh,Charlie Alexander   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; .M..... 12:00PM-01:00PM; SCIE638; SCIE638;
MATH122-01Calculus I, Part IIReid,James D.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE141;
MATH122-02Calculus I, Part IIFrugale,James V.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE141;

Music - Spring 2007

MUSC106-01History of European Art MusicAlden,Jane    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; RHH003;
MUSC111-01Music and Theater of IndonesiaSumarsam,Prof.    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; MST301;
MUSC120-01Orpheus and Eurydice: the Power of MusicLucier,Alvin A.   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; OLIN327B;
MUSC125-01Music and Downtown New York, 1950-1970Charry,Eric S.   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; MST301;
MUSC298-01Jewish Musical WorldsSlobin,Mark    
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; RHH003;

Neuroscience and Behavior Program - Spring 2007

BIOL182-01Principles of Biology IICohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; SCIE150;
BIOL192-01Principles of Biology II--LaboratoryCohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE 90B;
BIOL192-02Principles of Biology II--LaboratoryCohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
.M..... 07:00PM-09:50PM; SCIE 90B;
BIOL192-03Principles of Biology II--LaboratoryCohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
..T.... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE 90B;
BIOL192-04Principles of Biology II--LaboratoryCohan,Frederick M.   
Devoto,Stephen H.   
...W... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE 90B;
CHEM142-01Introductory Chemistry IIKnee,Joseph L.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:00PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM142-02Introductory Chemistry IIKnee,Joseph L.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE150; HALL84;
CHEM142-03Introductory Chemistry IIKnee,Joseph L.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ...W... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM142-04Introductory Chemistry IIKnee,Joseph L.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ...W... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE150; HALL56;
CHEM144-01Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE58; HALL51;
CHEM144-02Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; .M..... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE58; HALL6;
CHEM144-03Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE58; HALL6;
CHEM144-04Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 04:00PM-05:30PM; SCIE58; HALL51;
CHEM144-05Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE58; HALL56;
CHEM144-06Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; ..T.... 07:00PM-08:30PM; SCIE58; HALL6;
CHEM144-07Principles of Chemistry IIWestmoreland,T. David    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; TBA; SCIE58; HALL71;
PHYS112-01Introductory Physics IIWeinberger,Bob    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE150;

Physical Education - Spring 2007

PHED104-01GolfHauser,Francis J.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; QUARTER 4;
PHED106-01Fitness, BeginningCurry ,Walter Jr.    
.M.W.F. 12:00PM-12:50PM; QUARTER 3;
PHED106-02Fitness, BeginningWright,Donna M.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; QUARTER 4;
PHED107-01Inner Game of GolfWoodworth,Mark A.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; QUARTER 4;
PHED116-01Step AerobicsKlecha-Porter,Patricia    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; QUARTER 3;
PHED118-01Strength Training, IntroductionHauser,Francis J.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; QUARTER 3;
PHED118-02Strength Training, IntroductionMeredith,Eva Bergsten   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; QUARTER 3;
PHED118-03Strength Training, IntroductionCrooke,John T.   
.M.W.F. 02:40PM-03:30PM; QUARTER 3;
PHED118-04Strength Training, IntroductionMeredith,Eva Bergsten   
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; QUARTER 3;
PHED118-05Strength Training, IntroductionMullen,Kate    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; QUARTER 4;
PHED118-06Strength Training, IntroductionMullen,Kate    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; QUARTER 4;
PHED118-07Strength Training, IntroductionPotter,Christopher J.   
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; QUARTER 4;
PHED119-01Strength Training, AdvancedKlecha-Porter,Patricia    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; QUARTER 4;
PHED120-01Swimming, BeginningEmery,Elizabeth R.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; QUARTER 3;
PHED122-01Swimming for FitnessShea,Jennifer A.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; QUARTER 3;
PHED122-02Swimming for FitnessBlack,Drew    
.M.W.F. 02:40PM-03:30PM; QUARTER 3;
PHED122-03Swimming for FitnessBlack,Drew    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; QUARTER 4;
PHED122-04Swimming for FitnessBolich,Mary    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; QUARTER 4;
PHED124-01SquashWheeler,Geoffrey H.   
.M.W.F. 02:40PM-03:30PM; QUARTER 3;
.M.W.F. 02:40PM-03:30PM; QUARTER 4;
PHED130-01Skating, BeginningPotter,Christopher J.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; QUARTER 3;
PHED137-01Rowing for FitnessCarney,Philip D.   
.M.W... 02:40PM-04:00PM; QUARTER 3;
PHED139-01Running for FitnessCrooke,John T.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; QUARTER 4;
PHED149-01Self DefenseRaba,John G.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; QUARTER 3;
PHED169-01Indoor Technical ClimbingBiddiscombe,John S.   
.M.W... 08:30AM-09:50AM; QUARTER 4;

Philosophy - Spring 2007

PHIL111-01Women, Rights, Islam and ModernityBaldine,Joanne    
...W.F. 01:10PM-02:30PM; RUSSNEUM;
PHIL118-01Reproduction in the 21st CenturyGrabel,Laura B.   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE121;
PHIL201-01Philosophical Classics I: Ancient Western PhilosophyWerner,Dan    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; FISK302;
PHIL282-01Reason and Revelation: An Introduction to the Philosophy of ReligionRubenstein,Mary-Jane Victoria   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK210;

Physics - Spring 2007

PHYS105-01Contemporary Issues in PhysicsWeinberger,Bob    
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; SCIE109;
PHYS112-01Introductory Physics IIWeinberger,Bob    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE150;
PHYS116-01General Physics IIStarr,Francis W.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; SCIE58;
PHYS122-01Physics Laboratory IIHüwel,Lutz    
Rollefson,Robert J.   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE69;
PHYS122-02Physics Laboratory IIHüwel,Lutz    
Rollefson,Robert J.   
..T.... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE69;
PHYS122-03Physics Laboratory IIHüwel,Lutz    
Rollefson,Robert J.   
..T.... 07:00PM-09:50PM; SCIE69;
PHYS122-04Physics Laboratory IIHüwel,Lutz    
Rollefson,Robert J.   
...W... 07:00PM-09:50PM; SCIE69;
PHYS122-05Physics Laboratory IIHüwel,Lutz    
Rollefson,Robert J.   
....R.. 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE69;
PHYS122-06Physics Laboratory IIHüwel,Lutz    
Rollefson,Robert J.   
.....F. 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE69;
PHYS126-01Honors Physics Laboratory IIEllis,Fred M.   
.M..... 01:10PM-04:00PM; SCIE73;

Psychology - Spring 2007

PSYC105-01Foundations of Contemporary PsychologyStemler,Steven E.   
Carney,Sarah Kristin   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; SCIE150;
PSYC298-01World History: A Psychohistory of the Modern WorldPomper,Philip    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; PAC104;

Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies - Spring 2007

REES219-01Russian and Soviet History 1881 to the PresentPomper,Philip    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; PAC004;
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK302;

Religion - Spring 2007

HEBR102-01Elementary HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK210;
HEBR202-01Intermediate HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK210;
HEST215-01Jewish Musical WorldsSlobin,Mark    
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; RHH003;
RELI101-01Introduction to the Study of ReligionGottschalk,Peter S.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; PAC004;
RELI212-01Introduction to The New TestamentWills,Lawrence Mitchell   
...W.F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; SHAN107;
RELI214-01Reason and Revelation: An Introduction to the Philosophy of ReligionRubenstein,Mary-Jane Victoria   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK210;
RELI242-01Buddhism: An IntroductionWillis,Janice D.   
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE58;
RELI271-01The Enlightenment and the Birth of the Modern WorldPrinty,Michael O.   
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; BTFDA414;
RELI274-01Romans and Christians: The World of Late AntiquityRoberts,Michael J.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; DWNY113;

Russian - Spring 2007

RUSS102-01Elementary Russian IIWhite,Duffield    
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; ..T.R.. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK412; FISK412;
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; FISK302;

Sociology - Spring 2007

SOC151-01Introductory SociologyCutler,Jonathan    
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; PAC107;
SOC151-02Introductory SociologyOwens,Lynn    
.M.W... 11:00AM-12:20PM; PAC422;
SOC151-03Introductory SociologyLong,Daniel A.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; PAC002;
SOC151-04Introductory SociologyRabinovitch,Eyal    
.M.W... 08:30AM-09:50AM; PAC002;

Spanish - Spring 2007

SPAN102-01Elementary SpanishNeary,Louise C.   
.MTWRF. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK305;
SPAN102-02Elementary SpanishNeary,Louise C.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; ..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:20AM; FISK115; FISK115;
SPAN111-01Intermediate Spanish IFlores,Octavio    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK404;
SPAN112-01Intermediate Spanish IIFlores,Octavio    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK404;
SPAN112-02Intermediate Spanish IIPérez-Gironés,Ana M.   
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK413;
SPAN112-03Intermediate Spanish IIPérez-Gironés,Ana M.   
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK413;
SPAN112-04Intermediate Spanish IIDegiovanni,Fernando    
.M.W.F. 01:10PM-02:00PM; FISK413;
SPAN112-05Intermediate Spanish IIEl Jaber,Loreley    
.M.W.F. 02:10PM-03:00PM; FISK116;
SPAN221-01Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Advanced Practice in SpanishMoreno-Nuño,Carmen    
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; FISK115;
SPAN221-02Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Advanced Practice in SpanishArmstrong Roche,Michael    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK404;
SPAN226-01Spanish American Literature and CivilizationEl Jaber,Loreley    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; RLAN106;

Theater - Spring 2007

THEA105-01Basic Production TechniquesCarr,John F.   
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; THEA;
THEA348-01Music and Theater of IndonesiaSumarsam,Prof.    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; MST301;

African Studies Minor - Spring 2007

DANC260-01West African Dance IMensah,Helen    
.M.W... 06:30PM-08:30PM; TST001;

Christianity Studies - Spring 2007

CCIV275-01Romans and Christians: The World of Late AntiquityRoberts,Michael J.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; DWNY113;
RELI212-01Introduction to The New TestamentWills,Lawrence Mitchell   
...W.F. 11:00AM-12:20PM; SHAN107;

Jewish and Israel Studies - Spring 2007

HEBR102-01Elementary HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; FISK210;
HEBR202-01Intermediate HebrewKatz,Dalit    
.M.W.F. 11:00AM-11:50AM; FISK210;
MUSC298-01Jewish Musical WorldsSlobin,Mark    
..T.R.. 01:10PM-02:30PM; RHH003;

Southern Asia Studies - Spring 2007

ARHA180-01Great Traditions of Asian ArtBest,Jonathan W.   
..T.R.. 02:40PM-04:00PM; DAC300;
ARHA181-01Introduction to the Practice of Art History: Mughal IndiaWagoner,Phillip B.   
.M.W.F. 09:00AM-09:50AM; DAC300;
MUSC111-01Music and Theater of IndonesiaSumarsam,Prof.    
.M.W.F. 10:00AM-10:50AM; MST301;
RELI242-01Buddhism: An IntroductionWillis,Janice D.   
.M.W... 01:10PM-02:30PM; SCIE58;

Service Learning - Spring 2007

BIOL116-01Aging and the ElderlyWolfe,Jason S.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; SCIE0101;
LANG291-01American Sign Language and Literacy SkillsMullen,Sheila M.   
..T.R.. 09:00AM-10:20AM; FISK414;

Urban Studies - Spring 2007

CCIV275-01Romans and Christians: The World of Late AntiquityRoberts,Michael J.   
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; DWNY113;
ENGL107-01The City in American FictionPemberton,Gayle    
..T.R.. 10:30AM-11:50AM; CAAS LOUNG;

Last Updated on FEB-13-2025
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